ATU100 - Orientation (1 + 0) 1

President's Speech; Life at Atılım (Presentations by Administrative Units); Library Seminars; Book Borrowing-Returning Session; Department Promotion Meetings; Promotion of Sports Activities; Visits to Kiosks of Student Clubs and Communities; Informative Presentation on Education Technologies; participation in events organized within the scope of ATU 100.

ENG121 - Basic English I (4 + 0) 3

Vocabulary, structure and communicative skills at beginners level; various topics such as countries, nationalities, jobs, family, feelings, food and drink, colors and clothes and daily routines

ENG122 - Basic English II (4 + 0) 3

Vocabulary, structure and communicative skills at beginners level; various themes such as transport, travel, dates, holidays, money, and shopping..

ENG221 - Basic English III (3 + 0) 3

More vocabulary, structure and communicative skills at elementary level; various themes such as touristic places, hotel services, life styles and daily routines, people and personality, food and drink and various cultural elements.

ENG222 - Basic English IV (3 + 0) 3

More vocabulary, structure and communicative skills at elementary level; various themes such as travel, places, appearance, plans, health, weather, phone conversations, and cultural elements.

HIST101 - Principles of Atatürk and History of Turkish Revolution I (2 + 0) 2

French Revolution; structure and geopolitic positioning of Ottoman Empire, reasons of its decline; Westernization movements, First and Second Constitutional Monarchy declarations; Libya and Balkan wars; First World War; period before the War of Independence, congresses, National Pact, establishment of Turkish Grand National Assembly.

HIST102 - Principles of Atatürk and History of Turkish Revolution II (2 + 0) 2

War of Independence; Lausanne Treaty; declaration of the Republic; removal of sultanic rule and caliphate; Atatürk`s revolutions; establishment of national economy; Second World War, before and after; Turkish Republic after 1960.

HIST201 - History of Civilization (3 + 0) 3

A chronological order of the rise of civilizations from Sumer until the Scientific Revolution.

IKT105 - Microeconomics (2 + 0) 3

Introduction to demand, supply and market price formation; different market types such as monopoly, perfect competition, oligopoly; selected economic problems, resource allocation and the role of prices in income distribution.

IKT106 - Macroeconomics (2 + 0) 4

Aggregate demand, aggregate supply, unemployment, inflation, fundamental macroeconomic concepts; consumption, investment, government expenditures, foreign trade and GNP relations; money market multiplier mechanism.

KRY111 - Career Planning (1 + 0) 1

Being a student at Atilim University, Student-centered programs at Atilim University, Faculty, Department presentations, Career Planning and Coop Program, Erasmus, CV writing types, Interview techniques, Effective Communication and presentation techniques, Intelligence and Personality

LAW101 - Introduction to law (4 + 0) 6

The origins and sources of the law, the role of the law to establish order in society, the comparison of the legal rules with other rules regulating society, application and interpretation of legal rules, rights and their classifications, the main divisions and branches under the concept of law, Rule of Law, sanctions, legal systems, judiciary and

LAW104 - Roman Law (3 + 0) 5

Pre-Islamic period as an introduction to the historical features of Turkish law, the concepts and institutions of Islamic and Ottoman legal system; basic concepts of modern legal thought in Europe, a background knowledge of Roman Law.

LAW105 - Introduction to Civil Law and Law of Persons (4 + 0) 7

General principles of civil Law, persons, personality, protection of personality.

LAW106 - Family Law (4 + 0) 6

Engagement, marriage, divorce, law of property between husband and wife, adoption, guardianship and parental custody.

LAW107 - Constitutional Law (3 + 0) 6

General principles and the basic notions of constitutional law; the notion of constitution; theories on sovereignty and political power; forms of the state; legislative, executive powers and the relations between them; government systems; judicial review of legislative acts; election systems and political parties.

