Who is Kadriye Zaim?

She was born in Mosul in 1898. Following her teacher training, Kadriye Zaim served as a teacher in various schools until she was appointed to Kadıköy Branch of Darül-un Eytam in 8 August 1934. She continued teaching at Kadıköy Feneryolu Murathan Salih School, Kadıköy Moda School, Kadıköy 10th School and Kadıköy 35th School, respectively.
Afterwards, she was appointed as Headmistress to Kadıköy 5th School where she served until 18 February 1946.
She started teaching the students of Kadıköy 12th School till 30 April 1949. On 1 May 1949, she was appointed to Kadıköy Ibrahimağa as Headmistress and she served there until her resignation on 27 January 1951.
The grandmother of Yalçın Zaim - the founder of the University and the Chairman of the Board of Trustees-, Kadriye Zaim passed away in 1993.