29-30 May 2025
School of Engineering
Atilim University
Ankara, Türkiye
About Congress
29-30 May, 2025, Ankara, Türkiye
Dear Participants,
In recent years, undergraduate students in engineering disciplines have begun to take an active part in research and entrepreneurship ecosystems. The Atilim University Engineering Sciences and Research Student Congress aim to create a scientific environment for students who are continuing their undergraduate or graduate education in Engineering disciplines to present the outputs they have obtained in their research.
Read moreRemaining time to MÜBAK 2025
Invited Speakers

To be Announced

To be Announced
MÜBAK 2025
Scientific Committee Members

- Prof. Dr. Serkan ERYILMAZ
- The president of Atilim University
- Industrial Engineering Department
- Atilim University

- Prof. Dr. Yılser DEVRİM
- The Dean of School of Engineering
- Energy Systems Engineering Department
- Atilim University

- Prof. Dr. Ali YAZICI
- The Head of Department
- Software Engineering Department
- Atilim University

- Prof. Dr. Ayhan ALBOSTAN
- The Head of Department
- Energy Systems Engineering Department
- Atilim University

- Prof. Dr. Ender KESKİNKILIÇ
- The Head of Department
- Metallurgical and Materials Engineering Department
- Atilim University

- Prof. Dr. Gökhan ŞENGÜL
- The Head of Department
- Computer Engineering Department
- Atilim University

- Prof. Dr. Hasan Umur AKAY
- The Head of Department
- Automotive Engineering Department
- Atilim University

- Prof. Dr. Hulusi Bülent ERTAN
- The Head of Department
- Mechatronics Engineering Department
- Atilim University

- Prof. Dr. Hakan ARGEŞO
- The Head of Department
- Aerospace Engineering Department
- Atilim University

- Prof. Dr. Murat KAYA
- The Head of Department
- Chemical Engineering Department
- Atilim University

- Prof. Dr. Murat KOYUNCU
- The Head of Department
- Information Systems Engineering Department
- Atilim University

- Prof. Dr. Reşat Özgür DORUK
- The Head of Department
- Elektrik Elektronik Engineering Department
- Atilim University

- Prof. Dr. Sadık Engin KILIÇ
- The Head of Department
- Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering Departments
- Atilim University

- Prof. Dr. Turan Erman ERKAN
- The Head of Department
- Industrial Engineering Department
- Atilim University

- Prof. Dr. Yakup DARAMA
- The Head of Department
- Civil Engineering Department
- Atilim University

- Prof. Dr. Erkan KÖSE
- Industrial Engineering Department
- Nuh Naci Yazgan University
- E-Posta

- Prof. Dr. Murat Caner TESTİK
- Industrial Engineering Department
- Hacettepe University
- E-Posta

- Prof. Dr. Refail KASIMBEYLİ
- Industrial Engineering Department
- Eskişehir Teknik University
- E-Posta

- Prof. Dr. Bilgehan ÖGEL
- Metallurgical And Materials Engineering Department
- Middle East Technical University
- E-Posta

- Prof. Dr. Şahin EMRAH
- Computer Engineering Department
- Ankara University
- E-Posta

- Prof. Dr. Azize AYOL
- Environmental Engineering Department
- Dokuz Eylül University
- E-Posta

- Assoc. Prof. Dr. Murat AYHAN
- Civil Engineering Department
- University of Portsmouth
- E-Posta

- Assoc. Prof. Dr. Berk ANBAROĞLU
- Geomatik Engineering Department
- Hacettepe University
- E-Posta

- Asst. Prof. Dr. Bahram LOTFİ
- Mechanical Engineering Department
- TOBB University of Economics and Technology
- E-Posta

- Asst. Prof. Dr. Said ERAY (Saeid POURNADERI)
- Metallurgical and Materials Engineering Department
- Sivas Science and Technology University
- E-Posta
MÜBAK 2025
Organizing Committee Members

- Prof. Dr. Yılser DEVRİM
- The Dean of School of Engineering
- Energy Systems Engineering Department
- Atilim University

- Prof. Dr. Sultan Belgin İŞGÖR
- The Vice Dean of School of Engineering
- Chemical Engineering Department
- Atilim University

- Prof. Dr. Ebru AKPINAR
- The Dean of School of Engineering
- Mechanical Engineering Department
- Fırat University
- E-Posta

- Prof. Dr. Can Özgür ÇOLPAN
- Mechanical Engineering Department
- Dokuz Eylül University
- E-Posta

- Prof. Dr. Nursel DİLSİZ
- Chemical Engineering Department
- Gazi University
- E-Posta

