Documents Required for Equivalency
Equivalency Certificate
Important Notice: For the equivalency certificate please visit the websites below.
For further information on equivalence transactions according to countries please visit the link below.
- Iranian prospective undergraduate students please read this part carefully.
Secondary education takes place at general high schools (Dabirestan), art schools (Honaristan) and other vocational (Kar-Danesh) schools. The period of education at Dabirestan and vocational high schools is 3 years. Students who graduate from Dabirestan are entitled to receive a high school diploma. However, those wishing to attend university are required to study for one (1) year of university preparatory school following 3 years of high school education.
Students completing this one (1) preparatory year receive a document, namely the “Pish-Daneshgahi”. For equivalence procedures, students wishing to pursue a degree in Turkey will be required to present their original “Pish-Daneshgahi” documentation from their general and vocational (Dabirestan, Honaristan, Kar-Danesh) schools from which they have graduated by the end of the Academic Year of 2017/ 2018. However, the requirement for a “Pish-Daneshgahi” is waived for high school graduates of Academic Year of 2018/ 2019 and onwards.
While graduates of Dabirestan, Honaristan and other vocational schools receive a diploma called “Gawahinameh Dabirestan”, those having graduated after the Year of 1978-1979 receive “Gawahinameh Payan Tahsilat”.
The highest grade in the Iranian System of education is (20), while the lowest grade is (0). For students of Dabirestan and vocational schools, students’ final grades should not average below (10) to advance to the next grade. However, if students of these schools fail in two courses, they will be expected to participate in the examination taking place in September. If they are unable to pass their courses with these exams as well; in order to advance grades, these students will need to achieve an arithmetic average of 12 in terms of grades for their courses taken within the entire academic year.
Honaristan: The vocational schools in Iran admit graduates of secondary education.
The period of education is 3 years. Students of intermediate grades receive a Karnameh, or a report card; while graduating students receive a diploma. Some of the main vocational schools and departments of Iran are:
a) Honaristan
·Department of Mechanics (Makina)
·Department of Electrics (Alektrik)
·Department of Construction (Sahtman)
·Department of Metal Works (Filzkera) etc.
b) Agricultural Schools (Keshavarzi Dabiristan)
· Department of Agriculture (Keshavarzi)
· Department of Agricultural Machines (Makina Keshavarzi) etc.
c) Vocational School of Chemistry (Shimi Dabiristan)
d) High School of Medicine (Behdashti Honaristan)
e) Vocational High School of Trade (Bazargani Dabiristan)
· Department of Accounting (Hesabdari)
· Department of Economics (İktisad)
· Department of Secetarial Studies (Daftardari)
Students from the Department of Kampitur (Computer Studies) of Kar-Danesh high schools are not required to present their Pish-Daneshgahi. They may be admitted to university upon presentation of their 3-year diplomas.
Documents Required for Application
The Documents Required For Equivalency
1.Application Form
2.A clear file bag
For Turkish Citizens;
The original and the copy of identity card
The original and the copy of the passport page with photo
The copy of stamped pages displaying entry-exit dates
For Foreign Citizens;
The original and the copies of the residency permit in Turkey or education visa.
The original and the copy of the passport page with photo
For non-graduates;
The original and the copy of report card or transcript of the latest grade.
For graduates;
The original and the copy of apostilled diploma and transcript
Documents requested from the applicants within the scope of the special case:
1-Those who cannot submit their documents due to war, disaster and/or asylum,
2-Those who have "International Protection Status Holder Identity Document" or "International Protection Applicant Identity Document"
3-If the education documents are not available, it is enough to upload only the mentioned documents for applicants with the decision of an education measure by a court judgement.
In addition to these, if there are the following situations, they should be added considering;
1-Identity card/passport of the mother/father for those under the age of 18,
2- Original and approved translation (if necessary) of the parent consent letter, university pre-registration document/student certificate for applicants who are under the age of 18 and will register in the university,
3- Original and approved translation of the custody document proofing that the student custody is in the applicant for those whose parents got divorced.
4-If there is a change in the surname in the education certificate and identity card/passport due to reasons such as marriage, divorce, the marriage certificate and/or identity register copy must be uploaded.
