In distance education programs, final grade is calculated based on 100 points as follows:
Percentage of Midterm Exam: 20%
Percentage of Assignments and Projects: 15%
Percentage of Final Exam: 65%
Midterm exams are held online and consist of multiple choice questions. You must attend the midterm exams by logging in to the course web page between the dates announced in the academic calendar.
Midterm exams will be held in face-to-face proctored exams at Atilim University campus
Assignments and projects are assigned online by instructors at Learning Management System. Assignments and projects are submitted at Learning Management System within the specified time. Assignments and projects are assessed and graded online by instructors. At the end of evaluation process, the grades of assignments or projects can be displayed online through Learning Management System.
Final exams are held between 12:00pm-5:00pm on Sundays as announced in the academic calendar in the classes announced by the center. Final exams consists of multiple choice questions. After the evaluation of distance education center, final grades are announced at Learning Management System.
Resit exams are held between 12:00pm-5:00pm on Sundays as announced in the academic calendar in the classes announced by the center. Resit exams consists of multiple choice questions. After the evaluation of distance education center, results of resit exams are announced at Learning Management System. The result of resit exam is accepted as final pass grade. There is not any excuse exam for resit exams.
Important Note: Pursuant to the senate decree date 29.12.2015 and number 10, resit exams shall not be held as of the fall term of 2016-2017 academic year.
Students who could not attend an exam due to a reason accepted by Graduate School of Social Sciences Department of Management Graduate can sit for excuse examination.
At the end of each term, your grades are calculated according to specified percentage (MidtermExam20%+Homeworks15%+FinalExam65%) and turned into letter grades by Distance Education Center and submitted to instructors.
Important Note: Coordination for Distance Education shall not announce end-of-term grades under any circumstances.
Students are granted with below stated grades by instructors taking into account midterm exam, final exam and assignment or projects, attendance as well as studies carried out throughout the term.
AA 4.00
BA 3.50
BB 3.00
CB 2.50
CC 2.00
DC 1.50
DD 1.00
FF 0.00
Below given grades are not included in Grade Point Average:
I: Incomplete
S: Satisfactory
U: Unsatisfactory
P: Progressing
NI: Not-included,
NA: Not-attended
Instructors finalize the grades of students by entering them Student Information System (ATACS). Students can check their grades from Student Information System after the grades have been finalized and announced by Registrar’s Office within the specified date on academic calendar.