- Prof. Dr. Murat Caner TESTİK
- Industrial Engineering Department
- Hacettepe University
- E-Posta

- Prof. Dr. Asım Egemen YILMAZ
- Electrics and Electronics Engineering Department
- Ankara University
- E-Posta

- Prof. Dr. Süleyman TOSUN
- Computer Engineering Department
- Hacettepe University
- E-Posta

- Assoc. Prof. Dr. Halit Cenan MERTOL
- Civil Engineering Department
- Atilim University

- Asst. Prof. Dr. Saman AMİNBAKHSH
- Civil Engineering Department
- Atilim University

- Asst. Prof. Dr. Bahram LOTFİ
- Mechanical Engineering Department
- TOBB University of Economics and Technology

- Asst. Prof. Dr. Mehmet Oğuz TAŞCI
- Aerospace Engineering Department
- Atilim University

- Levent Neşet TANRIDAĞ
- Aydin Software and Electronics
- E-Posta

- Res. Asst. Aysu İrem ADEM
- Information Systems Engineering Department
- Atilim University
- E-Posta

- Res. Asst. Mahmut Furkan BAKAL
- Computer Engineering Department
- Atilim University
- E-Posta

- Res. Asst. Vahide Selen YAMAN
- Chemical Engineering Department
- Atilim University
- E-Posta

- Res. Asst. Hasan ALTINIŞIK
- Energy Systems Engineering Department
- Atilim University
- E-Posta
MÜBAK 2025 Regulations
- Students who are continuing their undergraduate or graduate education in engineering programs of universities may attend the congress.
- Applications for congress papers should be made using the Online Abstract Submission System via the congress web page (Papers sent by e-mail will not be evaluated).
- Abstracts should be prepared in Turkish or English according to the provided formats on the congress web page.
- The papers will go through a peer review process, and email notifications of acceptance will be sent out following the review process.
- Accepted papers can be presented face to face or online (limited number), in either Turkish or English languages, and the duration for each presentation is 20 minutes (15 minutes of presentation and 5 minutes of question-answer).
- The book of abstracts, which includes the papers presented at the congress, will be published online via the Congress website.
- Only the papers that are submitted through the CMT system with at least one author registered to the congress will be included in the book of abstracts.
- If there is any supporting institution/organization regarding the research, the name of the institution/organization should be mentioned in the acknowledgment section of the paper.
- Responsibility for all ethical rules to be complied with regarding the research results within the scope of the paper belongs to the author(s).
- Registration to MÜBAK 2025 congress is free of charge.
- Accepted papers can be presented in Turkish or English and the duration for the presentation is 20 minutes (15 minutes presentation and 5 minutes question-answer).
- Presentations should be prepared in Turkish or English in accordance with the format provided on the congress page.
- Presentations should consist of 15-20 slides.
- The name of the presenting author should be underlined on the cover page.
- The name of the academic advisor must be written on the cover page.
- If there is any institution/organization support within the scope of the work presented, the name of the institution/organization must be mentioned in the slide content titled "Acknowledgement" in the presentation.
- The content format is provided as an example for the presentation, participants can make changes in the presentation design.
MÜBAK 2025 Paper Submission
We invite dear students and researchers to attend the MÜBAK 2025 congress. Authors who would like to submit their paper are required to send an Extended abstract of their research with the full address, telephone number, and e-mail of the relevant author (Corresponding author). The papers that have been submitted will go through a peer review procedure. Following the review, decisions about the papers' acceptance (accept), revision (accept with revision), or rejection (reject) will be sent out by email. After the final revisions (if needed), accepted papers must be uploaded to the MÜBAK 2025 CMT system, and participants are requested to register for the conference.The authors who will make the presentation are kindly requested to complete the registration process prior to May 13, 2025. Papers of authors who have not completed their registration by this date will not be published and the paper will be excluded from the congress program.
You need to prepare and format the paper in accordance with the congress paper format available on the website. All communications, including the submission of papers, will be made via the provided (here) CMT system link.
Upon request, authors will receive an extensive summary booklet in both hard copy and PDF format subsequent to the congress.
Attendance certificates will be given to registered participants.

MÜBAK 2025 Presentation Preparation

Important Dates
Title | Date |
Paper Submission Due: | 29th April 2025 |
Announcement of Review Results: | 6th May 2025 |
Author and Participants Registration Due: | 13th May 2025 |
Congress Program Announcement: | 20th May 2025 |
Contact Information

Kızılcaşar Mahallesi, İncek / Ankara
+90 (312) 586 8300