Literature-based Conferences
Okutman Ladan Amir Safaei
July, 2013
July, 2013
In line with my PhD studies in English Literature and Culture at Atilim University, frequently I attend both national and international conferences on literature and culture in order to widen my horizon and follow the new trends and practices in the field. As the example of these conferences, last year I attended ESSE Conference in September 2012 which was organized by Boğaziçi University in Istanbul and I presented a paper on Identity in line with my PhD dissertation. This year (2013) I attended The Postgraduate Conference organized by Çankaya University in May and there I presented a paper on Identity Crisis. This study is again in line with the theories in my dissertation.
In July 2013, I attended METU Northern Cyprus Conference on Cultural Differences which was a really helpful conference since it gathered many scholars from different fields. There again I presented a paper on children’s identity development.
Although all these conferences might seem to be the means for personal development, I should say that by presenting papers in a real conference as a person who teaches Eng 202 Presentation Skills Course at Atilim, I personally experienced the difficulties that the students might face during their speech. Keeping this in mind, I tried to develop strategies to help them overcome their problems in this regard. Thus, the advantage of academic studies in Literature and Culture that from time to time is considered far from ELT can be directly reflected in your teaching which is both good for you and your students.

Although all these conferences might seem to be the means for personal development, I should say that by presenting papers in a real conference as a person who teaches Eng 202 Presentation Skills Course at Atilim, I personally experienced the difficulties that the students might face during their speech. Keeping this in mind, I tried to develop strategies to help them overcome their problems in this regard. Thus, the advantage of academic studies in Literature and Culture that from time to time is considered far from ELT can be directly reflected in your teaching which is both good for you and your students.