Why should I study Psychology at Atılım University?

Our department was established in 2004, making it the first Psychology Department among foundation universities in Ankara. The goal of Atılım University's Psychology Department is to provide our students with excellent theoretical knowledge and ensure they actively gain experience in the applied fields of psychology even at the undergraduate level. With elective courses from psychology's subfields, each student can take courses that align with their interests and career goals. We offer a supportive environment for students to develop both individually and professionally, thanks to the direct communication they establish with faculty members and student services.

In the first two years of their education, students take core courses in fields like developmental psychology, learning psychology, cognitive, social, and clinical psychology to familiarize themselves with the subfields of psychology. Students who want to work in applied fields after graduation have the opportunity to focus on areas such as clinical psychology, developmental psychology, or experimental/cognitive psychology through elective and applied courses. Students interested in continuing with graduate education in psychology or becoming researchers or academicians can enhance their research skills by conducting their own research projects under faculty supervision in their 4th year. Courses in areas such as Experimental Psychology, Developmental Psychology, Health Psychology, Industrial and Organizational Psychology, Social Psychology, and Clinical Psychology are taught by faculty members who specialize in those fields.

Some of our students also enhance their academic knowledge and skills by participating in research and projects conducted by faculty members. Our distinguished, experienced, and dynamic academic staff take great pride in being one of Turkey's top psychology departments with a well-established and rich curriculum. If you love people, understanding yourself, and learning, we invite you to become part of this family.

What differentiates your department from other universities' faculties and departments?

At Atılım University's Faculty of Arts and Sciences, all faculty members of the Psychology Department have graduated from prestigious universities and specialize in core subfields of psychology. Our faculty members teach both theoretical and applied courses in their respective areas. We offer must and elective courses to equip students with the skills to conduct academic research and report findings appropriately. Research is also encouraged in some theoretical courses, allowing students to grasp methods and statistics, as well as develop analytical and reporting skills that will be useful in academic and professional life.

In addition to research courses, we offer applied courses in various subfields of psychology to prepare students for professional life after graduation. Students also have the opportunity to take elective courses from different subfields of psychology based on their interests and motivation. With the mandatory internship course currently included in the curriculum, students have the chance to do internships. Furthermore, in some elective courses, students can work on practical projects under the supervision of faculty members. Interview exercises are conducted in certain courses using the Clinical Psychology Interview and Observation Laboratory. For example, in the elective course "Basics of Clinical Interviewing," all students have the chance to both conduct interviews and observe interviews conducted by their peers, then evaluate and discuss these sessions.

Courses are taught in English, and all course materials are prepared in English, offering students a great opportunity to follow the latest developments internationally and contribute to the field while also improving their general English language skills. Students proficient in international knowledge gain access to resources and opportunities abroad during their education and after graduation.

Our department is accredited by FEDEK (The Association for Evaluation and Accreditation of Programs in Faculties of Science, Literature, Science-Literature, Language, and History-Geography) for the period between November 19, 2022, and September 30, 2026. We are committed to providing a strong communication network for our students with a dynamic and student-focused staff.

What is the student-to-faculty ratio, and is it important?

There are approximately 350 students in the Psychology Department, with 7 faculty members and 2 research assistants. All courses are taught by faculty members, and research assistants oversee lab sessions when necessary. Additionally, on average, two part-time instructors teach courses each semester. Required courses, such as statistics, social psychology, and developmental psychology, generally have around 60 students, while specialized courses, such as those involving clinical interviews or research, are offered to fewer students based on their interest and skills. This system ensures that every graduate leaves with the basic knowledge and experience expected of a psychology graduate, as well as specialized knowledge in their chosen subfield, preparing them for academic and professional careers.

Each faculty member also serves as an academic advisor to a group of students. The number of students per advisor is determined by the faculty member's workload (teaching, administrative duties, etc.), allowing advisors to dedicate sufficient time to each student and closely monitor their academic progress. Thus, we can say that the student-to-faculty ratio is effectively managed.

How many full-time and part-time faculty members are there?

There are approximately 350 students in the Psychology Department. The department has 7 full-time faculty members and 2 research assistants. Additionally, part-time faculty members who are experts in their fields are employed as needed.


Full-time academic staff and their areas of expertise

Assoc. Prof. Neşe Alkan

Clinical Psychology / Counseling Psychology

Assoc. Prof. Dilek Demirtepe Saygılı

Clinical Psychology

Assoc. Prof. İrem Metin Orta

Developmental Psychology / Social Psychology

Asst. Prof. Dr. Kutlu Kağan Türkarslan

Clinical Psychology

Asst. Prof. Dr. Gülçin Akbaş Uslu

Social Psychology

Asst. Prof. Dr. Sanem Küçükkömürler

Social Psychology

Asst. Prof. Dr. Elis Güngör

Industrial and Organizational Psychology / Social Psychology

Res. Asst. Mustafa Özaydın

Cognitive Science

Res. Asst. Caner Tülek

Clinical Psychology


Do you have any international connections outside of Erasmus?