LAW108 - Turkish Constitutional Law (4 + 0) 6

Constitutional law, the normative standards establishing the institutions and functions of the legislative, the executive and the judiciary; regulations of the 1982 Constitution of the Turkish Republic.

LAW210 - Basic Rights and Freedoms (3 + 0) 5

The technical analyses of the various systems; the establishment, protection, and promotion of human rights; current human rights standards; global instruments, such as general and specific human rights covenants adopted by UN and regional instruments, such as ECoHR.

LAW211 - General Principles of International Law (3 + 0) 5

Basic characteristics of international law and differences with other legal arders (domestic law and UE law), sources of international law (treaties, customs, general principles of law) and legal acts.

LAW215 - Public Finance (3 + 0) 4

Scope of public economy, differences between public economy and free market, funding of public service, public income, public dept, public expenditure, public budget.

LAW218 - Issues in International Law (3 + 0) 5

Land, sea, air, space, and environment-related rules, recognition and succession, diplomatic and consular relations, international responsibility and sanctions, peaceful settlement of disputes, the use of force, law of armed conflict.

LAW231 - Law of Obligations I (3 + 0) 5

Introduction to law of obligations, main principles of law of obligations, elements of debt relation, tort, unjust enrichment, performance of obligation and discharging of obligations.

LAW232 - Law of Obligations II (4 + 0) 5

Introduction to law of obligations, main principles of law of obligations, elements of debt relation, tort, unjust enrichment, performance of obligation and discharging of obligations.

LAW233 - Administrative Law I (4 + 0) 5

Administrative law as a discipline of public law, the concept of public administration, historical development and different systems, principles in organization of public administration, central administration of the state, institutions of local government, independant regulatory agencies, the concept of administrative transaction.

LAW234 - Administrative Law II (3 + 0) 5

The authorities of administration, public services, public order and law-enforcement officers, civil servants, disciplinary regulations, public property, pecuniary liability of public administration, contemporary trends in administrative law.

LAW235 - General Provisions of Criminal Law I (3 + 0) 5

The general crime theory, elements of a crime, causes influencing the crime, contempt, multiple crimes, association, recurring criminality, types of punishments, sentencing and execution.

LAW236 - General Provisions of Criminal Law II (3 + 0) 5

The general crime theory, elements of a crime, causes influencing the crime, contempt, multiple crimes, association, recurring criminality, types of punishments, sentencing and execution.

LAW258 - The History of Turkish Law (2 + 0) 3

The Turkish Law before Islam, Islamic Public and Private Law, Public Law and the organisation of the Ottoman Empire until the Term of Tanzimat, development of Turkish Law after Tanzimat and the step to the Republican Law

LAW301 - Special Provisions of Tort Law (5 + 0) 5

Liberty of contracts, special types of contracts, form requirements of contracts.

LAW303 - Civil Procedure Law I (3 + 0) 5

Organization of courts, cases and remedies

LAW304 - Civil Procedure Law II (3 + 0) 3

Litigation process, Amendment, Temporary Legal Proctection, Mediation.

LAW308 - Administrative Judicial Law (3 + 0) 5

The main concepts and rules of judicial review of administration, the structure of administrative Courts, procedures to file a case.

LAW311 - Enterprise Law (3 + 0) 5

Introduction to Turkish Commercial Law, legal transactions about commercial enterprises, basic principles of Mark Law and Unfair Competition.

LAW312 - Corporation Law (3 + 0) 5

Concept of ?Company? in general and characteristics of company, main features of unincorporated company and its details, features of commecial partnerships and their functional process, detailed examination of corporation and limited liability company, reconstruction of companies, Konzern law.

LAW313 - Criminal Law Special Provisions I (2 + 0) 4

The legal value criterion in the classification of these crimes and the various crimes classified accordingly in the criminal law; crimes against The Person, Life and Physical Integrity organized in the TCC.

LAW322 - Tax Law (4 + 0) 5

Taxation relations, taxing process, enforcement law of taxation, settlement of tax disputes, taxes on revenue, wealth and expenses.

