ATU100 - Orientation (1 + 0) 1

President's Speech; Life at Atılım (Presentations by Administrative Units); Library Seminars; Book Borrowing-Returning Session; Department Promotion Meetings; Promotion of Sports Activities; Visits to Kiosks of Student Clubs and Communities; Informative Presentation on Education Technologies; participation in events organized within the scope of ATU 100.

ENG121 - Basic English I (4 + 0) 3

Vocabulary, structure and communicative skills at beginners level; various topics such as countries, nationalities, jobs, family, feelings, food and drink, colors and clothes and daily routines

ENG122 - Basic English II (4 + 0) 3

Vocabulary, structure and communicative skills at beginners level; various themes such as transport, travel, dates, holidays, money, and shopping..

HIST101 - Principles of Atatürk and History of Turkish Revolution I (2 + 0) 2

French Revolution; structure and geopolitic positioning of Ottoman Empire, reasons of its decline; Westernization movements, First and Second Constitutional Monarchy declarations; Libya and Balkan wars; First World War; period before the War of Independence, congresses, National Pact, establishment of Turkish Grand National Assembly.

HIST102 - Principles of Atatürk and History of Turkish Revolution II (2 + 0) 2

War of Independence; Lausanne Treaty; declaration of the Republic; removal of sultanic rule and caliphate; Atatürk`s revolutions; establishment of national economy; Second World War, before and after; Turkish Republic after 1960.

HIST201 - History of Civilization (3 + 0) 3

A chronological order of the rise of civilizations from Sumer until the Scientific Revolution.

KRY111 - Career Planning (1 + 0) 1

Being a student at Atilim University, Student-centered programs at Atilim University, Faculty, Department presentations, Career Planning and Coop Program, Erasmus, CV writing types, Interview techniques, Effective Communication and presentation techniques, Intelligence and Personality

SMYO101 - Fundamentals of Physiology (2 + 4) 4

Nervous system, muscle physiology, blood physiology, heart and circulatory physiology, kidney functions, respiratory physiology, gastrointestinal function, endocrine system physiology.

SMYO103 - Fundamentals of Anatomy (2 + 4) 4

Parts and regions of the human body,bone tissue structure and skeletal system, joint system and ligaments,muscular system and their functions,tissues and organs of the respiratory system and their functions,tissues and organs of the circulatory system,gastrointestinal system organs and aid digestion organs and their functioning,urogenital system structure and activities,central nervous and peripheral nervous system,autonomic nervous system and its functioning,sensory organs,endocrine system

SMYO105 - Occupational Health and Safety (2 + 0) 3

Occupational health and safety basic concepts, purpose and importance, occupational safety and security services, risk, danger, primary, secondary and tertiary protection concepts, accidents at work, occupational diseases, basic prevention methods, occupational health and safety in the workplace, biological and chemical risk factors, physical and psychosocial risk factors, emergency plans.

SMYO106 - Fundamentals of Pharmacology (2 + 0) 4

Basic definitions and concepts in pharmacology,pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of drugs,pharmaceutical forms of drugs,ways of administration of drugs,prescription types and spelling rules,drugs related to the autonomic nervous system,drugs related to the autonomic nervous system,central nervous system,drugs related to the central nervous system and non-narcotic analgesics,drugs related to bleeding and bleeding,drugs related to the cardiovascular system, drugs related to the respiratory

SMYO202 - Occupational Ethics (2 + 0) 4

Concepts of ethics, moral and professional ethics, theories of ethics, universal principle of ethics, principles of professional ethics in health care, human rights and patient rights, principles of professional ethics in health services, relationship between healthcare staff, patient and patient relatives, communication with the patient and producing solutions.

TGT101 - Medical Imaging I (2 + 0) 6

Definition of radiology, usage areas of radiology in diagnosis and treatment, radiography room, types and properties of x-ray devices, x-ray tube structure, radiography exposure parameters, x-ray film and image formation, ranforcitor and grid, radiation control.

