Avrupa Birliği H2020 Proje Çağrı Takvimi

Avrupa Birliği H2020 Proje Çağrı Takvimine ulaşmak için tıklayınız.


Destek Programı Adı Çağrı Kodu Çağrı Açıklaması Son Başvuru Tarihi
AB H2020- Toplumsal Zorluklar H2020-LCE-2014-4 •LCE-22-2014: Fostering the network of National Contact Points Nisan 01, 2014
AB H2020- Toplumsal Zorluklar H2020-LCE-2014-1 •LCE-01-2014: New knowledge and technologies
•LCE-11-2014: Developing next generation technologies for biofuels and sustainable alternative fuels
•LCE-15-2014: Enabling decarbonisation of the fossil fuel-based power sector and energy intensive industry through CCS
•LCE-02-2014: Developing the next generation technologies of renewable electricity and heating/cooling
•LCE-16-2014: Understanding, preventing and mitigating the potential environmental impacts and risks of shale gas exploration and exploitation
Nisan 01, 2014
AB 2020- Mükemmel Bilim H2020-FETPROACT-2014 •FETPROACT-2-2014: Knowing, doing, being: cognition beyond problem solving
•FETPROACT-3-2014: Quantum simulation
•FETPROACT-1-2014: Global Systems Science (GSS)
Nisan 01, 2014
AB H2020- Mükemmel Bilim H2020-MSCA-NCP-2014 •MSCA-NCP-2014: Trans-national cooperation among Marie Sklodowska-Curie National Contact Points (NCP) Nisan 02, 2014
AB H2020- Endüstriyel Liderlik H2020-INNOSUP-2014-4 •INNOSUP-4-2014: European label for innovation voucher programmes Nisan 02, 2014
AB H2020- Endüstriyel Liderlik H2020-INNOSUP-2014-3 •INNOSUP-3-2014: IPorta 2 Nisan 02, 2014
AB H2020- Endüstriyel Liderlik H2020-INNOSUP-2014-2 •INNOSUP-2-2014: IPR helpdesk Nisan 02, 2014
AB H2020- Endüstriyel Liderlik H2020-Galileo-2014-1 •GALILEO-1-2014: EGNSS applications
•GALILEO-3-2014: Releasing the potential of EGNSS applications through international cooperation
•GALILEO-4-2014: EGNSS awareness raising, capacity building and/or promotion activities, inside or outside of the European Union
•GALILEO-2-2014: Small and Medium Enterprise (SME) based EGNSS applications
Nisan 03, 2014
AB H2020 - Toplumsal Sorunlar H2020-WATER-2014-one-stage •WATER-3-2014: Stepping up EU research and innovation cooperation in the water area
•WATER-4a-2014: Dissemination and exploitation, ICT, knowledge, gaps, research needs, etc
•WATER-5a-2014: Strategic cooperation partnerships
Nisan 08, 2014
AB H2020- Toplumsal Zorluklar H2020-SC5-2014-two-stage •SC5-03a-2014: Economic assessment of climate change
•SC5-16-2014: Making Earth Observation and Monitoring Data usable for ecosystem modelling and services
•SC5-03b-2014: Linkages between climate change actions and sustainable development
•SC5-01-2014: Advanced Earth-system models
•SC5-06-2014: Biodiversity and ecosystem services: drivers of change and causalities
Nisan 08, 2014
AB H2020- Toplumsal Zorluklar H2020-SC5-2014-one-stage •SC5-05a-2014: Climate change mitigation options
•SC5-09-2014: Consolidating the European Research Area on biodiversity and ecosystem services
•SC5-10a-2014: Enhancing mapping ecosystems and their services
•SC5-11a-2014: Mining of small and complex deposits and alternative mining
•SC5-12a-2014: Materials for electronic devices
•SC5-13a-2014: Mineral deposits of public importance
•SC5-14-2014: Consolidating global knowledge on the green economy in support of sustainable development objectives in Europe and internationally
•SC5-18a-2014: Coordinating European Observation Networks to reinforce the knowledge base for climate, natural resources and raw materials
•SC5-19a-2014: Facilitating transnational cooperation between NCPs in Societal Challenge 5
•SC5-10b-2014: Structuring research on soil, land-use and land management in Europe
•SC5-11b-2014: Flexible processing technologies
•SC5-13b-2014: Strategic international dialogues and cooperation on raw materials with technologically advanced countries
•SC5-08-2014: Preparing and promoting innovation procurement for soil decontamination
Nisan 08, 2014
AB H2020- Toplumsal Zorluklar H2020-WASTE-2014-two-stage •WASTE-2-2014: A systems approach for the reduction, recycling and reuse of food waste
•WASTE-1-2014: Moving towards a circular economy through industrial symbiosis
Nisan 08, 2014
AB H2020- Toplumsal Zorluklar H2020-WASTE-2014-one-stage •WASTE-4a-2014: An EU near-zero waste stakeholder platform
•WASTE-5-2014: Preparing and promoting innovation procurement for resource efficiency
•WASTE-4b-2014: Global waste dimension
•WASTE-4c-2014: Secondary raw materials inventory
•WASTE-3-2014: Recycling of raw materials from products and buildings
Nisan 08, 2014
AB H2020 - Toplumsal Sorunlar H2020-WATER-2014-two-stage •WATER-1a-2014: First application and market replication
•WATER-2a-2014: Water cycle under future climate
Nisan 08, 2014
AB H2020- Mükemmel Bilim H2020-MSCA-ITN-2014 •MSCA-ITN-2014-ETN: Marie Sklodowska-Curie Innovative Training Networks (ITN-ETN)
•MSCA-ITN-2014-EID: Marie Sklodowska-Curie Innovative Training Networks (ITN-EID)
•MSCA-ITN-2014-EJD: Marie Sklodowska-Curie Innovative Training Networks (ITN-EJD)
Nisan 09, 2014
AB H2020- Mükemmel Bilim H2020-FETFLAG-2014 •FETFLAG-1-2014: 2014: Framework Partnership Agreement
•FETFLAG-2-2014: 2014: Policy environment for FET Flagships
Nisan 10, 2014
AB H2020- Endüstriyel Liderlik H2020-CBTT-2014 •CBTT-1-2014: Capacity-Building in Technology Transfer Nisan 15, 2014
AB H2020- Endüstriyel Liderlik H2020-BIR-2014 •BIR-1-2014: Boosting the Investment-Readiness of SMEs and Small Midcaps Nisan 15, 2014
AB 7. Kapasiteler Özel Programı FP7-CDRP-2013-EUR-CD Career Development Nisan 15, 2014
AB H2020- Mükemmel Bilim H2020-EINFRA-2014-1 •EINFRA-2-2014: e-Infrastructure for Open Access Nisan 15, 2014
AB H2020- Toplumsal Zorluklar H2020-PHC-2014-single-stage •PHC-07-2014: Improving the control of infectious epidemics and foodborne outbreaks through rapid identification of pathogens
•PHC-08-2014: Vaccine development for poverty-related and neglected infectious diseases: tuberculosis
•PHC-15-2014: Clinical research on regenerative medicine
•PHC-19-2014: Advancing active and healthy ageing with ICT: service robotics within assisted living environments
•PHC-26-2014: Self management of health and disease: citizen engagement and mHealth
•PHC-31-2014: Foresight for health policy development and regulation
•PHC-20-2014: Advancing active and healthy ageing with ICT: ICT solutions for independent living with cognitive impairment
•PHC-34-2014: eHealth interoperability
Nisan 15, 2014
AB H2020- Toplumsal Zorluklar H2020-HCO-2014 •HCO-01-2014: Support for the European Innovation Partnership on Active and Healthy Ageing
•HCO-02-2014: Joint programming: Co-ordination action for the joint programming initiative (JPI) 'more years better lives the challenges and opportunities of demographic change'
•HCO-04-2014: Support for international infectious disease preparedness research
