Technological Infrastructure

At the center of the developments in science and technology, our University extends its investments so that our students and staff can follow and utilize technology closely and obtain necessary knowledge.
Atilim University Kadriye Zaim Library
Atilim University Kadriye Zaim Library has been providing service in its new building since March 2013.
SirsiDynix Symphony Library Automation Software, proxy service, 3M Self-Check System for circulation and similar modern technological opportunities are provided to researchers and our students. In line with the developments in science and technology, our library services are provided online so that our students can conduct their research related to their education in a non-spatial way.
SirsiDynix Symphony Library Automation System (
The system can easily be used in all devices. The system is web-based and enables to carry out all transactions online. It is an independent and web-based platform; therefore, it is possible to access the software anywhere across the world. It provides standard features of globally accepted library automation software.
SirsiDynix Symphony runs on Linux operating system and and thus, it is more secure against all kinds of pirate attacks than other operating systems. Thanks to its database, the system enables users to do their transactions fast and properly. In addition, the firewall integrated in this system supports its reliability. The system also has multiple-user and multiple-language options.
Remote Access to Databases
In accordance with license agreements, our users may get remote access to the databases of our University by means of proxy server. Researchers can access proxy server through their Atilim University e-mail account access information. ( click for detailed information).
Circulation and 3M Self-Check System
3M Self-Check System ensures fast and secure circulation and self-check transactions for the users. The system works in coordination and integration with Symphony automation software and records all transactions to the software simultaneously. The system starts circulation transactions with the bar code number of the resources.
Readers do circulation transaction by checking reader information and material information in the automation software. Thanks to its multiple-material detection, 3M Self-Check System does not allow to circulate more than one material with one bar code. The receipt printed out by the printer of the system after the transaction include several information such as return date, number of other sources circulated by the user, circulation date, number of reserved sources, etc. Users may receive the receipt via e-mail, upon request. All transactions are carried out on a color touch screen and its graphic design leads users.
Consequently, 3M Self-Check System offers all services necessary to facilitate library operation and circulation services.
Users can do circulation and return transactions on their own by using their library accounts given after they enroll in the library.
3M Self-Check System enhanced effectiveness and service quality of the Library.
3M Door Security and Passing System
3M Door Security and Passing System is a library security system complying with international standards.
Thanks to this system, users cannot take along the resources which are not circulated through the automation system. In the cases where uncirculated sources are taken out of the Library, alarm system is activated and each alarm is recorded in the system.
TOTEM Library Information Display
The activities to be organized in the library, posters in various subjects and announcements are exhibited on the information display in order to inform users about all the announcements and activities of the library.
Libguides (Library Guides)
We have created library guides to offer online reference service to our users in various subjects. These guides are used by approximately 700 libraries around the world. Reference services acquired a new dimension after the utilization of library guides. Library guides are information sharing platforms. The content of library guides which are shared and updated on the web covers subject guides, course support pages and the links and instructions of databases.
Corporate and Open Archive
It is a database containing the sequence of services through which the documents produced in our University are collected, stored, indexed, protected and distributed digitally. Conferences are uploaded to this database with their video records, images and texts.
Articles written by our academic staff and theses of our University are shared in the system with the permission of their writers. 806 data have been shared in the system. The website uses CMS and masthead infrastructure.
Ankara Digital City Archive
Ankara Digital City Archive (ADKA) is incorporated under Atilim University Kadriye Zalim Library in order to improve and extend the awareness of urbanity and history in Ankara.
Ankara Digital City Archive takes responsibility in the fields of increasing urban cultural production, and review, collection, cataloging, preserving in appropriate conditions, digitalization, exhibition and publication of primary sources of information reflecting the cultural values and history of Ankara.
There are a large number of documents about Ankara; however, these documents are kept by different institutions or individuals and cannot be shared as they have not been digitalized. Ankara Digital City Archive is a document pool. Documents are published in the website along with their owners and acquisition process.
It is a source sharing application utilized in university libraries and information centers. By using this application, users can visit the collections of other libraries and circulate the books which are not available in our collection.
The servers which were set up with Cloud Computing Architecture and 4000 Mbps total access capacity are used for the following aims:
LMS (Moodle) for Distance Education
Database and video broadcast
Synchronous Virtual Classroom (BigBluButton)
Our Directorate founded “Content Development Studio” by further strengthening its technical infrastructure with the investments in 2013 and became the first and only center professionally video recording the courses with the Greenbox technology in Turkey. Our students have the opportunity to follow the professional contents prepared in this studio with their smart devices (laptop, smart phone, and tablet) and receive education in the world-class standards.
