Seminer - Dr. Cenk Dinç
Ford Otosan Ar-Ge Şefi Sayın Dr.Cenk Dinç "19 Temmuz 2019" günü seminer vermek üzere bölümümüzü ziyaret etmiştir. Dr. Dinç 'Energy Management Challenges in the Automotive Industry' konulu bir konuşma yapmıştır. Konuşmayı öğretim elemanlarımız ve öğrencilerimiz izlemişlerdir. Dr. Dinç ayrıca bölümümüz öğretim elemanları ile toplantılar yapmış ve otomotiv mühendisliği laboratuvarlarımızı gezmiştir. Konuşma ile ilgili bilgiler aşağıda verilmiştir.
Energy Management Challenges in the Automotive Industry
Cenk Dinc, Ph.D.
Thermal CAE & Aerodynamics Supervisor, Ford Otosan
Abstract. The increasing focus on fuel economy and CO2 reduction in the automotive industry draws the attention to vehicle energy management concepts more than ever. Hence, developing new analytical tools related to vehicle energy management attributes, adapting to new generation CO2 regulations and ensuring the legislative CO2 reduction targets become the top priority for automotive manufacturers. The introduction of electric vehicles does not reduce the pressure because “well to wheel” CO2 reduction will still be a challenging research area, still focusing on energy management concepts such as the decrease of aerodynamic drag for longer mileage (or less battery charging), and efficient heat management for longer battery life. This seminar aims to present the past and on-going research topics in Ford Otosan related to vehicle energy management attributes of engine cooling, heat management, aerodynamics and fuel economy. Development of analytical tools to reduce physical testing (virtual engineering sign-off) is the main research motivation, as aligned with the strategy of Ford Motor Company.
About the Speaker. Dr. Cenk Dinc holds a Doctorate from İTÜ, Master`s from Koc University and a Bachelor from İTÜ, all in mechanical engineering. He has been working in Ford Otosan for more than 10 years, responsible for the vehicle energy management attributes of cooling, heat management, aerodynamics and fuel economy. He is in active collaboration with Ford Motor Company and universities, working on research projects related to thermal and aerodynamics vehicle attributes. His main research focus is the development of analytical tools to reduce physical testing (virtual engineering sign-off). Dr. Cenk Dinc is currently “Thermal CAE and Aerodynamics Supervisor” in Ford Otosan.