
Voluntary internship documents are divided into two: those you need to bring before and after the internship.

Documents to be brought before the internship:

The required documents are attached and must be signed with wet signature. The documents must be submitted a week before the internships first day. Additionally, the documents you need to bring during your application are listed below and there are 5 in total.

Approval document with wet signature received from the relevant company
Photocopy of the student's front and back ID card
The information form must be filled out and the original must be brought.
The 2 attached petitions are filled in, signed and the originals are submitted.

Documents that must be brought after the internship:

Do not forget to submit your internship evaluation documents after your internship is over. Internship report and Internship evaluation form samples are attached. The guide on how the report should be filled out has been added to attacheds. Documents you need to bring:


1) Internship Report

  •  It must be filled in daily.
  •  Photos can be added to reinforce the written experiences.
  •  There should also be evaluations about your internship process and company experience.
  •  It must be filled out in English.

2) Internship Evaluation Form

  •  It must be filled out by your supervisor at your place of internship and delivered to you in a SEALED envelope.
  •  Your supervisor's signature and stamp must appear on the cover of the envelope.

Responsible staff

For Department of Airframe and Powerplant Maintenance Res. Ass. Oğuzhan Boztoprak  (oguzhan.boztoprak@atilim.edu.tr) 

For Department of Avionics Res. Ass. Sarper ARSLAN'a (sarper.arslan@atilim.edu.tr)