Why should I study Fashion and Textile Design?

The textile and fashion design sector has a structure based on speed, constant change, and research. In addition, it is evident that clothes are a necessity in modern societies. In this regard, the necessity of constant change in such an essential element reveals the need for the mental and physical labor to realize these changes. This need is only met through fashion and textile designers.

As a leading sector of the current era and one that continues to grow every day, the fashion and textile sector requires creative, visionary, aesthetically-minded and technically well-equipped designers to ensure the continuity of high production volumes, to meet the innovation expectations of consumers, and to ensure the continuity of change. This facilitates the integration of fashion and textile design graduates into business life. In addition, the fact that the sector is divided into multiple fields (visual design, modeling, stylist, fashion editor, styling expertise, pattern design etc.) presents the opportunity for people with field training to work in various professional fields.

Unlike many other professions, textile and fashion design is a dynamic profession that is far from monotonous, where imagination and creativity are always involved, and one that includes multiple variables.  For this reason, designers follow different dimensions, worlds, cultures, techniques and materials throughout their careers.


What makes your department stand out among other Fashion and Textile Design departments?

Receiving its first students in 2007, our department has constantly developed ever since, taking into account the demands and expectations of the sector, the academia, and students. In this regard, creating an education program and environment to help our students become sought-after individuals in the sector after graduation has been one of our priorities. In our versatile undergraduate program that provides specialization in the field, in addition to compulsory courses, there are also rich elective course alternatives to support the professional, social and individual development of our students. With the awareness that physical conditions are of great importance in the most efficient continuation of the education process; we have arranged studios, workshops and laboratories at our school and department, in line with professional and technical requirements. Based on the importance of supporting the student-centered education approach with sector-university cooperation, we cooperate with experienced individuals and experts in the sector both in the execution of courses and in our activities such as workshops, seminars, and interviews. With this approach, our students have the opportunity to network with the sector before graduating, and to follow the dynamics of the sector throughout their studies. In addition, within the scope of the Cooperative Education Program, our students are able to do long-term internships with leading brands and designers in the sector, which also grants the opportunity to our students to secure employment before graduating. In addition, with the awareness that design requires vision, experience and versatility, our students are provided with training that helps them in their self-development, in this regard. In addition, our students are also offered the opportunity to study abroad with our current Erasmus contracts with different universities in countries such as Italy, Spain, Austria, Lithuania, and the Czech Republic.


What is Cooperative Education?

The Collaborative Education program is a collaborative program where students gain professional experience while studying. The Cooperative Education model combines education with professional life to equip students with both academic knowledge and professional experience. Flourishing in United States and becoming widespread around the world, the model is widely applied in a large number of countries including those in Europe, and the Far East. The purpose of cooperative education is to integrate the business world with education life. The program is a means to merge theoretical information acquired at the university with the practice at work, with the aim to graduate individuals knowledgeable in both theoretical backgrounds, and practices. Students who fulfill the application requirements may be employed at contracted companies in the sector for 6,5 to 7 months, as soon as their 3rd year in the program ends.


How would you describe the physical features of your department?

Our department provides a seamless progression of field-related educational processes, in line with the sector. At our workshop allocated to students for the purposes of their production processes, we provide consumables, in addition to the necessary technical equipment. We have multi-purpose workshops for textile design and production, design studios, and pattern studios for our drawing courses. We also have computer laboratories for our computer-aided design and drawing courses.


How do you provide foreign language education at the department?

Our curriculum also includes a compulsory English course for 6 semesters for our students not to encounter any problems after graduation. In addition, students who wish to learn a different language may take courses in German, French, Spanish, among many other foreign language courses, all opened by our university.


What are the numbers in terms of your academic staff, and their status as part-time, or full-time instructors?

As of 2019, our department has six full-time and six part-time faculty members.


What is the number of students per academic at the department? Does it matter?

As of 2019, our department employs six full-time faculty members. Judging from our number of students and our quotas, this number is 10 for each faculty member. This ratio enables our faculty members to establish strong one-on-one communication with students during the education and consultancy process, thus contributing to the sustainability of our student-based education approach.


What are the scholarship options and student quotas?

In the Academic Year of 2023-2024, our department is to admit up to 40 students; with up to 20 through the central placement system, and up to 20 international undergraduate degree students. 13 students are to be granted 100% scholarship and 7 students are to be granted 50% scholarship among those to be admitted through the central placement system.


What are the internship opportunities?

To be eligible for graduation, students are required to complete three mandatory internship studies. These are:

Internship I: Internship studies at the department workshop, to last 10 working days at the end of Year 1.

Internship II: Internship studies at ready-made garment operations, to last 20 working days at the end of Year 2.

Internship III: Internship studies at design studios, to last 20 working days at the end of Year 3.

Our students are supervised by a coordinator among our faculty members throughout their internship studies.


Where may graduates find employment?

Atılım University Department of Fashion and Textile Design graduates may be employed as Textile and Fashion Designers, Visual Presentation and Design Specialists at stores, Fashion Research and Development Specialists, Fashion Editors and Fashion Critics, Style Consultants, Accessory and Costume Designers, Fashion Illustrators at national and international levels; in addition to the option to pursue academic careers with the aim to train newcomers into the sector.


How is your communication with your graduates after their graduation?

We make a point to continue our communication with our department graduates, both through the Atılım University Alumni Association, and through one-on-one meetings. We learn about their career progress and share the vacancy details sent to our department from the sector with our graduates, and support them in terms of employment. We also coordinate the creation of a communication network between our students and graduates by bringing them together at various events.


Are any of your graduates now employed abroad?

We have graduates that are both employed abroad, and at international companies that are active here in Türkiye.