2024 - 2025

Induction Programme

Teachers’ Mentor and Mentee Programme

DBE Traditional PDU Event, 18.09.2024

2023 - 2024

Induction Programme

Teachers’ Mentor and Mentee Programme

Invited Speakers

Steve O'Farrell, I have the best words, 15.03.2024

Nicholas Peachey, AI Challenges and Opportunities, 02.02.2024

Nicholas Peachey, AI Tools and Resources for the English Language Classroom, 02.02.2024

Gökçe Mandalı, Beyond Words: Developing Speaking/ Listening Skills and Strategies, 24.01.2024

Gökçe Mandalı, Crafting Use of English Lessons for Gen Z, 24.01.2024

Aydan Ersöz, Teaching Vocabulary and Reading Skills to New Generation, 23.01.2024

Angela Mathenson, Teaching Writing in an AI World, 23.01.2024

Amir Hamidi, How to Explore Cambridge One Books and the Useful Tools, 22.09.2023


Concurrent sessions by PD members

Mine Bellikli, Is Old Still Gold?, 22.03.2024

Burçak Şahan, Great Teachers Don’t Teach! 😊, 22.03.2024

Didem Sultan Demirman, Video-Recorded Observation as an Ongoing PD Goal, 22.03.2024

Ömer Budanır, Checking Understanding of EFL Learners, 22.03.2024

Seda Karadeniz, Tips for Designing Context for Creativity and Production, 22.03.2024


DML Traditional PDU Event, 29.05.2024

2022 - 2023

Induction Programme

Teachers’ Mentor and Mentee Programme

Hosting SLTEP 2022 8th Alumni Conference and Meeting 19.11.2022

Invited Speakers

Devrim Özdemir, Effective Usage of Empower Books, 30.09.2022

Prof. Dr. Aydan Ersöz, Increasing Student Motivation, 21.10.2022

Steve O’Farrell, Differentiated Mifferentiated-What’s the mifference anyway? 09.12.2022

Jason Price, Demand High ELT, 25.01.2023

Nihal Özdemir, Elevating the speaking performances of our students: A suggested model and speaking activities, 25.01.2023

Suzan Özgelen, Continuing Professional Development and Reflective Practice, 26.01.2023

Gökçe Mandalı, The top 5 bad teaching habits,26.01.2023

Aydan Ersöz, Coursebook Adaptation, 27.01.2023

Yasemin Yelbay, Teacher’s Well-Being, 27.01.2023

Setenay Sanin, Mirror Mirror on the Wall Who is the Most Positive of All, 05.05.2023

Katie Welch, Making Differentiation Do-Able through Flexible Groups, 26.05.2023

Katie Welch, Checking for Understanding:Using Formative Assessment to Guide Instruction, 26.05.2023

SFL Traditional PDU Event, 22.06.2023

2021 - 2022

Induction Programme

Teachers’ Mentor and Mentee Programme

Announcements for Webinars, Trainings and Conferences

Invited Speakers

Emel Hacıbekiroğlu, Cambridge LMS, 21.07.2020

Emel Hacıbekiroğlu, How to use Empower, 19.08.2020

Emel Hacıbekiroğlu, How to use Unlock, 20.08.2020

Devrim Özdemir, Introduction to LMS Training Modules, 27.08.2020 

Devrim Özdemir, Teaching with Empower and Unlock, 1-2-3-4.09.2020 

Nik Peachey, Using Digital Tools and Resources in the Classroom, 22.09.2020

Nik Peachey, Developing Speaking Skills, 26.02.2021

Nik Peachey, Developing Listening Skills, 12.03.2021 

Nik Peachey, Developing Reading Skills, 26.03.2021

Nik Peachey, Developing Writing Skills, 30.04.2021

Nik Peachey, Developing Grammar and Vocabulary, 07.05.2021

Ben Knight, Introduction to CUP project, 9.10.2020

Gökçe Mandalı Kurtoğlu, Roadmap (A2 & A2+), 22.09.2021 

Sedat Örsel, Retorik ve Beden Dili, 08.04.2022 

Amir Esmkhani, Teaching by Principles, 22.04.2022 

Gökçe Mandalı Kurtoğlu, Practical Tips for task-based Learning, 20.05.2022

Concurrent sessions by PD members and volunteer instructors

Hakan Tilgel, Moodle Training for Group Heads, 09.08.2020

Cem Yagmur Genç, Teaching with Technology, 04.02.2021

Selen Baranoglu, Happiness 001, 11.02.2021

Workshops by PD members and volunteer Teachers

Meltem. T. Eroğlu (PDU member), Course Book Adaptation: Principles and Strategies, 23.10.2021  

Yağmur Balcı (PDU member), Learner Autonomy and Motivation, 23.10.2021 

Meltem T. Eroğlu (PDU member), Ideas for a Writing Lesson in ENG 121, 07.12.2021 

Yağmur Balcı (PDU member), Planning a Writing Lesson for ENG 221, 03.12.2021 

Bengü Cilalı (PDU member), Changing the Way Language Learners Think to Fulfil their Potential, 20.01.2022 

Hanım Türkyılmaz, Teaching Pronunciation Effectively, 26.01.2022 

Ferda Tokçalar, Metacognitive Reading Strategies, 26.01.2022 

Veysel Altunel, Creating a Frequency-based Turkish-English Loanword Cognates Word List (TELCWL), 26.01.2022 

Can Ece Boz, Traditional is the New Black, 26.01.2022 

Didem Demirman (PDU member), Integrating Social Emotional Learning in Higher Education Settings, 26.01.2022 

Eylem İblikci, Tips to increase engagement in online synchronous lessons 

Ferda Tokçalar, 21st Century Skills and English Language Skills: A Collaborative Workshop, 11.03.2022 

