Chairperson’s Message

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Serdar Egemen NADASBAŞ
The products have become more and more important both in terms of aesthetics and function due to increasing competition in the markets of the globalizing world. The concept of Fashion Design has gained an important place in production circles. The Fashion Industry has acquired the skills and knowledge to use the latest technologies that can change and develop rapidly. In this atmosphere, fashion designers with the ability and creativity to organize the design process are required.
The aim of the Fashion and Textile Design Program is to train designers who can make designs in accordance with the aesthetic and functional values, possess the ability and knowledge to create fashion and brand names, follow technological improvements, and have the qualifications required by the fashion industry. The projects identified within the university-industry cooperation enable the students to carry out production-oriented studies until graduation. Thus, the aim of training designers with the ability to create fashion and brand names could be realized.