Chairperson’s Message

Metallurgical and Materials Engineering, which takes active role in a number of fields, principally covers the production, shaping, treatment, characterization and behavior in use of metals, ceramics, polymers and composite materials formed from these materials. In all ages, materials have directly influenced the welfare, security and life quality of humankind. This effect became so explicit that certain periods in history was named by materials used then, such as Stone Age, Bronze Age and Iron Age.
Ceramics, polymers and composite materials have been included into the scope of Metallurgical and Materials Engineering which originally was limited with metals. After the expansion of its scope, universities have started conducting new studies on these materials. The innovations in the field of Metallurgical and Materials Engineering have resulted in production and development of new metallic and non-metallic materials. If the new materials had not been discovered and produced in a feasible and efficient way, various modern equipment and structures like machines, computers, telecommunication devices etc. would not be available for us today.
In the light of these developments, departments of Metallurgical and Materials Engineering have tended to focus on new materials and basic metallurgical subjects have been limited or even removed from the curriculums of several departments. Moreover, some of the departments have excluded the word “Metallurgy” from their names. Our department prefers a balanced, applied and student-focused curriculum consisting of basic Metallurgical and Materials Engineering principles and production, properties, characterization of metallic and non-metallic materials.
Our faculty consists of a Physics graduate who majored in Nanomaterials, a Chemical Engineering and Bioengineering graduate who majored in Biomaterials and Metallurgical and Materials Engineering graduates who majored in various areas of Metallurgical and Materials Engineering. Therefore, it is fair to say that engineers deliver lectures at our department. This characteristic of our department is important in terms of raising students who are equipped with engineering formation and the problem solving skills.