•HCO-05-2014: Global Alliance for Chronic Diseases: prevention and treatment of type 2 diabetes
•HCO-07-2014: ERA-NET: Establishing synergies between the Joint Programming on Neurodegenerative Diseases Research and Horizon 2020
•HCO-08-2014: ERA-NET: Aligning national/regional translational cancer research programmes and activities
•HCO-09-2014: ERA-NET: Systems medicine to address clinical needs
•HCO-10-2014: ERA NET rare disease research implementing IRDiRC objectives
•HCO-14-2014: Bridging the divide in European health research and innovation
•HCO-15-2014: Mobilisation and mutual learning action plan
•HCO-16-2014: National contact points
Nisan 15, 2014
AB H2020- Endüstriyel Liderlik H2020-ICT-2014-1 •ICT-01-2014: Smart Cyber-Physical Systems
•ICT-02-2014: Smart System Integration
•ICT-03-2014: Advanced Thin, Organic and Large Area Electronics (TOLAE) technologies
•ICT-05-2014: Smart Networks and novel Internet Architectures
•ICT-06-2014: Smart optical and wireless network technologies
•ICT-07-2014: Advanced Cloud Infrastructures and Services
•ICT-09-2014: Tools and Methods for Software Development
•ICT-11-2014: FIRE+ (Future Internet Research & Experimentation)
•ICT-13-2014: Web Entrepreneurship
•ICT-15-2014: Big data and Open Data Innovation and take-up
•ICT-17-2014: Cracking the language barrier
•ICT-18-2014: Support the growth of ICT innovative Creative Industries SMEs
•ICT-21-2014: Advanced digital gaming/gamification technologies
•ICT-22-2014: Multimodal and Natural computer interaction
•ICT-23-2014: Robotics
•ICT-26-2014: Photonics KET
•ICT-29-2014: Development of novel materials and systems for OLED lighting
•ICT-31-2014: Human-centric Digital Age
•ICT-32-2014: Cybersecurity, Trustworthy ICT
•ICT-33-2014: Trans-national co-operation among National Contact Points
•ICT-35-2014: Innovation and Entrepreneurship Support
Nisan 23, 2014
AB H2020- Mükemmel Bilim H2020-MSCA-RISE-2014 •MSCA-RISE-2014: Marie Sklodowska-Curie Research and Innovation Staff Exchange (RISE) Nisan 24, 2014
AB H2020-Toplumsal Zorluklar H2020-INSO-2014 •INSO-1-2014: ICT-enabled open government
•INSO-3-2014: The economic impact of the Innovation Union
•INSO-7-2014: Towards joint programming under Horizon 2020
•INSO-2-2014: Understanding and supporting business model innovation
•INSO-6-2014: Platform for ICT for Learning and Inclusion
•INSO-8-2014: Synchronised Call initiatives
Nisan 29, 2014
AB H2020- Toplumsal Zorluklar H2020-INT-INCO-2014 •INT-01-2014: Enhancing and focusing research and innovation cooperation with the Union’s key international partner countries - proposals targeting Russia and China
•INT-02-2014: Encouraging the research and innovation cooperation between the Union and selected regional partners – proposals targeting Black Sea, Middle East, Africa
Nisan 29, 2014
AB H2020 - Endüstriyel Liderlik H2020-NMP-CSA-2014 •NMP-09-2014: Networking of SMEs in the nano-biomedical sector
•NMP-27-2014: Coordination of EU and international efforts in safety of nanotechnology
•NMP-31-2014: Novel visualization tools for enhanced nanotechnology awareness
•NMP-33-2014: The materials 'common house'
•NMP-36-2014: Facilitating knowledge management, networking and coordination in NMP
•NMP-37-2014: Practical experience and facilitating combined funding for large-scale RDI initiatives
•NMP-38-2014: Presidency events
•NMP-39-2014: Support for NCPs
•NMP-34-2014: Networking and sharing of best practises in management of new advanced materials through the eco-design of products, eco-innovation, and product life cycle management
Mayıs 06, 2014
AB H2020 - Endüstriyel Liderlik H2020-NMP-2014-two-stage •NMP-10-2014: Biomaterials for the treatment of diabetes mellitus
•NMP-13-2014: Storage of energy produced by decentralised sources
•NMP-18-2014: Materials solutions for use in the creative industry sector
•NMP-20-2014: Widening materials models
•NMP-21-2014: Materials-based solutions for protection or preservation of European cultural heritage
•NMP-26-2014: Joint EU & MS activity on the next phase of research in support of regulation 'NANOREG II'
•NMP-28-2014: Assessment of environmental fate of nanomaterials
•NMP-35-2014: Business models with new supply chains for sustainable customer-driven small series production
Mayıs 06, 2014
AB H2020-Endüstriyel Liderlik H2020-NMP-PILOTS-2014 •NMP-01-2014: Open access pilot lines for cost-effective nanocomposites
•NMP-05-2014: Industrial-scale production of nanomaterials for printing applications
•NMP-08-2014: Scale-up of nanopharmaceuticals production
•NMP-04-2014: High-definition printing of multifunctional materials
Mayıs 06, 2014
AB H2020- Toplumsal Zorluklar H2020-SCC-2014 •SCC-02-2014: Developing a framework for common, transparent data collection and performance measurement to allow comparability and replication between solutions and best-practice identification
•SCC-04-2014: Establishing networks of public procurers in local administrations on smart city solutions
•SCC-01-2014: Smart Cities and Communities solutions integrating energy, transport, ICT sectors through lighthouse (large scale demonstration - first of the kind) projects
Mayıs 07, 2014
AB H2020- Toplumsal Zorluklar H2020-LCE-2014-3 •LCE-04-2014: Market uptake of existing and emerging renewable electricity, heating and cooling technologies
•LCE-07-2014: Distribution grid and retail market
•LCE-08-2014: Local / small-scale storage
•LCE-10-2014: Next generation technologies for energy storage
•LCE-14-2014: Market uptake of existing and emerging sustainable bioenergy
•LCE-18-2014: Supporting Joint Actions on demonstration and validation of innovative energy solutions
Mayıs 07, 2014
AB H2020-Toplumsal Zorluklar H2020-DS-2014-1 •DS-01-2014: Privacy
•DS-02-2014: Access Control
•DS-06-2014: Risk management and assurance models
Mayıs 13, 2014
AB H2020- Mükemmel Bilim H2020-INFRASUPP-2014-1 •INFRASUPP-8-2014: Network of National Contact Points Mayıs 14, 2014
AB H2020- Mükemmel Bilim ERC-2014-CoG •ERC-CoG-2014: ERC Consolidator Grant Mayıs 20, 2014
AB H2020-Toplumsal Zorluklar H2020-REFLECTIVE-SOCIETY-2014 •REFLECTIVE-9-2014: Social Platform on Reflective Societies
•REFLECTIVE-1-2014: ERA-NET on Uses of the past
•REFLECTIVE-10-2014: Mobilising the network of National Contact Points in Societal Challenge 6
Haziran 03, 2014
AB H2020- Toplumsal Zorluklar H2020-YOUNG-SOCIETY-2014 •YOUNG-1-2014: Early job insecurity and labour market exclusion
•YOUNG-5a-2014: Societal and political engagement of young people and their perspectives on Europe
•YOUNG-5b-2014: Societal and political engagement of young people and their perspectives on Europe
•YOUNG-2-2014: Youth mobility: opportunities, impacts, policies
Haziran 03, 2014
