Electric Vehicle Research and Development Laboratory
In this laboratory, studies are carried out on electric vehicle traction and control technologies. There are several electrically driven vehicles in the laboratory. Various equipment is available to measure and test vehicle behavior. In addition to research projects for the industry; The "Atılım Racing Team" Student Society also carries out its work in this laboratory and prepares for competitions.
Post-Graduate Research Laboratory
Robotic Systems Laboratory The main purpose of the laboratory is to study design, modelling and control of robotic systems. It is equipped with a professional robotic manipulator, and several delta robots.
Undergraduate Research Laboratory
This laboratory is for student research, design, practical implementations and tests of the undergraduate students projects. It is equipped with sufficient numbers of computers (equipped with essential software), various power supplies, oscilloscops, signal generators and digital multimeters.
Robotic Systems Laboratory
The main purpose of the laboratory is to study design, modelling and control of robotic systems. It is equipped with a professional robotic manipulator, and several delta robots. Laboratory is equipped with sufficient numbers of measurement equipments.

Aerial Robotics Laboratory
This laboratory is equipped with OptiTrack Motion Capture System that is used for indoor navigation. Additionally, the laboratory also has DJI Phantom 4 Pro which is considered a highly sophisticated quadrotor. The facility is used by undergraduate and graduate students to build up their custom-based drones as well. It also has a secured area that can be used for testing purposes.

Mechatronics Engineering Training Laboratory
This laboratory is equipped with 27 computers (equipped with essential software), power supplies, oscilloscopes, and digital multimeters. Practical activities and experiments related to the Product Development, Microcontrollers, Mechatronics Components, Mechatronics Instrumentation, Digital Circuits and Systems, Signals and Systems, and Intelligent Mechatronics courses are performed in this laboratory. Electronic measuring devices available in this laboratory are also used by the students in their project studies.

Control System Laboratory
This training laboratory is employed to teach basic control methods to the mechatronics engineering students. The laboratory equipped with different experiment hardware for experimenting on the basic topics discussed in the lectures. These experiment setups are: Delta Robot, Ball and Beam and Ball Balancing Table. It is also equipped with several computers, power supplies, oscilloscopes, and other measurement equipment. In addition, systems like Quanser experiment setups, 2 DOF model Helicopter, etc are available for undergraduate and graduate students to carry out research studies.

Design Methodology and Behavior Based Robotics Laboratory
The Laboratory is dedicated to investigate design methodologies for mechatronic design artifacts, to develop and implement a systematic behavior based design methodology for robots at the conceptual design level.

Project Materials Manufacturing and Assembly Laboratory
The Laboratory is used to assemble disassemble mechatronics products to study their components and functions. The aim of the experiments in this laboratory is to train first year students in proper and safe use of the devices and equipment necessary for assembly and disassembly of devices and increase their familiarity with mechatronics devices.