- School of Arts & Sciences
- School of Fine Arts, Design and Architecture
- School of Law
- School of Business
- School of Engineering
- Computer Engineering
- Information Systems Engineering
- Electrical-Electronics Engineering
- Industrial Engineering
- Energy Systems Engineering
- Physics Group
- Aerospace Engineering
- Manufacturing Engineering
- Civil Engineering
- Chemical Engineering
- Mechanical Engineering
- Mechatronics Engineering
- Metallurgical and Materials Engineering
- Automotive Engineering
- Software Engineering
- School of Health Sciences
- School of Medicine
- Vocational School
- Vocational School of Health Services
- School of Civil Aviation (4-Year)
- School of Foreign Languages
- Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences
- Department of Computer Engineering
- Department of Information Systems Engineering
- Department of Electrical & Electronics Engineering
- Department of Industrial Engineering
- Department of Physics
- Department of Manufacturing Engineering
- Department of Civil Engineering
- Department of Chemistry
- Department of Chemical Engineering
- Department of Mechanical Engineering
- Department of Mathematics
- Department of Mechatronics Engineering
- Department of Metallurgical and Materials Engineering
- Department of Architecture
- Department of Modeling and Design of Engineering Systems
- Department of Software Engineering
- Graduate School of Health Sciences
- Graduate School of Social Sciences
- Department of Public Relations and Advertising
- Department of Interior Architecture and Environmental Design
- Department of Economics
- Department of English Language and Literature
- Department of Business
- Department of Public Law
- Department of Public Administration and Political Science
- Department of Clinical Psychology
- Department of Public Finance
- Department of Translation and Interpretation
- Department of Private Law
- Department of Tourism and Hotel Management
- Department of International Relations
- Department of International Trade and Logistics
- Directorates
- Directorate of ARGEDA Technology Transfer Office
- Directorate of Information and Communication Technologies
- Directorate of Human Resources
- Directorate of Corporate Development and Planning
- Directorate of Corporate Communication and Promotion
- Library
- Directorate of Financial Affairs and Budget
- Directorate of Student Affairs
- Directorate of Social Affairs and Sports
- Directorate of International Relations
- Directorates/Management Offices
- Directorates/Coordination Offices
- Offices
- Support Unit for People with Special Needs
- Directorates
- Student Affairs
- Campus Life
- University Candidates
Academic Success Scholarship Quotas for the Academic Year of 2022-2023
- Maximum Duration of Education
- Course registration transactions for associate/ undergraduate degree program students with up to two courses to complete for graduation, excluding those not included in their grade point averages to constitute the grounds for their graduation
- Homepage
- Details on Maximum Periods of Study
- Academic Calendar
- Information / Document & Application
- Academic Information
- Other operations
- Academic Success Scholarships
- Academic Success Scholarships
- Double Major and Minor Programs
- Graduate Programs
- International Students
- Special-Status Students
- Contact
The Board of Trustees of Atılım University resolved on 03.10.2022 regarding the Academic Success Scholarships as per Clause (C) of “Atılım University Scholarship Regulations” for the allocation of 5% of the total number of associate and undergraduate degree program students at the University in the Academic Year of 2022-2023, excluding those pursuing their preparatory English education, as the scholarship quota for the scholarships in Article (2.1.) for the Academic Year of 2023-2024; as well as for the practice where the top-ranking 50 undergraduate degree program students of the University in the Academic Year of 2022-2023 as per their CGPA; in addition to the top-ranking 5 associate degree students of the University in the Academic Year of 2022-2023 as per their CGPA, shall benefit from the scholarships in Article (2.2.).