AB H2020- Toplumsal Zorluklar H2020-EURO-SOCIETY-2014 •EURO-1-2014: Resilient and sustainable economic and monetary union in Europe
•EURO-4-2014: Political challenges for Europe
•EURO-2-2014: The European growth agenda
•EURO-3-2014: European societies after the crisis
Haziran 03, 2014
AB H2020- Toplumsal Zorluklar H2020-EE-2014-4-PDA •EE-20-2014: Project development assistance for innovative bankable and aggregated sustainable energy investment schemes and projects Haziran 05, 2014
AB H2020- Toplumsal Zorluklar H2020-EE-2014-2-RIA •EE-11-2014: New ICT-based solutions for energy efficiency
•EE-13-2014: Technology for district heating and cooling
•EE-12-2014: Socioeconomic research on energy efficiency
Haziran 05, 2014
AB H2020- Toplumsal Zorluklar H2020-EE-2014-3-MarketUptake •EE-04-2014: Construction skills
•EE-05-2014: Increasing energy performance of existing buildings through process and organisation innovations and creating a market for deep renovation
•EE-08-2014: Public procurement of innovative sustainable energy solutions
•EE-10-2014: Consumer engagement for sustainable energy
•EE-14-2014: Removing market barriers to the uptake of efficient heating and cooling solutions
•EE-15-2014: Ensuring effective implementation of EU product efficiency legislation
•EE-16-2014: Organisational innovation to increase energy efficiency in industry
•EE-19-2014: Improving the financeability and attractiveness of sustainable energy investments
•EE-21-2014: Development and market roll-out of innovative energy services and financial schemes for sustainable energy
•EE-07-2014: Enhancing the capacity of public authorities to plan and implement sustainable energy policies and measures
•EE-09-2014: Empowering stakeholders to assist public authorities in the definition and implementation of sustainable energy policies and measures
Haziran 05, 2014
AB H2020- Toplumsal Zorluklar H2020-BG-2014-1 •BG-11-2014: Monitoring, dissemination and uptake of marine and maritime research
•BG-14-2014: Supporting international cooperation initiatives: Atlantic Ocean Cooperation Research Alliance
•BG-05-2014: Preparing for the future innovative offshore economy
•BG-13-2014: Ocean literacy – Engaging with society – Social Innovation
•BG-15-2014: European polar research cooperation
Haziran 26, 2014
AB H2020- Toplumsal Liderlik H2020-SFS-2014-1 •SFS-06-2014: Sustainable intensification pathways of agro-food systems in Africa Haziran 26, 2014
AB H2020- Toplumsal Zorluklar H2020-ISIB-2014-1 •ISIB-02-2014: Closing the research and innovation divide: the crucial role of innovation support services and knowledge exchange
•ISIB-07-2014: Public procurement networks on innovative bio-based products
•ISIB-08a-2014: Engaging society, reaching end users and linking with policy makers for a participative governance of the bioeconomy
•ISIB-09-2014: Supporting National Contact Points for Horizon 2020 Societal Challenge 2 on ‘Food Security, Sustainable Agriculture, Marine and Maritime Research and the Bioeconomy’ and the Key Enabling Technology (KET) ‘Biotechnology’
•ISIB-11-2014: Coordination action in support of the implementation by participating States of a Joint Programming Initiative on Agriculture, Food Security and Climate Change
•ISIB-08b-2014: Bridging research and innovation efforts for a sustainable bioeconomy
•ISIB-12a-2014: Sustainable and resilient agriculture for food and non-food systems
•ISIB-10-2014: Networking of Bioeconomy relevant ERA-NETs
Haziran 26, 2014
AB H2020- Toplumsal Zorluklar H2020-FCT-2014 •FCT-07-2014: Law enforcement capabilities topic 3: Pan European platform for serious gaming and training
•FCT-08-2014: Law enforcement capabilities topic 4: Trans-national cooperation among public end-users in security research stakeholders
•FCT-10-2014: Urban security topic 1: Innovative solutions to counter security challenges connected with large urban environment
•FCT-11-2014: Urban security topic 2: Countering the terrorist use of an explosive threat, across the timeline of a plot, including the detection of explosives in a flow
•FCT-12-2014: Urban security topic 3: Minimum intrusion tools for de-escalation during mass gatherings improving citizens' protection
•FCT-13-2014: Ethical/Societal Dimension Topic 1: Factors affecting (in-) security
•FCT-14-2014: Ethical/Societal Dimension Topic 2: Enhancing cooperation between law enforcement agencies and citizens - Community policing
•FCT-05-2014: Law enforcement capabilities topic 1: Develop novel monitoring systems and miniaturised sensors that improve Law Enforcement Agencies' evidence- gathering abilities
Ağustos 28, 2014
AB H2020- Toplumsal Zorluklar H2020-BES-2014 •BES-01-2014: Maritime Border Security topic 1: radar systems for the surveillance of coastal and pre-frontier areas and in support of search and rescue operations
•BES-09-2014: Supply Chain Security topic 2: Technologies for inspections of large volume freight
•BES-11-2014: Information management topic 2: Information management, systems and infrastructure for civilian EU External Actions
•BES-12-2014: Conflict prevention and peace building topic 1: Enhancing the civilian conflict prevention and peace building capabilities of the EU
•BES-03-2014: Maritime Border Security topic 3: Light optionally piloted vehicles (and sensors) for maritime surveillance
•BES-14-2014: Ethical Societal Dimension topic 1: Human factors in border control
Ağustos 28, 2014
AB H2020- Toplumsal Zorluklar H2020-DRS-2014 •DRS-02-2014: Crisis management topic 2: Tools for detection, traceability, triage and individual monitoring of victims after a mass CBRNE contamination and/or exposure
•DRS-04-2014: Crisis management topic 4: Feasibility study for strengthening capacity-building for health and security protection in case of large-scale pandemics – Phase I Demo
•DRS-07-2014: Crisis management topic 7: Crises and disaster resilience – operationalizing resilience concepts
•DRS-08-2014: Crisis management topic 8: Trans-national co-operation among National Contact Points (NCPs) for Security
•DRS-16-2014: Critical Infrastructure Protection topic 6: Improving the aviation security chain
•DRS-18-2014: Communication technologies and interoperability topic 1: interoperable next generation of broadband radio communication system for public safety and security - Pre-commercial Procurement (PcP)
•DRS-19-2014: Communication technologies and interoperability topic 2: Next generation emergency services
•DRS-20-2014: Ethical/Societal Dimension topic 1: Improving protection of Critical infrastructures from insider threats
•DRS-05-2014: Crisis management topic 5: Situation awareness of Civil Protection decision-making solutions – preparing the ground for a PCP
