ATU IEEE Student Club Organizes an Inspiring Event for Middle and High School Students from Children’s Home Sites


On February 22, 2025, Atılım University IEEE Student Club held an inspiring event for middle and high school students from children’s home sites. The event aimed to encourage young people aspiring to pursue careers in engineering and technology to engage with science and education.

The event opened with speeches held at the Kemal Zaim Hall at Atılım University, School of Engineering. Welcomed by the IEEE WIE (Women in Engineering) team, students from children’s home sites took their first steps into a motivational journey with speeches by our students in the club. They were inspired by the speakers’ personal experiences, and discussions on their potential in the field of engineering. Additionally, students gained different perspectives by meeting speakers from other schools such as Law, Medicine, and Business.

During the event, various engineering departments of Atılım University were introduced. In addition to departments such as Automotive, Electrical and Electronics, Information Systems, Computer and Software, and Aerospace Engineering, the departments of Psychology and Architecture were also presented to our guests. Through interactive experiments conducted during laboratory tours, students took the opportunity to explore the world of engineering more closely. These hands-on experiences provided them not only with theoretical knowledge, but also with practical insights, rendering these moments among the highlights of the event.

The Atılım University IEEE Student Club plans to hold the event annually. By expanding their activities, they aim to reach more participants and encourage children living in children’s home sites to pursue education and career goals.

This meaningful event seeks to leverage the power of the IEEE community to broaden young people’s visions for the future, and provide them with a strong foundation for their professional careers.