Chairperson’s Message

Prof. Dr. Ali YAZICI
Dear Students:
The development of information technology and growing use of mobile devices have increased the need for high-quality software which enables effective usage of new devices equipped with the new technology. In parallel, Software Engineering has gained more importance and come into focus as a profession that will prosper country’s economy.
Software Engineering is featured as “Profession of the Future” by many independent institutions. In addition, the interest in Software Engineering as well as the need for software engineers in the sector have grown undeniably in the last decade. Within the framework of these observations, the Department of Software Engineering was established in 2005, and is currently admitting students to its undergraduate and graduate (Master of Science and PhD) programs.
Along with the basic phases of a software life cycle (analysis, design, implementation, etc.) and related methodologies, our department deals with various areas of expertise such as Object-Oriented Analysis and Design, Human-Computer Interaction, Software Quality Assurance, Software Requirements Engineering, Database Systems, Software Design and Architecture, Software Project Management, Software Testing and Model-Driven Software Development.
According to the requirements of the software sector, the curriculum of the department aims at graduating engineers who can work in any phase of large-scale software development processes. The Software Engineering program has been accredited by MÜDEK until 30 September 2025, and has qualified for the EUR-ACE label. Big Data and Cloud Information Laboratories, MobiLab, Simlab and software training laboratories of our university are equipped with different hardware components and software tools which enable the students to use state-of-the-art software technologies and resources.
The graduates of the department may pursue a career in software and research & development companies (Technoparks) and all kinds of organizations that utilize computer and software technologies such as banks and health facilities, information technologies centers of public and private institutions, telecommunications companies and universities.
Remember that, Software Engineering is one of the top future professions all over the world.
All the best in your future career...