•DRS-09-2014: Disaster Resilience & Climate Change topic 1: Science and innovation for adaptation to climate change: from assessing costs, risks and opportunities to demonstration of options and practices
•DRS-21-2014: Ethical/Societal Dimension topic 2: Better understanding the links between culture, risk perception and disaster management
Ağustos 28, 2014
AB H2020 - Toplumsal Sorunlar H2020-MG-2014_SingleStage_B •MG-9.6-2014: Strengthening the research and innovation strategies of the transport industries in Europe
•MG-7.2b-2014: Towards seamless mobility addressing fragmentation in ITS deployment in Europe
•MG-8.1b-2014: Smarter design, construction and maintenance
•MG-8.2b-2014: Next generation transport infrastructure: resource efficient, smarter and safer
•MG-3.5b-2014: Cooperative ITS for safe, congestion-free and sustainable mobility
Ağustos 28, 2014
AB H2020 - Toplumsal Sorunlar H2020-GV-2014 •GV-1-2014: Next generation of competitive Li-ion batteries to meet customer expectations
•GV-2-2014: Optimised and systematic energy management in electric vehicles
•GV-3-2014: Future natural gas powertrains and components for cars and vans
•GV-4-2014: Hybrid light and heavy duty vehicles
•GV-5-2014: Electric two-wheelers and new ultra-light vehicle concepts
•GV-7-2014: Future alternative fuel powertrains and components for heavy duty vehicles
Ağustos 28, 2014
AB H2020- Mükemmel Bilim H2020-INFRAIA-2014-2015 •INFRAIA-1-2014-2015: Integrating and opening existing national and regional research infrastructures of European interest Eylül 02, 2014
AB H2020- Mükemmel Bilim H2020-INFRADEV-1-2014-1 •INFRADEV-1-2014: Design studies
•INFRADEV-4-2014-2015: Implementation and operation of cross-cutting services and solutions for clusters of ESFRI and other relevant research infrastructure initiatives
Eylül 02, 2014
AB H2020- Mükemmel Bilim H2020-EINFRA-2014-2 •EINFRA-1-2014: Managing, preserving and computing with big research data
•EINFRA-4-2014: Pan-European High Performance Computing infrastructure and services
•EINFRA-7-2014: Provision of core services across e-infrastructures
•EINFRA-8-2014: Research and Education Networking – GÉANT
•EINFRA-3-2014: Towards global data e-infrastructures – Research Data Alliance
•EINFRA-6-2014: Network of HPC Competence Centres for SMEs
Eylül 02, 2014
AB H2020- Mükemmel Bilim H2020-INFRASUPP-2014-2 •INFRASUPP-1-2014: Innovation support measures
•INFRASUPP-3-2014: Strengthening the human capital of research infrastructures
•INFRASUPP-5-2014: Policy measures for research infrastructures
•INFRASUPP-6-2014: International cooperation for research infrastructures
•INFRASUPP-7-2014: e-Infrastructure policy development and international cooperation
Eylül 02, 2014
AB H2020- Toplumsal Zorluklar H2020-LCE-2015-1 •LCE-02-2015: Developing the next generation technologies of renewable electricity and heating/cooling
•LCE-11-2015: Developing next generation technologies for biofuels and sustainable alternative fuels
•LCE-15-2015: Enabling decarbonisation of the fossil fuel-based power sector and energy intensive industry through CCS
•LCE-17-2015: Highly flexible and efficient fossil fuel power plants
Eylül 03, 2014
AB H2020- Toplumsal Zorluklar H2020-LCE-2014-2 •LCE-03-2014: Demonstration of renewable electricity and heating/cooling technologies
•LCE-12-2014: Demonstrating advanced biofuel technologies
•LCE-19-2014: Supporting coordination of national R&D activities
•LCE-20-2014: The human factor in the energy system
Eylül 10, 2014
AB H2020 - Mükemmelliği Yaymak ve Katılımın Genişletilmesi H2020-WIDESPREAD-2014-1 •WIDESPREAD-1-2014: Teaming Eylül 17, 2014
AB H2020- Dolaylı Eylem NFRP-2014-2015 •NFRP-01-2014: Improved safety design and operation of fission reactors
•NFRP-04-2014: EU concerted development of Member State research on radioactive waste management
•NFRP-07-2015: Integrating radiation research in the European Union
•NFRP-10-2014: Education and training (Bologna and Copenhagen processes)
•NFRP-11-2015: Modelling and analysing the energy system, its transformation and impacts.
•NFRP-15-2014: Specific support to the work of the Sustainable Nuclear Energy Technology Platform
•NFRP-02-2014: Tool for the fast and reliable prediction of severe accident progression and anticipation of the source term of a nuclear accident
•NFRP-06-2014: Supporting the implementation of the first-of-the-kind geological repositories
•NFRP-08-2015: High density uranium fuel and targets for the production of medical radioisotopes
•NFRP-09-2015: Transmutation of minor actinides (Towards industrial application)
•NFRP-12-2015: Nuclear developments and interaction with society
•NFRP-13-2014: Fostering the network of National Contact Points
•NFRP-14-2014: Regional initiative aiming at nuclear research and training capacity building
•NFRP-03-2014: New innovative approaches to reactor safety
•NFRP-05-2014: Supporting the licensing of geological repositories
Eylül 17, 2014
AB H2020- Mükemmel Bilim H2020-FETOPEN-2014-2015-2 •FETOPEN-2-2014: Coordination and Support Activities Eylül 30, 2014
AB H2020- Toplumsal Zorluklar H2020-REFLECTIVE-7-2014 •REFLECTIVE-7-2014: Advanced 3D modelling for accessing and understanding European cultural assets Eylül 30, 2014
AB H2020- Mükemmel Bilim ERC-2014-PoC •ERC-PoC-2014: ERC Proof of Concept Grant Ekim 01, 2014
AB H2020- Toplum ile ve Toplum için Bilim H2020-GERI-2014-1 •GERI-1-2014: Innovative approach to communication encouraging girls to study science
•GERI-4-2014: Support to research organisations to implement gender equality plans
•GERI-2-2014: Impact of gender diversity on Research & Innovation
Ekim 02, 2014
AB H2020- Toplum ile ve Toplum için Bilim H2020-GARRI-2014-1 •GARRI-1-2014: Fostering RRI uptake in current research and innovations systems
•GARRI-3-2014: Scientific Information in the Digital Age: Text and Data Mining (TDM)
•GARRI-5-2014: Ethics in Research: Promoting Integrity
•GARRI-6-2014: Reducing the risk of exporting non ethical practices to third countries
Ekim 02, 2014
AB H2020- Toplum ile ve Toplum için Bilim H2020-SEAC-2014-1 •SEAC-1-2014: Innovative ways to make science education and scientific careers attractive to young people
•SEAC-3-2014: Trans-national operation of the EURAXESS Service network
•SEAC-2-2014: Responsible Research and Innovation in Higher Education Curricula
Ekim 02, 2014
AB H2020- Toplum ile ve Toplum için Bilim H2020-ISSI-2014-1 •ISSI-1-2014: Pan-European public outreach: exhibitions and science cafés engaging citizens in science
•ISSI-2-2014: Citizens and multi-actor engagement for scenario building
•ISSI-5-2014: Supporting structural change in research organisations to promote Responsible Research and Innovation
Ekim 02, 2014
AB H2020 - Endüstriyel Liderlik H2020-NMP-GV-2014 •NMP-17-2014: Post-lithium ion batteries for electric automotive applications Ekim 07, 2013
