Our Initial 2025-2029 Strategic Plan Meeting Took Place
Our initial meeting for the studies for the 2025-2029 Strategic Plan took place on April 3, 2024, with Yalçın Zaim, the Chairperson of our Board of Trustees; Zerlin Zaim, a member of our Board of Trustees; President Serkan Eryılmaz, and the managers of our academic and administrative units.
President Eryılmaz informed the attendees on the working philosophy, and the values to constitute the basis throughout the process where mission and the vision of the University is to be achieved, with the strategic plan underway.
In addition, Erhan Kumaş, our Director of Corporate Development and Planning, held a presentation on the evaluation of the 2020-2024 Strategic Plan, and the details regarding the creation process for a new strategic plan.