LAW341 - Property Law I (3 + 0) 5

Real right, possession, land registry, property

LAW342 - Property Law II (3 + 0) 3

Immovable property, moveable property, types of restricted real rights

LAW344 - Criminal Law Special Provisions II (2 + 0) 3

The legal value criterion in the classification of these crimes and the various crimes classified accordingly in the criminal law; crimes Against Property, Crimes Creating General Danger, Crimes Against the Environment, Public Health, Public Confidence, Public Peace, Public Morals and the Family Order, Nation and State in the TCC.

LAW405 - Criminal Procedure Law I (3 + 0) 5

The place of the criminal procedure law in law order, the principles of the criminal procedure law, judgment, subjects of criminal procedure, and the organs of criminal procedure.

LAW406 - Criminal Procedure Law II (3 + 0) 3

Operation of the criminal procedure, characteristics of the courts of first instance and the appellate courts.

LAW408 - Law of Commercial Papers (3 + 0) 4

Introduction to law of negotiable instruments; general aspects of commercial bills; bill, bill of exchange, cheque.

LAW411 - Private International Law I (3 + 0) 4

Citizanship law, Foreigners law

LAW416 - Private International Law II (4 + 0) 3

Conflict of laws, International civil procedural law

LAW417 - Inheritance Law (3 + 0) 5

Testamentary disposition, shapes and types of testamentary disposition, inheritor, disclaimer of an inheritance.

LAW420 - Enforcement and Bankruptcy Law (3 + 0) 5

Law debt enforcement in general and its aim; enforcement of judgments, bankruptcy in general and types of bankruptcy.

LAW423 - Theories of the State (3 + 0) 5

Ancient Greek and Roman political thought, medieval perspectives on power and authority, the Renaissance and Reformation, the notions of the state as developed by social contract theorists and the rise of the Enlightenment, the formation of modern political ideologies.

LAW436 - Philosophy and Sociology of Law (4 + 0) 6

The foundations of society, social inequality, social institutions, social change; natural law theory, the formal understanding of law: legal positivism.

LAW451 - Labor and Social Security Law I (4 + 0) 5

The concept of labor law,the characteristics of labor law,the sources of labor law,international labor law,organs related to labor law,labor law sanctions, the concept of employee,employer,workplace and the scope of labor law,the concept and types of employment contract,the formation,transfer,and invalidity of employment contracts, the obligations of the employee and the employer's obligation to pay wages the employer's obligations to protect the worker's personality,equal treatment and other

LAW452 - Labor and Social Security Law II (3 + 0) 4

Job security, fundamental changes in working conditions and modification dismissal,termination of the employment contract for just cause,contractual limitations on the right of termination and penalty clauses,severance pay and other consequences of the termination of the employment contracts,working and rest hours, women and child workers, occupational health and safety, the concept and historical development of social security,the application and financing of social insurance,

TURK401 - Turkish Language I (2 + 0) 2

Languages and their classification; history of Turkish language, its spread over the world and its place among other languages; Turkish language in the republic era; orthography; expressions; foreign words, suffixes and prefixes; punctuation; language and verbalism.

TURK402 - Turkish Language II (2 + 0) 2

Written expression and its genres; bibliography; sentence structure and types; misexpression; verbal expressions.

LAW321 - General Accounting (2 + 0) 3

Basic accounting principles, transactions, and operations; basic financial accounting statements like income statement, balance sheet and cash flow statement and their interpretation.

LAW221 - Political Science (3 + 0) 3

The positivist and non-positivist conceptions of science, concepts like power, authority, sovereignty and the state; a sociological approach to issues brought up by the existence of class and other group differences in society.

LAW223 - Sport Law (3 + 0) 3

The economical and sociological dimensions of sports; the characteristics of sports business and the role of the media;the law of sports, the regulations on or related to sports, the resolution of disputes arising from sports.

