AU Enters New Era
Atılım University is to begin the Academic Year of 2023-2024 with President Prof. Dr. Serkan Eryılmaz.
Previously undertaken by Prof. Dr. Yıldırım Üçtuğ since the year 2015, the duty of presidency now calls Prof. Dr. Serkan Eryılmaz, one of the most influential scientists worldwide.
Honored with a TÜBİTAK Incentive Award in Engineering Sciences on the grounds of his “highly-qualified studies on system reliability in the field of stochastic models/ processes in operations research” back in 2017; Prof. Dr. Eryılmaz is the only scientist from Türkiye to be listed among the World’s Most Influential Scientists in the field of “Statistics and Probability” under the “Career-Long Effect” rankings compiled as per the studies of scientists throughout their careers by a group of researchers from Stanford University.
With studies in the fields of reliability engineering, applied probability, stochastic modelling, and renewable energy systems; Prof. Dr. Eryılmaz was a visiting scholar at Manitoba University (Canada) and Durham University (UK). Prof. Dr. Eryılmaz has had over 200 articles published in world-renowned magazines, which have been cited by other researchers over 2500 times. With a Web of Science-based H-index value of 31; Prof. Dr. Eryılmaz has recently released a book with CRC Press, Taylor and Francis Group, titled “Discrete stochastic models and applications for reliability engineering and statistical quality control”.
The youngest Turkish academician with the title of “Professor”; Prof. Dr. Serkan Eryılmaz is currently a member of the Editorial boards of the most influential magazines of the field, such as Reliability Engineering & System Safety, and IISE Transactions-Data Science, Quality & Reliability.
Taking part in the scientific and technical program boards of international scientific conventions in the field of reliability; and taking the floor as the plenary speaker in these conventions; Prof. Dr. Serkan Eryılmaz also chairs the Committee for System Reliability of the European Safety and Reliability Association among the top international organizations in the fields of Security and Reliability in terms of its member count, and activities.
In addition to his academic activities, Prof. Dr. Eryılmaz has also undertaken managerial duties at various administrative positions within the Higher Education system. Having worked as Director of Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences of İzmir University of Economics between 2006-2010, and as Head of Department of Industrial Engineering of Atılım University between 2011-2014; Prof. Dr. Eryılmaz had been the Vice President for Research of Atılım University since July 2017.