AB H2020- Toplumsal Zorluklar H2020-PHC-2015-two-stage •PHC-04-2015: Health promotion and disease prevention: improved inter-sector co-operation for environment and health based interventions
•PHC-14-2015: New therapies for rare diseases
•PHC-16-2015: Tools and technologies for advanced therapies
•PHC-22-2015: Promoting mental wellbeing in the ageing population
•PHC-24-2015: Piloting personalised medicine in health and care systems
•PHC-11-2015: Development of new diagnostic tools and technologies: in vivo medical imaging technologies
•PHC-18-2015: Establishing effectiveness of health care interventions in the paediatric population
•PHC-33-2015: New approaches to improve predictive human safety testing
•PHC-02-2015: Understanding disease: systems medicine
•PHC-03-2015: Understanding common mechanisms of diseases and their relevance in co-morbidities
Ekim 14, 2014
EU H2020 Mükemmelliği Yaymak ve Katılımı Arttırmak H2020-WIDESPREAD-2014-2 •WIDESPREAD-2-2014: ERA Chairs Ekim 15,2014
AB H2020- Toplumsal Zorluklar H2020-SC5-2015-two-stage •SC5-07-2015: More effective ecosystem restoration in the EU
•SC5-17-2015: Demonstrating the concept of 'Citizen Observatories'
•SC5-04-2015: Improving the air quality and reducing the carbon footprint of European cities
Ekim 16, 2014
AB H2020- Toplumsal Zorluklar H2020-WASTE-2015-two-stage •WASTE-6a-2015: Eco-innovative solutions
•WASTE-6b-2015: Eco-innovative strategies
•WASTE-7-2015: Ensuring sustainable use of agricultural waste, co-products and by-products
Ekim 16, 2014
AB H2020 - Toplumsal Sorunlar H2020-WATER-2015-two-stage •WATER-1b-2015: Demonstration/pilot activities
•WATER-2b-2015: Integrated approaches to food security, low-carbon energy, sustainable water management and climate change mitigation:
•WATER-5c-2015: Development of water supply and sanitation technology, systems and tools, and/or methodologies
Ekim 16, 2014
AB H2020- Mükemmel Bilim H2020-FETHPC-2014 •FETHPC-2-2014: HPC Ecosystem Development
•FETHPC-1-2014: HPC Core Technologies, Programming Environments and Algorithms for Extreme Parallelism and Extreme Data Applications
Kasım 25, 2014
AB H2020- Endüstriyel Liderlik H2020-ICT-2014-2 •ICT-14-2014: Advanced 5G Network Infrastructure for the Future Internet Kasım 25, 2014
AB H2020- Endüstriyel Liderlik H2020-PROTEC-2015 •PROTEC-1-2015: Passive means to reduce the impact of Space Debris Kasım 27, 2014
AB H2020- Endüstriyel Liderlik H2020-EO-2015 •EO-1-2015: Bringing EO applications to the market
•EO-3-2015: Technology developments for competitive imaging from space
•EO-2-2015: Stimulating wider research use of Copernicus Sentinel Data
Kasım 27, 2014
AB H2020- Endüstriyel Liderlik H2020-COMPET-2015 •COMPET-02-2015: Independent access to space
•COMPET-03-2015: Bottom-up space technologies at low TRL
•COMPET-05-2015: Scientific exploitation of astrophysics, comets, and planetary data
•COMPET-01-2015: Technologies for European non-dependence and competitiveness
•COMPET-04-2015: Space exploration – Habitat management
•COMPET-06-2015: International Cooperation in space science
Kasım 27, 2014
AB H2020- Endüstriyel Liderlik H2020-FoF-2015 •FoF-08-2015: ICT-enabled modelling, simulation, analytics and forecasting technologies
•FoF-10-2015: Manufacturing of custom made parts for personalised products
•FoF-12-2015: Industrial technologies for advanced joining and assembly processes for multi-materials
•FoF-13-2015: Re-use and remanufacturing technologies and equipment for sustainable product lifecycle management
•FoF-14-2015: Integrated design and management of production machinery and processes
•FoF-09-2015: ICT Innovation for Manufacturing SMEs (I4MS)
•FoF-11-2015: Flexible production systems based on integrated tools for rapid reconfiguration of machinery and robots
Aralık 09, 2014
AB H2020- Endüstriyel Liderlik H2020-EeB-2015 •EeB-05-2015: Innovative design tools for refurbishing of buildings at district level
•EeB-06-2015: Integrated solutions of thermal energy storage for building applications
•EeB-08-2015: Integrated approach to retrofitting of residential buildings
•EeB-07-2015: New tools and methodologies to reduce the gap between predicted and actual energy performances at the level of buildings and blocks of buildings
Aralık 09, 2014
AB H2020- Toplumsal Zorluklar H2020-EE-2015-1-PPP •EE-02-2015: Buildings design for new highly energy performing buildings
•EE-18-2015: New technologies for utilization of heat recovery in large industrial systems, considering the whole energy cycle from heat production to transformation, delivery and end use
Aralık 09, 2014
AB H2020- Endüstriyel Liderlik H2020-SPIRE-2015 •SPIRE-06-2015: Energy and resource management systems for improved efficiency in the process industries
•SPIRE-08-2015: Solids handling for intensified process technology
•SPIRE-05-2015: New adaptable catalytic reactor methodologies for Process Intensification
•SPIRE-07-2015: Recovery technologies for metals and other minerals
Aralık 09, 2014
AB H2020-Endüstriyel Liderlik H2020-INNOSUP-2014-5 •INNOSUP-5-2014: peer learning of innovation agencies Aralık 16, 2014
AB H2020 - Endüstriyel Liderlik H2020-SMEINST-1-2014 •Space-SME-2014-1: SME Instrument
•ICT-37-2014-1: Open Disruptive Innovation Scheme (implemented through the SME instrument)
•NMP-25-2014-1: Accelerating the uptake of nanotechnologies, advanced materials or advanced manufacturing and processing technologies by SMEs
•PHC-12-2014-1: Clinical validation of biomarkers and/or diagnostic medical devices
•SFS-08-2014-1: Resource-efficient eco-innovative food production and processing
•BG-12-2014-1: Supporting SMEs efforts for the development - deployment and market replication of innovative solutions for blue growth
•SIE-01-2014-1: Stimulating the innovation potential of SMEs for a low carbon energy system
•IT-1-2014-1: Small business innovation research for Transport
•SC5-20-2014-1: Boosting the potential of small businesses for eco-innovation and a sustainable supply of raw materials
•DRS-17-2014-1: Critical infrastructure protection topic 7: SME instrument topic: “Protection of Urban soft targets and urban critical infrastructures”
•BIOTEC-5a-2014-1: SME boosting biotechnology-based industrial processes driving competitiveness and sustainability
Aralık 17, 2014
AB H2020 - Endüstriyel Liderlik H2020-SMEINST-2-2014 •SC5-20-2014: Boosting the potential of small businesses for eco-innovation and a sustainable supply of raw materials
•Space-SME-2014-2: SME Instrument
•SFS-08-2014: Resource-efficient eco-innovative food production and processing
•BG-12-2014: Supporting SMEs efforts for the development - deployment and market replication of innovative solutions for blue growth
•ICT-37-2014: Open Disruptive Innovation Scheme (implemented through the SME instrument)