LAW225 - Law and Women (3 + 0) 3

Equality before the law, anti-discrimination, positive discrimination, feminist theories and different approaches to gender equality, the discirmination in the courts and norms, relevant national an international norms on gender equality.

LAW251 - Legal English I (2 + 0) 3

Famous trials, case law, introduction to the law of contract, European Union law.

LAW491 - Legislative Clinic (1 + 0) 4

In the scope of the law clinic, students are responsible for examining relevant legislation in one or more different issues in each semester, investigating the related literature and court decisions, identifying the problems in practice and developing the solution proposals for them and formulating the proposed act and/ or regulatory transaction

LAW492 - Ombudsman Friendly Legal Clinic (1 + 2) 4

Choosing one or more applications to the Ombudsman Institution whose data is concealed and making research on the related literature and court decisions, examples of other states, writing a recommendation decision offer, sharing this offer with the Institution, publication of this offer in the student journal.

LAW227 - Roman Public Law (3 + 0) 3

The subject of the Roman Public Law course,the Roman State, the constitutional order of the Roman State,political history and political doctrines related to this political structure.Rome's political history,by which is meant the transformation from a small city-state to a centralised empire.The foundation of Rome,the changes and developments it underwent,the people and groups within the state conflicts,which political and legal structure these conflicts led to,and which part of the empire is

ATU400 - Participation in a Research Project (2 + 0) 6

Preparation of project proposals, Fulfillment of duties and responsibilities within the project work packages.

LAW252 - Legal English II (2 + 0) 2

English versions of basic principles of public and common law, pinciples in Latin, sorts of courts and law of contracts.

LAW254 - Law and Literature (2 + 0) 2

The relationship between political power-individual-jurisdiction, the right to due process, penal sanctioning, the aim of punishment, independence and objectivity of judgement, judiciary ethics, principle of equality, prohibition of discrimination, gender, legal positivism, jus naturale, civil disobedience.

LAW256 - Turkish Parliamentary Law (2 + 0) 2

Democratic political representation, parliamentary debate, legislate, control of government, be elected as a member of parliament sufficiency, legislative immunity, the working order GNAT.

LAW109 - Legal Method (2 + 0) 4

Argumentation and logic in law, the concept of law, hierarchy of legal norms, legal interpratation, main principles and methods in legal interpratation

LAW334 - Law and Ethics (2 + 0) 4

The concepts and definitions of morals, ethics and law; similarities and differention in law field; ethical and judicial concepts in Law.

LAW222 - Media Law (2 + 0) 2

Fundamental concepts, principles and legal framework of media law as a whole including press law, radio and television broadcasting law and internet broadcasting law; copyright issues related to media law.

LAW323 - Legal Writing (2 + 0) 3

Basic concepts of "Legal Writing", the petition examples which are used by parties in various judicial proceedings, executive petitions, some basic texts written by judicial authorities, espaecially court decisions, publication.

LAW325 - Intellectual Property Law (2 + 0) 3

Concept of work, intellectual right, elements and types of works, the rights of work owner according to type of work, the right of quotation, publishing, intellectual theft.

LAW336 - Competition Law (2 + 0) 3

Restrictive and corruptive agreements about competition, concerted practice, union of enterprise and abuse of dominant position.

LAW351 - Legal English III (2 + 0) 3

Introduction to Contract law, introduction to Turkish business law, commercial papers, business associations, labour law, private international law.

LAW361 - Health Law (2 + 0) 3

The legal relationship between patient and medical doctors; the rights and responsibilities of the hospitals and patients, the contracts between the parties, the pecuniary and criminal liability of medical staff and hospitals.

LAW355 - Seminar I (2 + 0) 3

Writing an academic essay, research and writing techniques.

LAW497 - Fictional Case I (1 + 0) 4

Modeling of the various stages of a case where students will act as judges, lawyers or prosecutors in a fictional case or a moot case developed from an announced moot court, verbally or verbally and written, depending on the type of the case.

