Prof. Dr. Veli Cengiz ÖZALP

/ +90 (312) 586 6218

Bachelor's, PhD: Middle East Technical University

Research Interests : Molecular Diagnostics, Biosensor Development, Lateral Flow Strips.

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Prof. Dr. Atilla CİHANER

/ +90 (312) 586 8304

Bachelor's, Master's, PhD: Middle East Technical University

Research Interests : Conjugated Monomers and Polymers, Sulfur Based Polymers, Electrochromic Polymers and Devices, Chemiluminescent Monomers and Polymers.

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Prof. Dr. Dilaver TENGİLİMOĞLU

/ +90 (312) 586 8274

Bachelor's, Master's: Hacettepe University PhD: Gazi University

Research Interests : Marketing, Health Business Management, Health Tourism.

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Prof. Dr. Yılser DEVRİM

/ +90 (312) 586 8892

Bachelor's, Master's, PhD: Hacettepe University

Research Interests : Fuel Cells, Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cells, Hydrogen Energy, Enviroment and Energy, Renewable Energy Technologies, Polymer synthesis and characterization, Nanocomposite membranes, Design of the PEM Fuel Cell Stack, Solar Energy Technologies, Hybride Enery Systems.

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Assoc. Prof. Dr. Bülent ÜNAL

/ +90 (312) 586 8927

Bachelor's: Middle East Technical University Master's, PhD: Atılım University

Research Interests : Ürün tasarımı, mobilya tasarımı, 3D ürün modelleme, 3D ürün görselleştirme, 3D tıbbi modelleme, geçici afet konutu tasarımı.

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