•SIE-01-2014: Stimulating the innovation potential of SMEs for a low carbon energy system
•IT-1-2014: Small business innovation research for Transport
•NMP-25-2014: Accelerating the uptake of nanotechnologies, advanced materials or advanced manufacturing and processing technologies by SMEs
•DRS-17-2014: Critical infrastructure protection topic 7: SME instrument topic: “Protection of Urban soft targets and urban critical infrastructures”
•PHC-12-2014: Clinical validation of biomarkers and/or diagnostic medical devices
•BIOTEC-5a-2014: SME boosting biotechnology-based industrial processes driving competitiveness and sustainability
Aralık 17, 2014
AB H2020- Toplumsal Zorluklar H2020-INT-SOCIETY-2015 •INT-03-2015: Europe's contribution to a value-based global order and its contestants
•INT-04-2015: The European Union's contribution to global development: in search of greater policy coherence
•INT-05-2015: Rethinking the European Union crisis response mechanism in light of recent conflicts
•INT-06-2015: Re-invigorating the partnership between the two shores of the Mediterranean
•INT-07-2015: Towards a new geopolitical order in the South and East Mediterranean region
•INT-08-2015: The European Union and the Eastern Partnership
•INT-09-2015: The European Union, Turkey and its wider neighbourhood: challenges and opportunities
•INT-10-2015: The European Union and integration challenges in the Balkans
•INT-11-2015: European cultural and science diplomacy: exploiting the potential of culture and science in the EU’s external relations
•INT-12-2015: The cultural, scientific and social dimension of EU-LAC relations
Ocak 07, 2015
AB H2020- Toplumsal Zorluklar H2020-YOUNG-SOCIETY-2015 •YOUNG-4-2015: The young as a driver of social change
•YOUNG-3-2015: Lifelong learning for young adults: better policies for growth and inclusion in Europe
Ocak 07, 2015
AB H2020- Toplumsal Zorluklar H2020-EURO-SOCIETY-2015 •EURO-5-2015: ERA-NET on Smart Urban Futures Ocak 07, 2015
AB H2020- Toplumsal Zorluklar H2020-REFLECTIVE-SOCIETY-2015 •REFLECTIVE-2-2015: Emergence and transmission of European cultural heritage and Europeanisation
•REFLECTIVE-3-2015: European cohesion, regional and urban policies and the perceptions of Europe
•REFLECTIVE-5-2015: The cultural heritage of war in contemporary Europe
•REFLECTIVE-8-2015: Communication and dissemination platform
•REFLECTIVE-4-2015: Cultural opposition in the former socialist countries
Ocak 07, 2015
AB H2020- Mükemmel Bilim H2020-INFRADEV-1-2015-1 •INFRADEV-2-2015: Preparatory Phase of ESFRI projects
•INFRADEV-3-2015: Individual implementation and operation of ESFRI projects
Ocak 14, 2015
AB H2020- Mükemmel Bilim H2020-EINFRA-2015-1 •EINFRA-9-2015: e-Infrastructures for virtual research environments (VRE)
•EINFRA-5-2015: Centres of Excellence for computing applications
Ocak 14, 2015
AB H2020- Mükemmel Bilim H2020-INFRASUPP-2015-1 •INFRASUPP-2-2015: Innovative procurement pilot action in the field of scientific instrumentation
•INFRASUPP-4-2015: New professions and skills for e-infrastructures
Ocak 14, 2015
AB H2020- Toplumsal Zorluklar H2020-INT-INCO-2015 •INT-01-2015: Enhancing and focusing research and innovation cooperation with the Union’s key international partner countries - proposals targeting Australia, USA, Brazil, South Africa, Ukraine
•INT-02-2015: Encouraging the research and innovation cooperation between the Union and selected regional partners – proposals targeting Southern Mediterranean Neighbourhood, Eastern Partnership
Ocak 20, 2015
AB H2020- Endüstriyel Liderlik H2020-INNOSUP-2015-3 •INNOSUP-7-2015: Professionalization of open innovation management in SMEs
•INNOSUP-8-2015: Measuring open innovation inputs and outputs in SMEs
Ocak 21, 2015
AB H2020- Endüstriyel Liderlik H2020-Galileo-2015-1 •GALILEO-2-2015: Small and Medium Enterprise (SME) based EGNSS applications
•GALILEO-1-2015: EGNSS applications
•GALILEO-3-2015: Releasing the potential of EGNSS applications through international cooperation
Şubat 04, 2015
AB H2020-Toplumsal Zorluklar H2020-BG-2015-2 •BG-02-2015: Forecasting and anticipating effects of climate change on fisheries and aquaculture
•BG-07-2015: Response capacities to oil spills and marine pollutions
•BG-01-2015: Improving the preservation and sustainable exploitation of Atlantic marine ecosystems
Şubat 24, 2015
AB H2020- Toplumsal Zorluklar H2020-SFS-2015-2 •SFS-02b-2015: Assessing soil-improving cropping systems
•SFS-05-2015: Strategies for crop productivity, stability and quality
•SFS-10b-2015: Scientific basis and tools for preventing and mitigating farmed mollusc diseases
•SFS-13-2015: Biological contamination of crops and the food chain
•SFS-16-2015: Tackling malnutrition in the elderly
•SFS-20-2015: Sustainable food chains through public policies: the cases of the EU quality policy and of public sector food procurement
•SFS-01c-2015: Assessing sustainability of terrestrial livestock production
•SFS-07b-2015: Management and sustainable use of genetic resources
•SFS-11b-2015: Consolidating the environmental sustainability of European aquaculture
•SFS-18-2015: Small farms but global markets: the role of small and familiy farms in food and nutrition security
Şubat 24, 2015
AB H2020- Toplumsal Zorluklar H2020-ISIB-2015-2 •ISIB-03-2015: Unlocking the growth potential of rural areas through enhanced governance and social innovation
•ISIB-04b-2015: Improved forest management models
•ISIB-06-2015: Converting CO2 into chemicals
Şubat 24, 2015
AB H2020 - Endüstriyel Liderlik H2020-LEIT-BIO-2015-1 •BIOTEC-2-2015: New bioinformatics approaches in service of biotechnology
•BIOTEC-6-2015: Metagenomics as innovation driver
Şubat 24, 2015
AB H2020- Toplumsal Zorluklar H2020-SCC-2015 •SCC-01-2015: Smart Cities and Communities solutions integrating energy, transport, ICT sectors through lighthouse (large scale demonstration - first of the kind) projects
•SCC-03-2015: Development of system standards for smart cities and communities solutions
Mart 03, 2015
AB H2020-Toplumsal Zorluklar H2020-LCE-2015-3 •LCE-04-2015: Market uptake of existing and emerging renewable electricity, heating and cooling technologies
•LCE-05-2015: Innovation and technologies for the deployment of meshed off-shore grids
•LCE-09-2015: Large scale energy storage
•LCE-18-2015: Supporting Joint Actions on demonstration and validation of innovative energy solutions
•LCE-06-2015: Transmission grid and wholesale market
•LCE-14-2015: Market uptake of existing and emerging sustainable bioenergy
Mart 03, 2015
AB H2020- Toplumsal Zorluklar H2020-LCE-2015-2 •LCE-12-2015: Demonstrating advanced biofuel technologies
•LCE-19-2015: Supporting coordination of national R&D activities
