Aiming to train individuals who are experienced in their fields, showing social accountability and openness to innovation and learning, who are inquisitive and scrutinizing, with our experienced and competent academic staff and the modern, solid education that we offer, our University founded the School of Health Sciences as our 6th school, in our 20th year in service. The school is home to the departments of “Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation”, “Nutrition and Dietetics”, “Nursing”, and “Child Development”.
The Atılım University School of Health Sciences was founded on 06/02/2017 on the basis of the Additional Article 30 of the Law no. 2890 as per the Council of Ministers Resolution no. 2017/9889 published on the Official Gazette dated March 11, 2017, no. 30004. Approval was granted in the Academic Year of 2017-2018 to regarding student admittance to the departments of “Nutrition and Dietetics” and “Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation” on the basis of MF3 scores with the Higher Education Council Resolution dated 04/05/2017.