TGT102 - Medical Imaging II (2 + 0) 8

Computed tomography examination tests, mammography, digital x-ray, contrast imaging techniques, quality in radiography, radiographic positions.

TGT103 - Medical Imaging Practice I (0 + 2) 5

X-ray devices, image formation in x-ray devices, preparation for radiological examinations, cranium radiology, vertebral radiology, thorax radiology, abdominal radiology, upper extremity radiology, lower extremity radiology.

TGT104 - Medical Imaging Practice II (0 + 2) 5

Radiographic positions and preparation of patients for radiography, use of mammography device, patient preparation in contrast imaging techniques, application areas of contrast agents.

TGT199 - Internship I (0 + 0) 6

Taking anamnase, preparing the patient for imaging method, x-ray applications, x-ray film processing techniques, computed tomography applications, use of mammography device.

TGT201 - Nuclear Medicine (2 + 2) 8

Basic principles of nuclear imaging techniques, purpose and areas of use of nuclear imaging techniques, anatomical and physiological approach to image acquisition systems, image formation in nuclear medicine, bone scintigraphy, thyroid scintigraphy, myocardial scintigraphy, lung scintigraphy, lymphoscintigraphy, sentinal node imaging, positron emission tomography.

TGT202 - Medical Imaging Practice IV (0 + 6) 7

Digital subtraction angiography, examination techniques and applications in advanced imaging methods, spectroscopy, CT and MRI applications, nuclear medicine applications.

TGT203 - Radiological Pharmacology (1 + 0) 2

Contrast material classification, administration of contrast agents, iyanlo contrast agents, barium contrast agents, side effects of contrast agents, effects of contrast agents in pregnant and lactating women, contrast agent administration in children, nephrotoxicity, premedication, contrast agent injection.

TGT204 - Radiological Anatomy (2 + 0) 5

Radiological techniques images obtained from different tissues, head and neck MRD-CT images, thorax radiographic images, pulmonary system radiographic images, extremities radiography and radiological anatomy, radiographic images of the abdomen, radiographic images of the pelvis.

TGT205 - Medical Imaging Practice III (2 + 4) 9

Radiography practice in medicated and non-medicated imaging, patient positions in X-ray imaging, patient positions and device use in magnetic resonance imaging, patient positions and applications in computed tomography, patient preparation for ultrasonography, radiotheraphy practice.

TGT206 - Radiation Oncology (2 + 0) 4

Definition and principles of radiotherapy, radiotherapy process, devices used in radiotherapy, approach to cancer patients, infection follow-up in radiotherapy, central nervous system tumors, oral cavity tumors, nasopharynx and larynx cancers, digestive system cancers, lung cancer.

TGT299 - Internship II (0 + 0) 6

Application of medicated radiography techniques and drug injection, angiography practice, radiotherapy application in surgery, device use in nuclear medicine unit, device maintenance.

TURK401 - Turkish Language I (2 + 0) 2

Languages and their classification; history of Turkish language, its spread over the world and its place among other languages; Turkish language in the republic era; orthography; expressions; foreign words, suffixes and prefixes; punctuation; language and verbalism.

TURK402 - Turkish Language II (2 + 0) 2

Written expression and its genres; bibliography; sentence structure and types; misexpression; verbal expressions.

TGT108 - Medical Imaging Sector (2 + 0) 3

Employment areas of medical imaging technician, duties and responsibilities of radiology technicians, medical imaging technician in radiographic examinations, medical imaging technician in oncology, professional process of medical imaging technician.

TGT110 - Radiation Physics (2 + 0) 3

Radiation types, ionization, photoelectric event, acquisition and parameters of X-rays, interaction of X-rays with matter, energy levels and atomic spectra, stable nuclei, radioactive radiation, natural radioactivity, application areas of nuclear physics, basic principles of radiological imaging.

TGT106 - Radiation Safety and Radiation Protection (2 + 0) 3

Basic concepts of radiation, radioactive decays, interaction of radioactivity with tissue, cellular effects of radiation, biological effects of radiation, radioactivity measurement, radioactive dosage and dose limitation principles, radiation protection laws, radiation protection equipment.