•LCE-03-2015: Demonstration of renewable electricity and heating/cooling technologies
•LCE-21-2015: Modelling and analysing the energy system, its transformation and impacts
Mart 03, 2015
AB H2020- Toplumsal Zorluklar H2020-SC5-2015-one-stage •SC5-10c-2015: An EU support mechanism for evidence-based policy on biodiversity & ecosystems services
•SC5-11c-2015: Deep mining on continent and in sea-bed
•SC5-13c-2015: Innovation friendly minerals policy framework
•SC5-18b-2015: Integrating North African, Middle East and Balkan Earth Observation capacities in GEOSS
•SC5-19b-2015: Mapping Member State research and innovation in climate change, environment, resource efficiency and raw materials
•SC5-11e-2015: New metallurgical systems
•SC5-13e-2015: Raw materials intelligence capacity
•SC5-13f-2015: Strategic international dialogues and cooperation with raw materials producing countries and industry
•SC5-05b-2015: Earth-system modelling and climate services
•SC5-12b-2015: Materials under extreme conditions
•SC5-15-2015: Strengthening the European Research Area in the domain of Earth Observation
•SC5-11d-2015: New sustainable exploration technologies and geomodels
•SC5-13d-2015: Raw materials research and innovation coordination
•SC5-02-2015: ERA for Climate Services
Mart 10, 2015
AB H2020- Endüstriyel Liderlik H2020-INNOSUP-2015-2 •INNOSUP-6-2015: Capitalising the full potential of online collaboration for SME innovation Mart 10, 2015
AB H2020- Toplumsal Zorluklar H2020-WASTE-2015-one-stage •WASTE-4d-2015: Raw materials partnerships Mart 10, 2015
AB H2020 - Toplumsal Sorunlar H2020-WATER-2015-one-stage •WATER-3-2015: Stepping up EU research and innovation cooperation in the water area
•WATER-4b-2015: Water management solutions for agricultural sector, thematic networks
•WATER-5b-2015: A coordination platform
Mart 10, 2015
AB H2020 - Endüstriyel Liderlik H2020-NMP-ERA-NET-2015 •NMP-14-2015: ERA-NET on Materials (including Materials for Energy) Mart 26, 2015
AB H2020 - Endüstriyel Liderlik H2020-NMP-CSA-2015 •NMP-32-2015: Societal engagement on responsible nanotechnology
•NMP-38-2015: Presidency events
Mart 26, 2015
AB H2020 - Endüstriyel Liderlik H2020-NMP-PILOTS-2015 •NMP-02-2015: Integration of novel nano materials into existing production lines
•NMP-03-2015: Manufacturing and control of nanoporous materials
•NMP-06-2015: Novel nanomatrices and nanocapsules
•NMP-07-2015: Additive manufacturing for tabletop nanofactories
Mart 26, 2015
AB H2020- Endüstriyel Liderlik H2020-NMP-2015-two-stage •NMP-11-2015: Nanomedicine therapy for cancer
•NMP-12-2015: Biomaterials for treatment and prevention of Alzheimer's disease
•NMP-15-2015: Materials innovations for optimisation of cooling in power plants
•NMP-16-2015: Extended in-service service of advanced functional materials in energy technologies (capture, conversion, storage and/or transmission of energy)
•NMP-19-2015: Materials for severe operating conditions, including added-value functionalities
•NMP-22-2015: Fibre-based materials for non-clothing applications
•NMP-23-2015: Novel materials by design for substituting critical materials
•NMP-24-2015: Low-energy solutions for drinking water production
•NMP-29-2015: Increasing the capacity to perform nano-safety assessment
•NMP-30-2015: Next generation tools for risk governance of nanomaterials
Mart 26, 2015
AB H2020-Toplumsal Zorluklar H2020-INSO-2015 •INSO-4-2015: Innovative schemes for open innovation and science 2.0
•INSO-5-2015: Social innovation Community
Mart 31, 2015
AB H2020 - Toplumsal Sorunlar H2020-MG-2015_SingleStage-A •MG-1.8-2015: International cooperation in aeronautics
•MG-9.1-2015: Transport societal drivers
•MG-9.5-2015: Fostering transnational cooperation in European transport research and innovation – NCP network
Mart 31, 2015
AB H2020- Toplumsal Zorluklar H2020-HCO-2015 •HCO-03-2015: Support for European Reference Networks: efficient network modelling and validation
•HCO-11-2015: ERA NET Collaboration and alignment of national programmes and activities in the area of brain-related diseases and disorders of the nervous system
•HCO-12-2015: ERA NET: Antimicrobial resistance
•HCO-13-2015: ERA-NET: Cardiovascular disease
•HCO-06-2015: Global Alliance for Chronic Diseases: 2015 priority
Nisan 21, 2015
AB H2020- Toplumsal Zorluklar H2020-INSO-2015-CNECT •INSO-1-2015: ICT-enabled open government Nisan 21, 2015
AB H2020- Toplumsal Zorluklar H2020-REFLECTIVE-6-2015 •REFLECTIVE-6-2015: Innovation ecosystems of digital cultural assets Nisan 21, 2015
AB H2020- Toplumsal Zorluklar H2020-DS-2015-1 •DS-03-2015: The role of ICT in Critical Infrastructure Protection
•DS-04-2015: Secure Information Sharing
•DS-05-2015: Trust eServices
Nisan 21, 2015
AB H2020- Toplumsal Zorluklar H2020-EURO-6-2015 •EURO-6-2015: Meeting new societal needs by using emerging technologies in the public sector Nisan 21, 2015
AB H2020- Toplumsal Zorluklar H2020-PHC-2015-single-stage •PHC-15-2015: Clinical research on regenerative medicine
•PHC-21-2015: Advancing active and healthy ageing with ICT: Early risk detection and intervention
•PHC-25-2015: Advanced ICT systems and services for integrated care
•PHC-27-2015: Self-management of health and disease and patient empowerment supported by ICT
•PHC-29-2015: Public procurement of innovative eHealth services
•PHC-30-2015: Digital representation of health data to improve disease diagnosis and treatment
•PHC-09-2015: PHC 9 – 2015: Vaccine development for poverty-related and neglected infectious diseases: HIV/AIDS
•PHC-28-2015: Self management of health and disease and decision support systems based on predictive computer modelling used by the patient him or herself
Nisan 21, 2015
AB H2020- Endüstriyel Liderlik H2020-INNOSUP-2015-1 •INNOSUP-1-2015: Cluster faciltated projects for new value chains Nisan 30, 2015
AB H2020- Toplumsal Zorluklar H2020-LCE-2015-4 •LCE-13-2015: Partnering with Brazil on advanced biofuels Mayıs 05, 2015
AB H2020 - Toplumsal Sorunlar H2020-MG-2015_TwoStages •MG-1.2-2015: Enhancing resource efficiency of aviation
•MG-3.6a-2015: Safe and connected automation in road transport
•MG-4.3-2015: System modelling and life-cycle cost optimisation for waterborne assets
•MG-5.4-2015: Strengthening the knowledge and capacities of local authorities
•MG-5.5a-2015: Demonstrating and testing innovative solutions for cleaner and better urban transport and mobility
•MG-6.3-2015: Common communication and navigation platforms for pan-European logistics applications
•MG-8.4a-2015: Smart governance, network resilience and streamlined delivery of infrastructure innovation
Mayıs 31, 2015
EU H2020- Toplumsal Zorluklar H2020-EE-2015-4-PDA •EE-20-2015: Project development assistance for innovative bankable and aggregated sustainable energy investment schemes and projects Haziran 10, 2015
