The services are available to both Atilim and non-Atilim members.

Atılım University Library serves the academic staff of the universities with which it has a protocol agreement and external users who are Master's / PhD students (materials are not lent).

Apply to the information desk with your Atilim ID card.

Atilim University Library, Kızılcaşar Mahallesi 06836 Incek / Golbasi 
Tel: 0312 586 84 66 – E-mail:

Education - Training Period

Weekdays: 08:30-22:00,

Weekends (Saturday - Sunday): 10:00-20:00

Summer Period

Weekdays: 08:30 - 17:30

Weekends: Closed.

* Our Study Halls provide uninterrupted service 24/7.

Contact the Cataloging Unit of our university for book donations at: 

Tel: 0312 586 84 64

Contact the librarians at information desk or call the number 0312 586 84 66 

The Corporate Archive Unit at:

Tel: 0312 586 84 51   E-mail:

Only academic staff can request such items. Contact the Procurement Unit for books and the Periodicals Unit for journals and databases. 

Click here to request a resource.

Tel: 0312 586 84 53 E-mail:


These requests can only be made by academic staff. Consult with the librarians at the information desk. 

Visit the office of Security. 

Contact the Corporate Communication Unit for any problem. 

Tel: 0312 586 84 61 E-mail:


All members of Atilim Library can borrow books.

You can borrow items by showing your Atilim ID. No items can be borrowed for anyone other than the ID holder. 

The Atilim academic staff is allowed to borrow 25 items per month, and the administratives and students are allowed 15. New items can be borrowed upon the return of prevision ones. 

Your e-mail information is requested when you register in the library. Make sure that this information is correct and current as all reminders e-mailed to address. 

Use your library account. 

5 liras per day for archive items.

You are required to return the same or newer edition of the item.

If unavailable in the market. You will supply the Library with the book of equivalent value from the “Buy List” prepared by our library.

Yes, except for the items in the reserve archive. 

Contact the information desk librarians for any problem. 

Tel: 0312 586 84 66 E-posta:


Go to Atilim University Library Page, click on the “Catalog Search” link, and enter your username and password. 

You can reserve the items on loan to others, view your reserved items borrowed items and all due dates. You can also extend such due dates using your library account.

You can access OPAC (Open Public Access Catalog) using the “catalog search” link on the Library’s web page and search for items using keywords, author, book and publisher information, or simply free search.

You can find shelf using the location number.

The numbers are assigned according to the subject and appear on the binding of each item. Letters represent subjects according to Library of Congress Classification System (LCC). For example, B is for philosophy, psychology and religion; Q for science; K for law; H for social sciences, etc...

Books are alphabetized left to right according to the first letter of the location number. The numbers are classified left to right in descending order.

Check through catalog search whether the book has been borrowed. If you cannot still find it in its shelf, ask for help from the librarians. 

No. Circulation information cannot be disclosed to third persons. 

It is possible to borrow books or articles (if available) from other information centers by means of TUBESS, ILL services. However, this service is only available to academic staff, who is responsible for delivery charges. 

You can use the remote access by adjusting your proxy settings on your web browser to use the databases and electronic journals of Atilim University Library.

These are items that cannot be borrowed for long period and are used as course material and recommended by the staff for addition to the reserve archive.

Visit information desk. 

Yes, but only two items at a time for the period of 16.00 and 11.00 the next day.

The fine for delayed reserve items is 10,00 Liras per day. 

Only academic staff can request such items. Contact the Procurement Unit for reserve items.

Yes, but the item must be returned to the Library by 11.00 and reborrowed after 16.00.