School of Medicine - Announcements
In the 2022-2023 academic year, visits to Gölbaşı Health Center will be made. Participation in these visits is obligatory. In order for the health center visits to take place, form shared in announcement regarding the insurance must be filled and delivered to Gizem Alsancak by 16.09.2022 at 17:00.
The Higher Education Quality Board consists of 13 members, including one higher education student. Since the term of the current student member has expired, a new student member will be recruited in the board.
All medical courses will be given online by using Zoom at lecture halls after today. Whoever wants may come and follow the courses at faculty or follow at home. All the committee exams will be held face-to-face.
The date and time of the lecture "HIST 221 - History of Civilization" which has been announced to be held on Monday between 9:30 - 12:20 has changed. The new date and time of the lecture is Saturday between 13:30 - 16:20 for whole 2020-2021 fall semester.
COVID-19 pandemic forced us to rearrange the way the courses to be delivered in line with the directives of the Council of Higher Education and the decisions of the Atılım University Senate
Date: 28-29, April, 2020 Location: Anatomy Dissection Laboratory, Department of Anatomy, School of Medicine Contact: Mustafa F. Sargon, M.D., PhD., Department of Anatomy e-mail: ( Participation is limited.
Date: 27-28, March, 2020 Location: Anatomy Dissection Laboratory, Department of Anatomy, School of Medicine Contact: Mustafa F. Sargon, M.D., PhD., Department of Anatomy, School of Medicine e-mail: ( Participation is limited.
Date: 25-26, March, 2020 Location: Anatomy Dissection Laboratory, Department of Anatomy, School of Medicine Contact: Mustafa F. Sargon, M.D., PhD., Department of Anatomy, School of Medicine e-mail: ( Participation is limited.