AB H2020- Toplumsal Zorluklar H2020-EE-2015-3 MarketUptake •EE-05-2015: Increasing energy performance of existing buildings through process and organisation innovations and creating a market for deep renovation
•EE-07-2015: Enhancing the capacity of public authorities to plan and implement sustainable energy policies and measures
•EE-10-2015: Consumer engagement for sustainable energy
•EE-14-2015: Removing market barriers to the uptake of efficient heating and cooling solutions
•EE-15-2015: Ensuring effective implementation of EU product efficiency legislation
•EE-16-2015: Organisational innovation to increase energy efficiency in industry
•EE-17-2015: Driving energy innovation through large buyer groups
•EE-19-2015: Improving the financeability and attractiveness of sustainable energy investments
•EE-21-2015: Development and market roll-out of innovative energy services and financial schemes for sustainable energy
•EE-09-2015: Empowering stakeholders to assist public authorities in the definition and implementation of sustainable energy policies and measures
Haziran 10, 2015
AB H2020-Toplumsal Zorluklar H2020-EE-2015-2-RIA •EE-06-2015: Demand response in blocks of buildings
•EE-11-2015: New ICT-based solutions for energy efficiency
•EE-13-2015: Technology for district heating and cooling
Haziran 10, 2015
AB H2020- Toplumsal Zorluklar H2020-BG-2015-1 •BG-16-2015: Coordination action in support of the implementation of the Joint Programming Initiative on 'Healthy and Productive Seas and Oceans' Haziran 11, 2015
AB H2020- Toplumsal Zorluklar H2020-SFS-2015-1 •SFS-14b-2015: Authentication of food products  Haziran 11, 2015
AB H2020- Toplumsal Zorluklar H2020-ISIB-2015-1 •ISIB-12e-2015: Sustainable livestock production
•ISIB-02-2015: Closing the research and innovation divide: the crucial role of innovation support services and knowledge exchange
•ISIB-12b-2015: Rural development
•ISIB-12c-2015: Monitoring and mitigation of agricultural and forestry greenhouse gases (GHG)
•ISIB-12d-2015: Sustainable crop production
•ISIB-12f-2015: Biomarkers for nutrition and health
Haziran 11, 2015
AB H2020 - Toplumsal Sorunlar H2020-MG-2015-Singlestage-B •MG-8.3-2015: Facilitating market take up of innovative transport infrastructure solutions
•MG-3.6b-2015: Safe and connected automation in road transport
•MG-5.5b-2015: Demonstrating and testing innovative solutions for cleaner and better urban transport and mobility
•MG-8.4b-2015: Smart governance, network resilience and streamlined delivery of infrastructure innovation
Ağustos 27, 2015
AB H2020 - Toplumsal Sorunlar H2020-GV-2015 •GV-6-2015: Powertrain control for heavy-duty vehicles with optimised emission
•GV-8-2015: Electric vehicles’ enhanced performance and integration into the transport system and the grid
Ağustos 27, 2015
AB H2020-Toplum ile ve Toplum için Bilim H2020-GARRI-2015-1 •GARRI-2-2015: Responsible Research and Innovation in industrial context
•GARRI-4-2015: Innovative approach to release and disseminate research results and measure their impact
Eylül 16, 2015
AB H2020- Toplum ile ve Toplum için Bilim H2020-SEAC-2015-1 •SEAC-1-2015: Innovative ways to make science education and scientific careers attractive to young people
•SEAC-4-2015: EURAXESS outreach activities
Eylül 16, 2015
AB H2020-Toplum ile ve Toplum için Bilim H2020-ISSI-2015-1 •ISSI-1-2015: Pan-European public outreach: exhibitions and science cafés engaging citizens in science
•ISSI-3-2015: Knowledge Sharing Platform
•ISSI-4-2015: On-line mechanisms for knowledge-based policy advice
•ISSI-5-2015: Supporting structural change in research organisations to promote Responsible Research and Innovation
Eylül 16, 2015
AB H2020- Toplum ile ve Toplum için Bilim H2020-GERI-2015-1 •GERI-4-2015: Support to research organisations to implement gender equality plans
•GERI-3-2015: Evaluation of initiatives to promote gender equality in research policy and research organisations
Eylül 16, 2015
AB H2020- Mükemmel Bilim H2020-FETOPEN-2014-2015-3 •FETOPEN-3-2015: Coordination and Support Activities Eylül 29, 2015
AB H2020- Mükemmel Bilim H2020-FETOPEN-2014-2015-1 •FETOPEN-1-2014: FET-Open research projects Eylül 29, 2015
AB H2020 - Endüstriyel Liderlik H2020-SMEINST-2-2015 •SC5-20-2015: Boosting the potential of small businesses for eco-innovation and a sustainable supply of raw materials
•Space-SME-2015-2: SME Instrument
•SFS-08-2015: Resource-efficient eco-innovative food production and processing
•BG-12-2015: Supporting SMEs efforts for the development - deployment and market replication of innovative solutions for blue growth
•ICT-37-2015: Open Disruptive Innovation Scheme (implemented through the SME instrument)
•SIE-01-2015: Stimulating the innovation potential of SMEs for a low carbon energy system
•IT-1-2015: Small business innovation research for Transport
•INSO-9-2015: Innovative mobile e-government applications by SMEs
•INSO-10-2015: SME business model innovation
•DRS-17-2015: Critical infrastructure protection topic 7: SME instrument topic: Protection of Urban soft targets and critical infrastructures
•PHC-12-2015: Clinical validation of biomarkers and/or diagnostic medical devices
•NMP-25-2015: Accelerating the uptake of nanotechnologies, advanced materials or advanced manufacturing and processing technologies by SMEs
•BIOTEC-5b-2015: SME boosting biotechnology-based industrial processes driving competitiveness and sustainability
Aralık 16, 2015
AB H2020 - Endüstriyel Liderlik H2020-SMEINST-1-2015 •BG-12-2015-1: Supporting SMEs efforts for the development - deployment and market replication of innovative solutions for blue growth
•Space-SME-2015-1: SME Instrument
•SIE-01-2015-1: Stimulating the innovation potential of SMEs for a low carbon energy system
•IT-1-2015-1: Small business innovation research for Transport
•SC5-20-2015-1: Boosting the potential of small businesses for eco-innovation and a sustainable supply of raw materials
•INSO-9-2015-1: Innovative mobile e-government applications by SMEs
•INSO-10-2015-1: SME business model innovation
•DRS-17-2015-1: Critical infrastructure protection topic 7: SME instrument topic: Protection of Urban soft targets and critical infrastructures
•NMP-25-2015-1: Accelerating the uptake of nanotechnologies, advanced materials or advanced manufacturing and processing technologies by SMEs
•BIOTEC-5b-2015-1: SME boosting biotechnology-based industrial processes driving competitiveness and sustainability
•ICT-37-2015-1: Open Disruptive Innovation Scheme (implemented through the SME instrument)
•PHC-12-2015-1: Clinical validation of biomarkers and/or diagnostic medical devices
•SFS-08-2015-1: Resource-efficient eco-innovative food production and processing
Aralık 16, 2015

