Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ilgar SEYIDOV

The goal of the Department of Public Relations and Advertising is to provide guidance in gaining contemporary knowledge to those who want to learn, make necessary contributions to the students intending to build their future in socially sensitive and responsible ways, and enrich their university education through theoretical and practical courses that connect educational environment with working environments.

Some of our contributions to the learning growth of our students include:

  • Knowledge and skills in journalism, research, writing and editing
  • In depth knowledge and skills in social sciences.
  • Knowledge and skill in designing research and using research findings in decision-making.
  • Profound knowledge in a specific subfield (e.g. graphic or advertisement design)
  • Conducting research, using results in decision making and planning processes
  • Critical-thinking, using imagination and creative problem solving skills
  • Eloquence and persuasion skills as required by the profession
  • Working in coordination and acting as team member
  • Following current news around the world
  • Creativity and conveying skills in words and visuals
  • Strategy formulation, implementing tactics and problem solving
  • Analytic skills, troubleshooting and generating solutions

Our primary duty is to educate qualified individuals for the society. However, we do our best to contribute students’ effort to find a job by establishing close academic, research, advising and training relations with state institutions, non-profit organizations and private sector. We always try to explore new avenues of making better contributions to our students during and after their schooling.

Our job, duty, expectation, goal and efforts are to make valuable contributions to the advancement of our students and our society by means of a student centered participative education.