Conference: Silence Calms Your Heart

As Atılım University Faculty of Health Sciences, we hosted Yogesh Sharda.

Yogesh Sharda, who was born in Malawi, Africa and raised in London and Oxford in the UK, whom training comes from the “Academy for a Better World” in Mount Abu, India and the “Global Retreat Centre” in Oxford, England, both run by the Brahma Kumaris University, was with us. with the title "Silence Calms Your Heart".

Mr. Sharda, who has been a Personal Development trainer and workshop facilitator for over 20 years, presenting many hundreds of seminars, workshops and courses for well-known companies, hospitals, universities, youth organizations and local community groups throughout Europe, UK, the Middle East, South East Asia, Australia, USA, Central and South America, the Caribbean and India, touched our lives with inspiring sharings as for the last time we welcomed him. We would like to thank Mr. Sharda for his valuable sharings related to life and Lecturer Merve Aydın for her simultaneous translation in the program which was open to all academic&administrative personnel and student within and out of the university.