LAW498 - Fictional Case II (1 + 2) 4

Modeling of the various stages of a case where students will act as judges, lawyers or prosecutors in a fictional case or a moot case developed from an announced moot court, verbally or verbally and written, depending on the type of the case.

LAW499 - Fictional Case III (1 + 0) 4

Modeling of the various stages of a case where students will act as judges, lawyers or prosecutors in a fictional case or a moot case developed from an announced moot court, verbally or verbally and written, depending on the type of the case.

LAW493 - Law and Ethics Simulation Clinic (1 + 0) 4

Discussion of the ethical issues and dilemmas related to the profession through group work by studying a fictional case or one or more moot cases with known details.

LAW496 - Legal Decision Writing Clinic (1 + 2) 4

Writing the final court decision in a fictional case or an actual moot case whose details are accessible.

LAW495 - Street Law Clinic (1 + 2) 4

Research on one or more different subjects; gaining information about the learning methods; making a presentation on the subject; providing information to non-lawyers (other faculty students, high school students, NGO's, etc) about their rights and the mechanisms they can use to protect their rights, and answering questions.

LAW481 - Fundamental Rights Advocacy Legal Clinic (3 + 0) 4

Choosing every semester one or more applications to the lawyers who are experts on strategic litigation whose data is concealed, researching the related literature and court decisions, examples of other states and creating strategie, developing these strategies as concrete human rights advocacy strategies, sharing these strategies with relevant institutions and organizations, publication of these strategies in the student journal.

LAW375 - Method at Law and Solving Problems (2 + 0) 3

Relation of law and language, thinking, asking, detecting and solving problems, relation of law, mathematic and logic, notion of fair at law, method at law, solving of concrete / adversarial law problems.

LAW331 - International Migration Law (2 + 0) 3

Knowledge of migration law in terms of internal law, international law and fundamental principles. Migration is regular migration whereby foreigners legally enter into, stay in or exit from Turkey as well as irregular migration where by foreigners enter into, stay in or exit from Turkey through illegal channels and work in Turkey without a permit; as well as international Protection.International Protection is the status granted for refugee, conditional refugee, and subsidiary protection.

LAW401 - Environmental Law (3 + 0) 4

The right to the environment, the meaning and application of the fundamental principles of environmental law as participation, prevention, polluter pays, coordination and precaution; the civil and criminal liability of polluters; environmental impact assessment; major instruments regarding the prevention of pollution and the protection of the envir

LAW443 - The Art of Negotiation and Law (2 + 0) 4

The term of `right?, sources of law; the hierarchy of laws, negotiation techniques, positive discrimination.

LAW333 - Personal Data Protection Law (2 + 0) 3

Within the scope of this course; the definition, elements and legal nature of the concept of personal data, the relationship of personal data protection law with other branches of law, the processing of personal data and the cases where processing is lawful and unlawful, the legal consequences of unlawful processing of personal data and the legal remedies that can be applied in these cases are examined within the framework of current decisions.

LAW335 - Digital Platforms and Law (2 + 0) 3

Digital platforms have led to significant changes in many areas of law. In the face of many new legal problems that have arisen, existing rules have been insufficient and the need to reinterpret existing rules or to introduce new rules has emerged. In this course, the main principles of digital platforms, the main private law problems arising on the platforms and the legal rules developed for the solution of these problems will be explained based on the relevant European Union regulations and ca

LAW337 - Trials That Shaped Legal History (2 + 0) 3

Explaining and discussing important trials in world history and their consequences. In the light of these discussions, making analysis of how and to what extent the relevant trials shape the law applied today.

