AU Research Board Meeting Takes Place

The Research Board of Atılım University, meeting past the end of each calendar year, convened again, on February 7, 2024 this year. With the Research Quality-Volume Criteria and Objectives of Atılım University evaluated for the year 2023, the research strategies of the upcoming year were also discussed.

The meeting opened with an inauguration speech by President Eryılmaz; with Veli Cengiz Özalp, our Vice President for Research, taking the floor afterwards with his presentation titled “R&D General Evaluation and Information”. The Board was informed of the incidents having taken place within and outside of Atılım University regarding research in the year 2023; and an evaluation was made on the Research Quality-Volume Criteria of 2023, as well as on the analysis of the internal support programs funded with the resources of Atılım University.