Nazlı Bulut, Challenges of Online Learning, 18.03.2022 

Ferda Tokçalar, The Metacognitive Reading Awareness Levels of University Student: Atılım University Case, 27.05.2022 

Ömer Budanır (PDU member), Giving Oral Feedback, 27.05.2022 

Sevgi Yaman (PDU member), Teacher Talking Time, 27.05.2022 


Tool Presentations by Lesson Planning Group 09,10.09.2021


Elif Nisa Türkoğlu, Flippity.net and Quizizz 

Nazlı Bulut, Socrative 

Kardelen Kaya, Jamboard 

Didem Demirman (PDU member), Nearpod 

Ömer Budanır (PDU member), Mentimeter/ Polleverywhere 

Nazlı Bulut, Wordwall

Şeyma Altıntuğlu, Telegraph 

2020 - 2021

Induction Programme

Announcements for Webinars, Trainings and Conferences

Concurrent sessions by PD members and volunteer instructors

Meltem Turan Eroğlu (PDU member), How to Promote Interaction in online Language Classes

Bengü Cilalı (PDU member), Enhancing Online Instruction Through Revisiting 5-E Learning Model

Yağmur Balcı (PDU member), Integrating Mobile Learning into Teaching and Learning

Didem Demirman (PDU member), De-stressing our Classrooms; Ways of Dealing with Stressful ELT Teachers and Students During Covid -19

Oya Bozkurt (PDU member), Should we use L1 in Language Classes

Ayşe Arikdal (PDU member), How to Teach Speaking by Creating a Safe Online Speaking Environment  

Seda Karadeniz (PDU member), Online Feedback

Buray Gür (PDU member), Concept checking

Ekin Kalemci (PDU member), How to increase student motivation in online classes

Ayten Karakaya (PDU member), Some ways of Using Technology to build Vocabulary

Burçak Şahan (PDU member), Challenges of Online Teaching and some Solutions

2019 - 2020

Induction Programme

Study Skills Booklets

Announcements for Webinars, Trainings and Conferences

Invited Speakers

Andrew Bosson (Oxford), Teaching Effective Listening Skill, 11.10.2019.

Devrim Özdemir (Cambridge), Effective Language Practice, 25.10.2019.

Ali Ashouri, Alternative Activities to Make the Classes More Practical, 25.10.2019.

Reza Vahdani, Discourse Analysis, 1.11.2019.

Concurrent sessions by PD members and volunteer instructors

Bengü Cilalı & Yağmur Balcı (PDU members), Giving & Checking Instruction, 28.01.2019.

Bengü Cilalı & Yağmur Balcı (PDU members), How to Reduce Teacher Talk Time, 29.01.2019.

Cemil Sapmaz/ H. Emre Çırkan, Effective Application Tools in ELT Classes, 11.10.2019.

Yağmur Balcı (PDU member), Giving Written Feedback, 11.10.2019.

Meltem Turan Eroğlu (PDU member), Dealing with Academic Reading Skills, 1.11.2019.

Semih Gökalp / Selvin Çiçek, Effects of Sports on Job Motivation (Turkish), 1.11.2019.

Bengü Cilalı (PDU member), Designing a Lesson Plan, 6.12.2019.

Burçak Şahan (PDU member), Activating Schemata in Reading, 6.12.2019.

Seda Karadeniz (PDU member), Giving Feedback to In Class Assessment, 6.12.2019.

Oya Özbozkurt (PDU member), Time Management, 13.12.2019.

Ekin Kalemci (PDU member), Promoting Learner Autonomy, 13.12.2019.

Serra Özerciyes (PDU member), Oral Error Correction, 3.01.2020.

Ayşe Arıkdal (PDU member), Powerful Closure Activities of an EFL Lesson, 3.01.2020.

Didem Demirman (PDU member), A Multilayered Classroom and Promoting Learning Retention, 3.01.2020.

Yağmur Balcı (PDU member) Giving Written Feedback, 31.01.2020.

Meltem Turan Eroğlu (PDU member), Dealing with Academic Reading Skills, 31.01.2020.

Bengü Cilalı (PDU member), Designing a Lesson Plan, 31.01.2020.

Buray Gür (PDU member), Teaching Vocabulary Effectively, 31.01.2020.

Ayten Özmen (PDU member), How to Deal with Behavioural Problems in Class, 31.01.2020.

Merve Aydın, Practical Uses of Mobile Technology in EFL Classes, 7.02.2020.

Cem Genç, Gender Role in ELT, 7.02.2020.

Yasemen Kotik, Academic Partner System in ESL classes, 7.02.2020.

Burçak Şahan (PDU member), Activating Schemata in Reading, 14.02.2020.

Oya Özbozkurt (PDU member), Time Management, 14.02.2020.

Seda Karadeniz (PDU member), Giving Feedback to In-class Assessment, 14.02.2020.

Buray Gür (PDU member), Teaching Vocabulary Effectively, 14.02.2020.

Ekin Kalemci (PDU member), Promoting Learner Autonomy, 6.03.2020.

Serra Özerciyes (PDU member), Oral Error Correction, 6.03.2020.

Ayşe Arıkdal (PDU member), Powerful Closure Activities of an EFL, 6.03.2020.

Sevgi Yıldırım, Awareness Training Barış Muslu NLP teaching (Turkish), 17.04.2020.

Cemre Tümer, Female Instructors' Responds to Compliments within the Workplace, 17.04.2020.

Gizem Erginer, How to Make Truffle (Turkish), 17.04.2020.

Dilek Karaduman, Be in peace with your worries (Turkish), 8.05.2020.