ATU200 - Participation in a Research Project (2 + 0) 6

Preparation of project proposals, Fulfillment of duties and responsibilities within the project work packages.

SMYO104 - Nosocomial Infection and Prevention (2 + 0) 2

Formation and symptoms of infection, types of microorganisms, diseases caused by fecal-oral transmission, diseases transmitted through the mucosa and skin, bloodborne diseases, airborne diseases, sexually transmitted diseases, hospital infections and infection control measures, hospital infection control committee, personal protection methods and hand hygiene, sterilization of medical waste.

SMYO116 - Communication Skills (2 + 0) 2

Formal and informal communication types, formal written communication, official declaration principles, formal verbal communication, body language, official e-mail writing, the purpose of the resume

SMYO201 - Basic Health and Disease Information (2 + 0) 2

Health and disease concepts, determinants of health and factors affecting health, the concept and development of basic health services, health protection and promotion, reproductive, maternal and child health, family planning, aging health, chronic diseases, infectious diseases.

SMYO203 - Medical Terminology (2 + 0) 2

History and rules about terminology, musculoskeletal system terminology, pulmonary system terminology, cardiovascular system terminology, laboratory and hematology terminology and terms, digestive system terminology, nervous system terminology, endocrine system terminology, urogenital systems terminology, sensory organs terminology, pharmacological terms, radiology terminology, neoplasia terminology, pathology terminology.

SMYO211 - Biostatistics (2 + 0) 2

Basic statistical concepts, classification of data, descriptive statistics, using and interpreting basic statistical methods, introduction to hypothesis testing, parametric and nonparametric statistical methods, correlation and simple linear regression.

SMYO213 - Public Health (2 + 0) 2

Public health definition, priority issues within the scope of public health, contemporary understanding of health, protection concept, epidemiology definition, scope of application, health in Turkey services, calculation of epidemiological criteria, the characteristics of important public health problems, infectious diseases, chronic diseases, accidents, disasters, women's health and reproductive health, child health and immunization, health education.

SMYO215 - Patient Psychology (2 + 0) 3

Disease and health concepts, research of patient behavior, stress, reactions observed in emergency patients,approach of healthcare professionals to emergency patients, cronic patient psychology and behaviors of the patient, communication with patients, response to the patient's illness,the psychology of the traumatized patient, communication with patient attendant.

TGT207 - Radiological Procedures in Emergency Cases (2 + 0) 3

Emergency x-ray definition in emergency cases of radiological procedure, patient status in emergency x-ray, CT in emergency cases, US in emergency cases, cranial MR in emergency cases, emergency codes

TGT209 - Imaging Device Technologies (2 + 0) 3

Historical development of imaging devices, imaging devices integrated into surgical equipment, factors affecting image quality, functional MRI, mobile imaging devices, possible technological developments in imaging devices

SMYO208 - First aid (2 + 0) 3

Introduction to first aid, human body and vital signs, basic life support, bleeds, shocks, unconsciousness, wounds, dressings, traumas, fractures, sprains, dislocations, burns and dullness, electric shock, first aid for heat and sunstroke, suffocation, poisoning, foreign body intrusion into nose, throat and eyes, first aid for animal bites, first aid in natural disasters, first aid supplies, patient transportation principles.

SMYO220 - Volunteering Work (2 + 0) 3

Planting plants and contributing to nature, animal kennel construction, animal feeding activities, disabled and elderly visits, volunteer activities

TGT208 - History of Radiology (2 + 0) 2

Wilhelm Conrad Röntgen's life and work, discovery of X-ray, history of radiology, developments in radiology from past to present, history of computed tomography, history of magnetic resonance imaging, history of fluoroscopy, development of ultrasonography, development of nuclear medicine, history of radiotherapy, history of mammography.

SMYO218 - Patient Safety Approaches (2 + 0) 2

Basic concepts of patient safety, patient safety in Turkey, patient safety in radiology, patient safety in terms of health law, telemedicine applications, accreditation and patient safety, relatives of patients and patient safety, patient safety in emergency imaging applications.