LAW319 - Introduction to Law of Artificial Intelligence (2 + 0) 3

In this course; the emergence and definition of artificial intelligence in terms of its conceptual framework, machine learning and deep learning, and types of artificial intelligence are examined, explaining the relationship between artificial intelligence and similar concepts. The soft and hard legal rules related to artificial intelligence are presented in the context of comparative law, and the personality, as well as the legal and criminal responsibility of artificial intelligence, are discu

LAW324 - International Arbitration Law (2 + 0) 3

The examination of the International Arbitration Law and the interpretation of its provisions and the evaluation of the subjects mentioned above by the examination and evaluation of the relevant provisions of Code Concerning International Private and Procedural Law, The New York Convention on the Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Arbitral Awar

LAW330 - Stock Market Law (2 + 0) 3

The principal concepts of capital markets law.

LAW332 - Attorneyship and Notaryship Law (2 + 0) 3

Basic writing rules, writing petition, official warning, precept over pracitical examples, writing all kinds of petitions.

LAW338 - Financial Crimes (2 + 0) 3

The concept of financial crime, financial crimes within the scope of Criminal Code, banking crimes, capital market crimes, exchange crimes, financial management crimes.

LAW352 - Legal English IV (2 + 0) 3

Introduction to legal terminology, main concepts of commercial law, terminology on labour law and international private law.

LAW428 - Political Parties (2 + 0) 3

The historical development and the function of political parties; internal structure of political parties and the relationship between political parties, political power.

LAW356 - Seminar II (2 + 0) 3

Legal research methods and different aspects of legal writing.

LAW310 - Individual Application to Constitutional Court (2 + 0) 3

The constitutional complaint (individual application to Constitutional Court) in comparative perspective; the provisions of the Constitution and Law on Constitutional Court, internal regulations of the Constitutional Court; rules on admissibility criteria; the types of decisions of the Constitutional Court and the enforcement of those judgements; some specific rights such as freedom of expression, personal liberty and security, right to respect for private life etc.

LAW314 - Law of Administrative Sanctions (2 + 0) 3

Administrative sanction, sanction types, administrative fines, administrative measures, disciplinary punishments, remedies against administrative sanction decisions.

LAW354 - Arbitration in Domestic Law (2 + 0) 3

Non-Institutional (Provisional/Ad-Hoc) Arbitration, Institutional Arbitration, Arbitrability, Eligibility of Arbitration, Selection of Arbitrators, Arbitral Trial, Arbitrary Decision, Application Methods Against the Arbitrator's Decision.

LAW340 - Introduction to Economic Law (2 + 0) 3

Explaining the main aims and principles of the doctrine of economic analysis of law, its emergence and development, and the role that the fundamental principles of economics can play in the establishment of legal rules and in the examination, interpretation and evaluation of existing rules.

LAW415 - Constitutional Judiciary (3 + 0) 4

Comparative constitutional jurisdiction; theoretical and historical foundations of constitutional jurisdicton; functions and power of Turkish Constitutional Court.

LAW421 - Criminology (3 + 0) 4

Crime, criminal, criminality, juvenile deliquency, victimology, prevention and control of deliquency.

LAW431 - Maritime Law (2 + 0) 4

Maritime commercial law, maritime law of persons, maritime law of property, maritime law of obligations.

LAW433 - Financial Law (2 + 0) 4

General provisions on finance law.

LAW435 - IT Law (2 + 0) 4

The main concepts of information technology law, internet law and comparative analyses of different regulations on different countries, IT crimes, IT security, electronic contracts.

LAW425 - Mediation in Legal Disputes (3 + 0) 4

Alternative solutionways which are out of trial; ways parties can use to solve disputes with the help of mediation; Mediation as an effective alternative solution way in disputes.

LAW494 - Legal Aid Practice (1 + 2) 4

Real legal aid applications and applications; preparation of a factsheet under the supervision of the facilitator and its submittal to the Legal Aid Board of Ankara Bar Association.

