DML WORKSHOP FOR ENGLISH INSTRUCTORS ON ‘ How to teach college stduents Media Literacy’

DML WORKSHOP FOR ENGLISH INSTRUCTORS ON ‘ How to teach college stduents Media Literacy’

Date: 21.05.2018

Time :10:00-12:00

Venu SFL ROOM 614

Organized by : DML

All English instructors are invited


Cyndy Scheibe,  Professor, Department of Psychology Faculty, School of Humanities and Sciences Faculty, Culture and Communication

Cyndy Scheibe is a professor in the Dept. of Psychology  at Ithaca College, where she has  been teaching since 1986.   She  also teaches  Media Literacy & Popular Culture through the Dept. of Culture and Communication.

She is the founder and executive director of Project Look Sharp, a media literacy initiative of Humanities & Sciences that provides support, materials and training for the integration of media literacy across the curriculum in K-12 and post-secondary education.  In that role,She  helps to write and edit many curriculum kits, lessons, and other educational materials, including the booklet "12 Basic Ways to Integrate Media Literacy and Critical Thinking into Any Curriculum."

She is the co-author of The Teacher's Guide to Media Literacy: Critical Thinking in a Multimedia World (Corwin/Sage, 2012) with Faith Rogow, as well a number of articles about media literacy and media's influence on children.   

She has lived in Ithaca for more than 40 years, since she came to Cornell University as a freshman in 1972. Ms Schiebe and Dr. John Condry  established the Center for Research on the Effects of Television (CRETV) in 1983, and since his unexpected death in 1993 she has  continued the CRETV lab with her  undergraduate psychology students  at Ithaca College.