About Us
Work Hours:
Monday - Friday: 08:45 - 12:00 / 13:00 - 17:15 - (closed weekends)
Your document requests are placed in the application queue by our Directorate and answered within three days at the latest, depending on our workload. For this reason, we recommend that you make your applications considering this period.
Document Requests : belgetalep@atilim.edu.tr
For applications to be made for the following subjects (except for Undergraduate Transfer Transactions) before coming to the Directorate of Student Affairs:
- Students whose registration is active: From their e-mail address with the extension….… @ Student.atilim.edu.tr
(applications made with other e-mail addresses will not be accepted),
- Graduates or students who have left for any reason: With T.C. ID Card or passport picture,
They must send their requests to the relevant e-mail address below.
For Registration Cancellation Procedures, the form and questionnaire on the Registration Cancellation Page must be filled in and sent to basvurular@atilim.edu.tr.
Transfer Operations : yataygecis@atilim.edu.tr
Diploma Submission : diploma@atilim.edu.tr
** For document requests with wet signature, it is necessary to make a request and make an appointment to belgetalep@atilim.edu.tr
** For our diploma delivery service, it is required to make a request to diploma@atilim.edu.tr and make an appointment.
** It can be obtained from e-government services for the Student Certificate or transcript:(https://www.turkiye.gov.tr/yuksekogretim-kurulu-baskanligi).
*** Course plans and contents of our university are open to access at https://www.atilim.edu.tr/tr/ects, and wet signed and sealed course contents are not provided for applications to other higher education institutions. You can access the letter written to other higher education institutions on this subject here.