Message from the Chairperson

Prof. Dr. Nüzhet Berrin AKSOY
Dear Prospective Students,
I warmly wish all of you a fruitful term of selection and placement. As the faculty of Atılım University, Department of Translation and Interpretation we are proud to provide best quality academic and professional education and training while making use of cutting edge technology in the classroom and in our interpreting laboratories. Among the degrees offered in the field of Foreign Languages, Translation and Interpretation degree is the most comprehensive and professionally-oriented programme due to its high potential and capacity to be able to employ a multi-disciplinary and technologically oriented content. Types of Interpreting, localization work, freelance working environment, face-to-face contact situations, a variety of translation and interpretation environment are the luring elements for high-school graduates to pursue a career at Atılım University, Translation and Interpretation Department. We are looking forward to meeting you and answering your further queries anytime during the selection and placement periods...
Wishing you all the success in your future plans,
Department Chair, Prof. Dr. N. Berrin Aksoy