LAW427 - Cooperative Law (3 + 0) 4

General principles of the cooperative system and the general characteristics of cooperatives,the corporation process and the articles of association,acquisition and loss of the shareholder status,internal and external legal relations of the cooperative, rights and obligations of the partners,general assembly, board of directors,auditors,cooperative associations,cooperative central unions,Turkey's National Cooperatives Association and advisory board, liquidation and dissolution of cooperatives

LAW220 - Environment Policy (2 + 0) 3

The dimensions and reasons of environmental problematics, the parts which are involved in its solution and their responsibilities.

LAW426 - Forensic Medicine (2 + 0) 4

No data provided

LAW442 - Consumer Law (2 + 0) 4

No data provided

LAW261 - Children`s Law (2 + 0) 3

The historical development and the importance of children`s rights, international treaties on children`s rights, social security, educational rights of children, paternity, parental rights, adoption of children.

LAW424 - Insurance Law (2 + 0) 3

Insurance in general, insurance agreement, property insurance, liability insurance, life insurance.

LAW434 - European Union Law (2 + 0) 3

European Union institutions, the reflection of EU law on the national law.

LAW430 - Structural Changes in Commercial Partnerships and Corporate Group Law (2 + 0) 3

Merger, division, change of legal form of commercial partnerships, legal relations between the dominant and affiliated partnerships and especially the issues of responsibility.

LAW440 - Children's Rights and Children's Ombudsman (2 + 0) 3

Rights in the Convention on the Rights of the Child and the function of the Ombudsman Institution Child Unit in protecting children's rights.

LAW320 - Right to Fair Trial (2 + 0) 3

Examination of the purpose and scope of the right to a fair trial in the Constitution and the European Convention on Human Rights in terms of criminal and administrative proceedings. Evaluation of the rules and application mechanisms in the judicial law within the framework of the freedom to seek rights and examination of the relevant court decisions.

LAW460 - International Criminal Law (2 + 0) 3

This course examines concepts such as international criminal law,international crimes, and the law of armed conflict; the elements of international crimes (genocide, crimes against humanity, war crimes, and the crime of aggression); the development of international criminal law and, consequently, international criminal tribunals; as well as the jurisdiction of the International Criminal Court established by the Rome Statute and the general provisions of the Statute

HUM411 - Social and Cultural Reflections in Turkish Literature in the Republican Era (3 + 0) 4

New Turkish literature period; Tanzimat, constitutionalism, national struggle, acceptance of the Republic, enlightenment, modernism, postmodernism.

HUM112 - Preparation for Professional Life (3 + 0) 4

Greeting others kindly and politely; personality traits, body language and smiling; introduction to professional life; preparing CV and resume and preparation for interviews; the concept of being a good human: ethical conduct; the manners of new generation in business life; time management and its importance; addiction in business life, the limits of the work environment, challenges in professional life.

HUM204 - Volunteering Studies (1 + 0) 4

Participating voluntarily in the work of aid organizations established within public institutions, local governments and non-governmental organizations in order to support those who face difficulties, especially children, the elderly, the disabled and disadvantaged groups, and sharing what they acquired through the university education.

HUM318 - Introduction to Logic (3 + 0) 4

Basic logical concepts, reasoning, argument analysis, informal logic, language and definitions, fallacies, syllogistic logic, categorial propositions, syllogisms in ordinary language, modern symbolic logic, propositional logic, truth functions and arguments, methods of derivation, predicate logic.

ENG393 - Basic English Speaking Skills (3 + 0) 4

This course provides students with a range of basic communicative activities aimed at activating their existing skills to participate effectively in basic communicative contexts. Students will practice how to communicate accurately in academic or professional environments with confidence.

LAW122 - Project Management and Project Development Practices (3 + 0) 4

Explanation of the concept of project cycle, Explanation of the stages of the project, Explanation of the preparations to be made while writing the project, Explanation of the creation of project strategy, Funding sources, how to search for funds suitable for the project; Explanation of the importance of writing a project suitable for the fund, Project idea development, creation and presentation, Project preparation, presentation and application.