Surgical Sciences

Prof. Dr. Gamze YURDAKAN
/ +90 (312) 586 6209
Bachelor's: Gazi University Speciality Education: Ankara Hospital
Research Interests : Head and Neck Pathology , Pulmonary Pathology (tumor and nontumoral disease), Breast cancer and prognostic factors, Atherosclerosis physiopathology, Diabetes physiopathology.
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Prof. Dr. Muhammet Reha ÇELİK
/ +90 (312) 586 80 00

Prof. Dr. Ali Şefik HOŞAL
/ +90 (312) 586 80 00
Bachelor's, Speciality Education: Hacettepe University
Research Interests : ENT Diseases, Head and Neck Cancers, Oral Cavity Cancers, Salivary Gland Diseases and Cancers.
Detailed CV
/ +90 (312) 586 80 00
Bachelor's: Ankara University Speciality Education: Zekai Tahir Burak Hospital
Research Interests : Perinatology, Reproductive Endocrinology, Histology and Embryology.
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/ +90 (312) 586 80 00
Bachelor's: Hacettepe University Speciality Education: Uludağ University
Research Interests : Orthopedics and Traumatology, Surgery.
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Prof. Dr. Özgür ÇAKMAK
/ +90 (312) 586 80 00

Prof. Dr. Tahsin DALGIÇ
/ +90 (312) 586 80 00

/ +90 (312) 586 80 00
Bachelor's: Hacettepe University Speciality Education: Ankara Eğitim ve Araştırma Hastanesi
Research Interests : Neuroophthalmology, Pediatric Ophthalmology.
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Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ulaş SÖZENER
/ +90 (312) 586 80 00
Bachelor's: Hacettepe University Speciality Education: Ankara University
Research Interests : Kidney Transplnatation, Liver Transplantation, Advanced Laparoscopic Surgery, Hepatopancreaticobiliary Surgery.
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Assoc. Prof. Dr. Yusuf Aytaç TOHMA
/ +90 (312) 586 80 00
Bachelor's: Hacettepe University Speciality Education: Etlik Zübeyde Hanım Women’s Health and Research Center
Research Interests : Reproductive Endocrinology, Asisisted Reproductive Technologies, Endometriosis.
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Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mustafa Suat BOLAT
/ +90 (312) 586 80 00
Bachelor's, Speciality Education: Speciality Education:
Research Interests : Andrology , Endourology.
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Assoc. Prof. Dr. Emre GÜNAKAN
/ +90 (312) 586 80 00

Asst. Prof. Dr. Canset AYDIN
/ +90 (312) 586 80 00
Bachelor's, Speciality Education: Hacettepe University

Asst. Prof. Dr. Merter GÜLEN
/ +90 (312) 586 80 00
Bachelor's: Ankara University Speciality Education: Gazi University
Research Interests : Colorectal surgery (proctology), Laparoscopic / Robotic Surgery, Ano-rectal physiology (Anal manometer, Posterior Tibial Nerve Stimulation (PTNS), anal ultrasonography).
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Asst. Prof. Dr. Banu KUMRULU
/ +90 (312) 586 80 00

Asst. Prof. Dr. Mehmet Fazıl Tolga SOYAL
/ +90 (312) 586 80 00
Bachelor's: Ankara University
Research Interests : Physiopathological research on surgical and medical management of adult cardiovascular diseases (Coronary artery diseases, Heart valve diseases, Aortic diseases, Congenital heart diseases, Carotid artery diseases, Peripheral artery diseases, Venous insufficiency and varicose vein diseases) Langendorff heart perfusion systems, Circulatory systems simulation models, Integration of material science and technological developments into medical processes.
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Asst. Prof. Dr. Ahmet Cihangir EMRAL
/ +90 (312) 586 80 00
Bachelor's, Speciality Education: Gazi University
Research Interests : Colorectal Diseases, Gastrointestinal Surgery.
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Asst. Prof. Dr. Konuralp YAKAR
/ +90 (312) 586 80 00

Asst. Prof. Dr. Emre Yağız SAYACI
/ +90 (312) 586 80 00
Bachelor's: Hacettepe University Speciality Education: Ankara University
Research Interests : Neurotrauma, Percutaneous spinal fracture treatment, Neuro-oncology, Neurovascular surgery, Peripheral nerves and entrapment neuropathies.
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Asst. Prof. Dr. Mehmet Batu ERTAN
/ +90 (312) 586 80 00
Bachelor's: Hacettepe University Speciality Education: Ankara University
Research Interests : Sports Related Injuries, Arthroplasty.
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Asst. Prof. Dr. Muharrem DEMİROĞULLARI
/ +90 (312) 586 80 00

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Muharrem ÖZTAŞ
/ +90 (312) 586 80 00