Prof. Dr. Nevzat SAYGILIOĞLU

/ +90 (312) 586 8624

Bachelor's: Ankara University PhD: Gazi University

Research Interests : Tax System and Taxation Policies, Fiscal Policies, Foreign Trade, Customs Regulations and Applications.

Detailed CV

Asst. Prof. Dr. Hande EMİN BENLİ

/ +90 (312) 586 8258

Bachelor's: Bilkent University Master's: University of Essex PhD: Atılım University

Research Interests : Law and Economy, Empirical Law Studies, Entrepreneurship, International Trade.

Detailed CV

Asst. Prof. Dr. Esra HASDEMİR

/ +90 (312) 586 8656

Bachelor's, Master's, PhD: Gazi University

Research Interests : Transportation - Air cargo transportation, Economic Growth and Development, International Economics, Applied Econometrics, Panel Data Econometrics, Nonlinear Econometrics.

Detailed CV

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Hülya SAYGILI

/ +90 (312) 586 8230

Bachelor's, Master's: Middle East Technical University PhD: North Carolina State University Proficiency in Arts: Michigan State University

Research Interests : International Trade, Macroeconomics, Applied Econometrics.

Detailed CV

Res. Asst. Sarp ERDEM

/ +90 (312) 586 8969

Bachelor's: Atılım University Master's: Atılım University (ongoing)

Research Interests : Space Logistics, Logistic Operations, International Business and Trade.

Detailed CV

Prof. Dr. Hüseyin Kamil BÜYÜKMİRZA / Instructor from Other Departments

/ +90 (312) 586 8615

Bachelor's: Ankara School of Economics and Administrative Sciences Master's: Michigan State University PhD: Gazi University

Research Interests : Managerial Accounting, Cost Accounting, Accounting System Design.

Detailed CV

Instructor Dr. Esra ŞENGÖR ŞENALP / Instructor from Other Departments

/ +90 (312) 586 8630

Bachelor's: Ankara University Master's, PhD: Hacettepe University

Research Interests : Monetary Economics, Macroeconomics, Macro Finance, Industrial Organization, Applied Econometrics, Applied Time Series Econometrics.

Detailed CV

Asst. Prof. Dr. Burcu TOSUN / Instructor from Other Departments

/ +90 (312) 586 8647

Bachelor's, Master's, PhD: Hacettepe University

Research Interests : Entrepreneurship, , , Management and Organization, Human Resources Management, Strategic Management, , .

Detailed CV

Part Time Instructors

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Önder BELGİN

/ +90 (312) 586 80 00

Bachelor's, Master's, PhD: Gazi University

Research Interests : Supply Chain Management, Warehousing and Inventory Management.

Detailed CV

Instructor Fedai UZUN

/ +90 (312) 586 80 00

Bachelor's, Master's: Gazi University PhD: Çankaya University

Research Interests : International Trade, Banking and Finance.

Detailed CV