Message from the Dean

Prof. Dr. Nurhan BAYRAKTAR
The School of Health Sciences, which has the privilege of being a part of Atilim University, which is a distinguished higher education institution with a high level of educational opportunities and competent teaching staff and is fully accredited by the Higher Education Quality Board, embodies Nutrition and Dietetics, Child Development, Physiotherapy, and Rehabilitation, Nursing and Audiology Departments. The school aims to educate contemporary health professionals who are creative and contribute to universal science, and research, adopt scientific thinking, ethical and moral behavior, and scientific practice as a principle, by ensuring the highest level of training for the students in an environment that allow them to reveal their own potential.
In today's world where science and technology have been developing fast, the development degree of a society is closely related to the qualifications of the higher education system. Our faculty, which has adopted a student-centered approach, is capable of enabling educational activities to be carried out at advanced standards. The school, which offers a quality education at contemporary standards, has fully equipped classrooms and advanced laboratory facilities where students can perform their practices in their fields. The students perform their internships in public hospitals, contracted private hospitals, and other institutions and organizations.
The School of Health Sciences is among the leading educational institutions of our country with its 100% English education in the Departments of Nutrition and Dietetics, Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation, Nursing and Audiology. This feature offers graduates a wide range of employment opportunities internationally. In addition, the faculty has international student exchange agreements with various countries, such as the USA, Italy, Czech Republic, and within the scope of these agreements, the students are offered an opportunity to gain experience abroad.
Qualified graduate education is one of the most important criteria for the quality of a university. Graduate education is the basis for the training of new faculty members, research, and knowledge production. Within this context, postgraduate career development opportunities are offered with graduate degree programs in Obstetrics and Gynecology Nursing and Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation fields.
The development of societies is evaluated with the knowledge and technology they can produce. Universities are areas where scientific research is carried out and knowledge is produced, as well as education. In this context, members of our faculty have carried out many national/international scientific projects, published books and articles, and received international citations.
We believe that our faculty will continue and improve its qualified work in the fields of education and research.
Best regards.
Professor Nurhan Bayrakta