المستندات المطلوبة للتطبيق
المستندات المطلوبة
استمارة الطلب - ١
ملف غلاف شفاف - ٢
لمواطني جمهورية تركيا ؛
الهوية الأصلية وصورة عنها
جواز السفر الأصلي وصورة من صفحة الصورة
نسخ من الصفحات المختومة توضح تواريخ الدخول والخروج
للمواطنين الأجانب ؛
أصل وصورة من تصريح الإقامة أو تأشيرة الدراسة
أصل جواز السفر وصورة عنه
للفئات المتوسطة ؛
أصل وصورة من بطاقة التقرير أو كشف الدرجات العام الأخير من التعليم
أصل وصورة من الدبلوم معتمد من أبوستيل وكشف الدرجات
المستندات المطلوبة من المتقدمين في نطاق الحالة الخاصة:
1-أولئك الذين لا يستطيعون تقديم مستنداتهم بسبب الحرب و / أو الكوارث و / أو اللجوء ،
2-أولئك الذين لديهم "وثيقة هوية حامل حالة الحماية الدولية" أو "شهادة هوية طالب الحماية الدولية" ،
3-إذا تم اتخاذ قرار التعليم بقرار من المحكمة ، وإذا كانت وثائق التعليم غير متوفرة ، يكفي تحميل المستندات ذات الصلة فقط.
بالإضافة إلى ذلك ، إذا كانت هناك المواقف التالية ، فقم بإضافتها عن طريق مراعاة ذلك ؛
1-هوية / جواز سفر الأم / الأب لمن تقل أعمارهم عن 18 عامًا ،
2-ترجمة أصلية وموثقة لوثيقة موافقة الوالدين (إذا لزم الأمر) لأولئك الذين تقل أعمارهم عن 18 سنة والتسجيل في الجامعة ، وشهادة الجامعة للتسجيل المسبق / شهادة الطالب ،
3-بالنسبة للطلاب الذين تكون والدتهم / والدهم منفصلين ، الترجمة الأصلية والمصدقة لوثيقة الحضانة تفيد أن وثيقة الحضانة موجودة في مقدم الطلب
4-يجب تحميل شهادة الزواج و / أو استمارة التسجيل لأسباب الزواج والطلاق وما إلى ذلك إذا كان هناك تغيير في اللقب في وثيقة الهوية / جواز السفر،
Başvuru için İstenilen Belgeler
Başvuru İçin İstenen Belgeler:
1.Başvuru Formu
2.Şeffaf Kapaklı Dosya
T.C. vatandaşları için;
Kimlik aslı ve fotokopisi
Pasaport aslı ve resimli sayfa fotokopisi
Giriş-çıkış tarihlerini gösteren mühürlü sayfaların fotokopileri
Yabancı vatandaşları için;
İkamet tezkeresi veya öğrenim vizesi aslı ve fotokopileri
Pasaport aslı ve resimli fotokopisi
Ara sınıflar için;
Eğitim aldığı son yıla ait karne veya transkript aslı ve fotokopisi
Mezunlar için;
Apostilli diploma ve transkript aslı ve fotokopileri
Özel durum kapsamında başvuruda bulunacak kişilerden istenen belgeler:
1-Savaş, afet ve/veya sığınma nedeniyle belgelerini ibraz edemeyenler,
2-“Uluslararası Koruma Statüsü Sahibi Kimlik Belgesi” veya “Uluslararası Koruma Başvuru Sahibi Kimlik Belgesi” sahibi olanlar,
3-Mahkeme kararıyla eğitim tedbiri kararı alınan kişilerin öğrenim belgeleri yok ise sadece bahse konu belgelerini yüklemeleri yeterlidir.
Bunlara ek olarak aşağıda yer alan durumlar mevcut ise bunların da göz önüne alınarak eklenmesi;
1-18 yaşından küçükler için anne/babasının kimlik/pasaportu,
2-18 yaşından küçük olup da üniversiteye kayıt yaptıracaklar için veli muvaffakatnamesinin aslı ve onaylı tercümesi(gerek varsa), üniversite ön kayıt belgesi/öğrenci belgesi,
3-Anne/babası ayrı olanlar için öğrenci velayetinin başvuru sahibinde olduğuna dair velayetnamenin aslının ve onaylı tercümesi,
4-Evlenme, boşanma vb. nedenlerle öğrenim belgesi ile kimlik/pasaporttaki soyadında değişiklik var ise evlilik cüzdanının ve/veya nüfus kayıt örneğinin yüklenmesi gerekmektedir.
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