2. Welding and Heat Treatment Workshop




On April 4-5, 2013, a workshop on heat treatment and welding will be held at Atilim University Metal Forming Center of Excellence (MFCE) conference room. The workshop is co-organized by MFCE of Atilim University and NDT & Welding Centre of Middle East Technical University. The event is supported by ONATUS – Turkey , ESI Group – France and STRESSTECH – Finland companies.

During the workshop, the participants will be informed about the current technological developments in welding & heat treatment fields with a special emphasis on computer simulations and residual stresses. The event also involves demos of software and hardware for prediction and measurement of heat treatment and welding problems and residual stresses, respectively.

Registration is required for attendance and all applications will be subjected to preliminary evaluation due to the limited quota.

With all respect, we expect your precious participation.

For applications and detailed information: onurozturk@onatus.com



* The language of the presentations will be Turkish and English.

* The schedule and official leaflet (in Turkish) can be download from here.