Prof. Dr. Ahmet SALTIK / Chairperson

/ +90 (312) 586 6208

Bachelor's: İstanbul University

Research Interests : Public Health/Community Medicine, Globalisation and Health, Epidemiology, Occupational Health & Safety, Health/Medical Law, Demography & Public Health.

Detailed CV

Prof. Dr. Fikriye Figen AYHAN

/ +90 (312) 586 80 00

Bachelor's: Ankara University Speciality Education: Ankara Training and Research Hospital

Research Interests : Cancer rehabilitation, Lymphedema, lipedema, phlebo-edema, Womens health and rehabilitation, Cardiovascular and pulmonary rehabilitation, Orthopedic and hand rehabilitation, Pain medicine, Rheumatology.

Detailed CV


/ +90 (312) 586 80 00

Bachelor's, Speciality Education: Ankara University

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Prof. Dr. Eşref Umut ÖZYER

/ +90 (312) 586 80 00

Prof. Dr. Siren SEZER

/ +90 (312) 586 6146

Bachelor's: Hacettepe University Speciality Education: Ankara University

Research Interests : Chronic kidney disease, Kidney transplantation, Nutrition, Inflammation, Uremic metabolism, Calcification, Uremic bone mineral balance.

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Prof. Dr. Mehmet Zülküf ÖNAL

/ +90 (312) 586 80 00

Prof. Dr. Nurper ÖZEN

/ +90 (312) 586 80 00

Bachelor's: Master's:

Research Interests : Psychopathologies, Psychopharmacology, Neuroscience.

Detailed CV

Prof. Dr. Halil Ertuğrul KÖROĞLU

/ +90 (312) 586 80 00

Bachelor's: Hacettepe University Speciality Education: Gazi University

Research Interests : Clinical Psychiatry and Psychotherapy.

Detailed CV

Prof. Dr. Ersin Hatice KARSLIOĞLU

/ +90 (312) 586 80 00

Prof. Dr. Ferda ÖNER ERKEKOL

/ +90 (312) 586 80 00

Prof. Dr. Mehmet Murat SUMER

/ +90 (312) 586 6314

Bachelor's, Master's: Istanbul University PhD: SSK Ankara Hospital

Research Interests : Cerebrovascular Diseases, Progression in Ischemic Cerebrovascular Diseases, Epilepsy.

Detailed CV

Prof. Dr. Elif BABAOĞLU

/ +90 (312) 586 80 00

Bachelor's: Hacettepe University

Research Interests : Interventional pulmonology, COPD, Pulmonary embolism, Smoking cessation treatments.

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Prof. Dr. Emine Esra OKUYUCU

/ +90 (312) 586 80 00

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ece GÖÇMEN

/ +90 (312) 586 80 00

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Fatih KARAAHMET

/ +90 (312) 586 80 00

Bachelor's: Ege University Speciality Education: Hacettepe University

Research Interests : Hepatobiliary tract and Pancreas, Advanced ERCP for complicated and refractory biliary and pancreatic diseases, Advanced endoscopic interventions, Chronic liver diseases, Inflammatory bowel disease.

Detailed CV

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mehmet Emin DEMİR

/ +90 (312) 586 80 00

Bachelor's: Gazi University Speciality Education: Gazi University

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Uğur ŞAHİN

/ +90 (312) 586 80 00

Bachelor's: Hacettepe University Speciality Education: Ankara University Speciality Education: Hacettepe University

Research Interests : Hematological malignancies, Bone marrow transplantation, Transplantation immunology, Palliative care, support treatments and life quality in cancer patients.

Detailed CV

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Elif DEMİRCİ SAADET

/ +90 (312) 586 80 00

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Muhammed Erkam SENCAR

/ +90 (312) 586 80 00

Research Interests : Thyroid diseases, Parathyroid diseases, Diabetes mellitus.

Detailed CV

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Çiğdem EROL

/ +90 (312) 586 80 00

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Canan DEMİR

/ +90 (312) 586 80 00

Bachelor's: İnönü University Speciality Education: Başkent University

Research Interests : Obesity, Thyroid disorders, Diabetes Mellitus.

Asst. Prof. Dr. Murat Can GÜNEY

/ +90 (312) 586 80 00

Bachelor's: Gazi University Speciality Education: Yıldırım Beyazıt University

Research Interests : Atherosclerotic Cardiovascular Diseases, Valvular Heart Diseases.

Detailed CV

Asst. Prof. Dr. Murat Doğan İŞCANLI

/ +90 (312) 586 80 00

Bachelor's, Speciality Education: Hacettepe University

Research Interests : Trauma, Cardiologic Emergency Conditions, First Aid, Poisoning, Ultrasonography Usage In Emergency Service.

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Asst. Prof. Dr. Laden JAFERİ

/ +90 (312) 586 80 00

Bachelor's, Master's, PhD: Master's, PhD: PhD:

Research Interests : .

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Asst. Prof. Dr. Nalan CAN

/ +90 (312) 586 80 00

Asst. Prof. Dr. Nazire UÇAR

/ +90 (312) 586 80 00

Asst. Prof. Dr. Cemal YÜCE

/ +90 (312) 586 80 00

Bachelor's: Ankara University Speciality Education: Gazi University Hospital

Research Interests : Diagnostic Radiology, Diagnostic-Interventional Neuroradiology, Interventional Radiology.

Detailed CV

Asst. Prof. Dr. Zekiye Safinur KESKİN

/ +90 (312) 586 80 00

Bachelor's: Ankara University Speciality Education: Ufuk University

Research Interests : Diagnostic Radiology (X-rays, computed tomography (CT), magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and ultrasound)- breast imaging (mammograms), cardiovascular radiology (chest radiology, emergency radiology, gastrointestinal radiology, genitourinary radiology, head and neck radiology, musculoskeletal radiology, pediatric radiology), .

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Asst. Prof. Dr. Yeliz ZAHİROĞLU

/ +90 (312) 586 80 00

Asst. Prof. Dr. Şerif HAMİTOĞLU

/ +90 (312) 586 80 00

Asst. Prof. Dr. Sami EREN

/ +90 (312) 586 6213

Bachelor's: Ankara University Speciality Education: Gazi University

Research Interests : Phase I - IV clinical trials, Biovaialbility/Bioequivalence studies, bioanalytical studies.

Detailed CV

Instructor Dr. İbrahim Sinan BUĞUR

/ +90 (312) 586 80 00

Bachelor's, Speciality Education: Marmara University

Research Interests : .

Instructor Dr. Cansu ÖZKOÇER

/ +90 (312) 586 80 00

Asst. Prof. Dr. Merve TOPCU BULUT

/ +90 (312) 586 6210

Bachelor's, Speciality Education: Middle East Technical University

Research Interests : Behavioral Addictions, Schema Therapy, Psychological stress and trauma, Dissociation, Cross-Cultural Perspectives on Trauma, Addiction, and Psychotherapies.

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Part Time Instructors

Prof. Dr. Kadri Şafak GÜÇER

/ +90 (312) 586 80 00

Bachelor's: Hacettepe University

Research Interests : Pediatrics, Pediatric and Perinatal pathology and Pediatric Nephropathology.

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Prof. Dr. Murat YURDAKÖK

/ +90 (312) 586 80 00

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