Atılım University is part of the Erasmus+ Exchange Program. Under Erasmus+, 582 students from 63 different countries have chosen Atılım University. For the Psychology Department, there are Erasmus+ agreements with Niccolo Cusano University in Italy and Universitat Rovira I Virgili in Spain for staff and student mobility. Since its establishment, Atılım University has been expanding its network of agreements.

Where are your graduates working?

Our graduates work in state and private hospitals, psychotherapy and counseling centers, various government institutions (Ministry of Health, Ministry of National Education, Ministry of Justice, Ministry of Family, Labor and Social Services, etc.), psychotechnical evaluation and research centers, special education centers, nursing homes, non-governmental organizations, human resources departments of private companies, municipalities, and various levels of educational institutions.

What is the employment rate and in which sectors are your graduates employed?

The employment rate of our graduates is around 90%. They work in both the public and private sectors. Some of our graduates have also opened their own businesses related to various applications of psychology.

How many graduates have you had? How many graduates are you in contact with?

Our department has had approximately 650 graduates since its first graduate in 2009. Our department's Alumni Communication Unit maintains contact with our graduates via email and social media (Facebook group "Atılım Psychology Alumni" and the Instagram account "Atılım Psychology").

As part of our university’s and department’s quality assurance processes, we regularly reach out to our alumni and their employers to gather their opinions and evaluations regarding the education provided by our department.

In recent years, we have been organizing meetings where our alumni are regularly invited to the university to share their knowledge and experiences with current students. Both our students and alumni have expressed that they benefit greatly from these meetings.

Do you have alumni working abroad?

Although not many, some of our graduates have gone abroad for master's degrees or employment. It is generally observed that our graduates prefer domestic job opportunities and graduate education. However, in recent years, there has been a noticeable increase in the number of graduates considering opportunities abroad.

What is accreditation? Is the Psychology Department at Atılım University accredited?

Accreditation is a process that ensures the quality of education is maintained. FEDEK (The Association for Evaluation and Accreditation of Programs in Faculties of Science, Literature, Science-Literature, Language and History-Geography), which is recognized as a national quality assurance body by the Council of Higher Education and is a full member of CEENQA (The Central and Eastern European Network of Quality Assurance Agencies in Higher Education), accredited our department’s undergraduate program for 5 years starting from November 19, 2022, following their general evaluation during the 2022-2023 review period.

FEDEK aims to contribute to improving the quality of education in faculties of science, literature, language, and history-geography in Turkey by conducting accreditation, evaluation, and information activities for programs in these faculties. FEDEK was established to promote education, scientific research, and public service in the departments of these faculties.

Why should I prefer English as the language of instruction in Psychology?

Psychology is generally defined as the science that studies human behavior, thoughts, and emotions. A common language is essential to keep up with advancements in science, and since the birth of psychology, the dominant language in this field has been English. The knowledge used in the field is based on experiments. As with almost all scientific fields, a significant portion of the literature in psychology comes from international sources. Even in countries where English is not the native language, many publications are in English. It is crucial to follow the latest developments firsthand, both during education and in academic and professional work after graduation. There are also opportunities for psychology students to study abroad, such as the Erasmus+ program or graduate education. Knowing English offers a significant advantage for students who plan to pursue these options. Considering these aspects, it is clear that offering psychology education in English is more advantageous.

What is the difference between Psychology and Guidance and Psychological Counseling?

The Guidance and Psychological Counseling (PDR) department is housed within the Education faculties of universities, while the Psychology Department is part of the Faculties of Science and Literature. Both programs are 4 years in duration. Psychology graduates receive the title of "psychologist," while PDR graduates are titled "psychological counselors."

While both fields have some common courses, their training is fundamentally different. In psychology undergraduate education, there are both required and elective courses introducing the core subfields of psychology, along with courses on research methods and statistics. The program aims to provide students with both theoretical and practical knowledge in psychology and equip them with the skills needed to conduct research and report findings. In contrast, PDR undergraduate education runs a program designed to train counselors who can effectively deliver guidance and psychological counseling services to students at different educational levels. Therefore, the program includes both theoretical approaches in education and measurement and evaluation courses, as well as practical courses for counseling.

Who is considered a clinical psychologist?

According to the Ministry of Health, a clinical psychologist is a healthcare professional who has completed a master's degree in clinical psychology, following an undergraduate degree in psychology or guidance and psychological counseling, and has gained the necessary practical experience in clinical settings. They provide therapy and psychological support services in line with their education.

A psychology graduate working in the clinical field, under the supervision of a clinical psychologist, applies and reports test techniques and methods, conducts patient interviews, provides psychological rehabilitation services, and offers psychological support in specialized areas such as crisis and disaster response. They also contribute to follow-up, consultation, and support services for discharged patients.

Can I conduct therapy or open a clinic after graduation?

The aim of the undergraduate psychology program is to teach psychology as a fundamental science and provide theoretical knowledge and as much practical experience as possible in all subfields. Although offering practical opportunities is considered an advantage, these are not sufficient to become a qualified therapist. In Turkey, there is currently no legal regulation that allows clinical psychologists to independently open a clinic. However, based on the definitions provided by the Ministry of Health, it is clear that the authority to conduct clinical practice is granted not to a psychologist but to a clinical psychologist who has completed a two-year master's program in clinical psychology.