Future Energy Leaders Başvuruları Başladı!
Future Energy Leaders Başvuruları Başladı!
Geleceğin enerji liderlerinden biri olmak istiyorsanız, World Energy Council (Dünya Enerji Konseyi)’nin FEL-100 Programında yerinizi alın.
- Enerji sektöründe en az 3 yıl deneyim,
- Enerji ile ilgili bir alanda uzmanlaşmış olmak,
- Kabul alınması halinde en az bir yıl FEL-100 Programında görev almak,
- İleri düzeyde İngilizce biliyor olmak,
- 35 yaşından büyük olmamak,
Son Başvuru: 28 Şubat 2020, 17:00 (GMT)
Başvuru linkine buradan ulaşabilirsiniz.
NOT: Adayların özgeçmişlerini ve iki profesyonel referans mektubunu başvuru sürecinde yüklemeleri gerekir.
Sadece tamamlanmış başvurular dikkate alınacaktır.
2020 Call for FEL Nominations We are now looking for the next set of the brightest young professionals to join the Council’s Future Energy Leaders programme. This is an opportunity for you to shape one of the Council’s key impact communities. Members of the FEL-100 get the opportunity to: · Contribute to the World Energy Council’s global energy dialogue · Help shape the energy solutions of tomorrow · Support the development of balanced policy frameworks |
Programme applicants have to meet the following essential criteria: · Solid interest and proven track record in energy; the CV indicates a specific achievement and the potential to become a leader in the energy sector · Obtained a bachelor’s degree or higher · Minimum of 3 years full-time post-graduate and professional experience in an energy-related field · Highly motivated and encouraged to work with the World Energy Council. Ready to show commitment to become a member of the FEL-100, remaining engaged for at least one year · Advanced level of English as the programme and all communications will be delivered in English · Not be more than 35 years old at the time of application (born on or after February 1985). |
The deadline for nominations is the 28th of February 2020, 5pm GMT. |
Candidates will only need to upload their CVs and two professional recommendation letters into the application. Only completed applications will be considered. |
Başvuru süreci ile ilgili herhangi bir konuda yardımcı olmaktan memnuniyet duyarız. (info@dunyaenerji.org.tr / 0 312 442 82 78-79)
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Tel: (312) 442 82 78 - 79
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