Course registration transactions for associate/ undergraduate degree program students with up to two courses to complete for graduation, excluding those not included in their grade point averages to constitute the grounds for their graduation
Course registration transactions for associate/undergraduate degree program students with up to two courses to complete for graduation, excluding those not included in their grade point averages to constitute the grounds for their graduation
Atılım University Regulations on Education and Examination: “ARTICLE 10/2 – (Amended: RG-2/10/2018-30553): “The students who have up to two courses for graduation except for the courses not included in CGPA shall pay the tuition fees for two courses. However, the students who have three or more courses for graduation shall pay the tuition fees determined by the Board of Trustees for an academic semester.” As per this provision, students intending to register for a single course, or two courses are to select their course(s) using the screen via the “Register and Pay for Two Courses” button shown below, available on their course registration page on ATACS; and submit these courses to their advisors for approval.
The resulting fees are to be paid after course selection, through the Virtual POS system, or other payment methods. After payment, the advisor will be able to give approval.
Students within this scope, yet unable to register due to their courses not being available in their semester of activity will not be required to pay for their courses.