Sunum: 'Occupational Stress'

Tarih: 27.02.2015
Zaman: 10:30-11:30  
Konuşmacılar: Dr.Ersin SOYLU ŞİRAY   
Düzenleyen: Yabancı Diller Bölümü
Yer: 1022 No'lu Konferans Salonu



Phone: +90 312 290 1434


Ersin Soylu has received her BA in English Language and Literature, MA in Counselling and Guidance, and PhD in Educational Administration. She has worked as instructor, tester, program coordinator and administrator in Hacettepe University. She has been currently working in Bilkent University, and has worked as an instructor, Writing Centre Tutor and Line Manager. She has numerous publications and has given presentations at national/international conferences. Her research interests include academic writing, tutoring, organizational climate and work stress.