Message from the Director

Asst. Prof. Dr. Abdullah ERTAŞ
Dear Students,
Welcome to Atılım University School of Foreign Languages!
Since 1997, our university has had a Preparatory School, which has continuously increased both the quality of education and the number of students day by day. After the Preparatory School education, there was a separate department that assisted students in learning the language they would need in their departments. These two sister departments worked separately for many years, but always in close relationship. In 2016, with the decision taken by the Senate of Atılım University to establish the School of Foreign Languages, these two departments came together under the same roof and since then, they have made significant contributions to ensuring that our students receive the highest level of language education.
The School of Foreign Languages aims to ensure that our students receive a high-quality foreign language education by using innovative teaching methods to fulfil the mission of our university. The School of Foreign Languages offers its students educational programmes prepared using methods that are prominent in foreign language teaching. We believe that we need to make continuous efforts to update our programmes regularly to keep up with current teaching methods and approaches. While updating our education programmes, the materials selected in line with student needs are also taken into consideration. For our teaching staff to follow all the innovations in the field of education and training, we regularly receive support from leading experts in foreign language teaching in addition to the in-service professional development activities carried out within our school.
To achieve excellence in foreign language education, we use all kinds of knowledge, skills and experience as much as we can. As the School of Foreign Languages, I am proud to say that we provide academic and professional English education in the best way possible, which enables our students to improve their communication skills and helps them to develop their worldview, together with our expert and dedicated lecturers and support units.
Our web page is primarily intended to inform you about the English education we provide at our school. It also provides information about our academic and administrative staff, educational policy and the various training and activities carried out at our school.
I wish you all success.