International Journal of Mineral Resources Engineering, The , 
Ankara : Atılım Üniversitesi Yayınları, [2007]. Quarterly. 
ISSN: 1306-7966

THE INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MINERAL RESOURCES ENGINEERING  (ISSN 1306-7966) is published quarterly by Atilim University

Vol: 12, 1., 2007- Vol: 13, 4, 2008.


Vol: 12, No: 1, (January-March 2007)

  • Defining the ProductionScale of an Underground Mine: B. Ding, C.W.Pelley, J.J.deRuiter
  • Adopting a Webct Learning Environment in Lecture Based Mining Engineering Education: R.J.Thomson.
  • Performance of a Light Scattering Dust Monitor at Various Air Velocities: Results of Sampling in the Active Versus the Passive mode: J.M.Listak., G.J.Chekan, J.F.Colinet, J.P.Rider
  • Use of Discrete-event Simulation for Evaluation of Quality in Hard Rock Mine Lateral Development: S.A.Kenzap., l.j.Peloquin, V.N.Kazakidis

Vol: 12, No: 2, (April-June  2007)

  • Reducing Respirable Dust Exposure of Workers Using an Improved Clothes Cleaning Process: A.B. Cecela., A.D.O’Brien, D.E. Pollock, J.A. Zimmer., J.L. Howell., L.J. McWillianms
  • Opportunities and Challenges of Retaining Sustainable Local Economy in Active and Abandoned  Regional  Mine Areas: J. Bhattacharya., S.Chattopadhyay., H. Kwon., H. Baek., Y. Cheong
  • The Evaluation of the Core Competition of the Wugang Mining Cooperation Using the Analytic Hierarchy Process: H. Wu., J. Yuan, Y.ZHANG., s. Song
  • Evaluation of the Strenght Properties of Deslimed Tailing Paste Backfill: E. Yılmaz., T. Belem., M. Benzaazoua., A. Kesimal., B. Ercikdi

Vol: 12, No: 3, (July-September  2007)

  • Unconventional Natural Gas from Abandoned Coal Mines: Modelling and Performance Prediction at the Frankenholz – St. Barbara Mining Complex: S. Durucan., Jl-Quan Shi., A. Korre
  • Quality Cost Assessment in Mine Tunneling with Drilling and Blasting: W.R. Reed., J.C. Volkwein., G.J. Joy
  • Thermal Decomposition of Dolomite from West Anatolia Region Using Semi-Pilot Scale Rotary Furnace: b. Derin., U. Demircan., T. Uzunoğlu., O. Yucel

Vol: 12, No: 4, (October-December  2007)

  • The Global Neural Network Learning Using Genetic Algorithm for Ore Grade Prediction of an  Iron Ore Deposit
  • Open Pit Mine Design in Presence of Uncertainty due to Ore Grade Modeling: B. Samanta., A. Kumar., A. Bhattacherjee., S. Chatterjee
  • Identification of Abnormal Air flow Quantity in Underground Coal Mines: L. Zhou., Y. Luo., F. Wu

Vol: 13, No: 1, (January-March  2008)

  • A Calculation Method for  a Shovel-Truck System With an Inclined Hoist of Trucklift Type: J.M. Czaplicki
  • Ore-Age an Intelligent Tutoring System Model for Mining Method Selection: C. Guray
  • Flotation of a Refractory Marmatite Ore by Using Ammoniacal Copper (II) Solution as Activator: F. Rao., S.Song.,  X. Tong., X. Xie, A. Lopez-Valdivieso