Virtual Classroom
Our virtual classroom transfers the transactions on the virtual board, the voice of the speaker, and the general appearance of the classroom to anywhere in the world via the internet synchronically. The transactions done on the virtual board especially in the courses requiring problem-solving, numerical analysis and graphics presentation are recorded in HD quality and these transactions are used in the infrastructure of video courses.
The virtual classroom with its capacity of 11 people provides an opportunity for in-service training, orientation and special presentations requiring technical support.
Distance Education Software Platforms
Learning Management System (LMS) – MOODLE
Atilim University uses Moodle Learning Management System in order to provide the content of online courses in the Distance and Formal Education. Moodle is an open source software widely used throughout the world and it is distinguished from other LMSs with its pedagogical specifications.
Atilim University utilizes Moodle system with its own sources. We do not have to outsource any service for the operation of Moodle. The Directorate of Distance Education has the technical and academic expertise required for Moodle. Our technical and academic staff provide necessary trainings to our Instructors regularly and upon request. For further information, click here.
Virtual Classroom Platform – BigBlueButton
The virtual courses in our Distance education programs are provided through BigBlueButton web conference system integrated to the Moodle Learning Management System. BigBlueButton is an open source web conference system prepared for distance education platforms. It can be integrated to important Learning Management Systems (LMS) such as Moodle. The system is capable of streaming online course for 500 students simultaneously.
In this platform the virtual courses are prepared beforehand by the technical staff according to the curriculum. The instructors can access the virtual classroom at home or university by clicking a link and the learners can attend the courses from any place where internet access in available.
All virtual courses in BigBlueButton are recorded by the instructors. These recordings can be accessed from the course page and watched again and again.
Preventing Plagiarism – TURNITIN
Integrated to Moodle, Turnitin compares the theses, assignments and projects given by the instructors of Distance and Formal Education with academic databases, electronic libraries and other online resources in order to prevent plagiarism. Turnitin easily prevents plagiarism by comparing assignments with more than 10 billion documents.
Lime Survey – ONLİNE ANKET
Üniversitemiz Akademik ve İdari kadroları tarafından ihtiyaç duyulan anketlerin online olarak yapılmasında Açık Kaynak Kodlu Lime Survey anket yazlımı kullanılmaktadır.
Moodle platformundaki anket araçları kayıtlı kullanıcılarımıza yönelik olarak kullanılabilirken Lime Survey Anketleri sayesinde üniversitemiz dışından da görüşler alınabilmektedir.
Our University utilizes Open Source Lime Survey software in order to conduct online surveys that academic and administrative staff need.
With Lime Survey, it is possible to take recommendations out of our university, while the survey tools in Moodle are benefited by the registered users.
mPADs being produced at our University contribute the education of our students in terms of mobile education.
4 generations of tablet (Atılım PAD®) have been developed under the auspices of the Board of Trustees, guidance of Asst. Prof. Korhan Ertürk and Inst. Ozalp Tozan and contributions of our students within the scope of Mobile Education Project since 2011. In addition it was registered by the Ministry of Industry and Commerce as the first brand of our University. (2-year guarantee and maintenance and repair support)
Our university have the materials produced in China, allocated a laboratory, completed assembly processes, conducted tests on the devices and carried out marketing and distribution activities.
The further objectives of the project are to keep students connected with the university constantly, make educational systems available for students non-spatially and time-independently, raise interest in courses and level of education and create a social network for Atilim University.
Features of previous mPADs®”
- The devices were developed with different screen sizes (9.1, 10.1 and 7”).
- The processors of the tablets were upgraded in parallel with developing technology; a double core processor (1 Ghz for each) were integrated into Atilim mPAD 03.
- All three devices were equipped with Cortex processors which are developed by Chinese Rockchip company with minimum features.
- Each model has a different storage capacity (8, 16 and 64 GB).
- The first generation does not support external storage while the next two generations support 16 GB and 32 GB respectively.
- The weights of the devices are less than 600gr.
- All generations have limited sensors.
- Battery life is determined to be maximum 5 hours.
- All generations support USB and HDMI connections.
- System-supporting software applications were installed in all generations and their number has been increased within the process.
- When all generations are compared, it is clear that Atılım mPAD 02 is superior to the other generations.
- Atılım mPAD® tablets are classified among middle-level devices in the market in terms of their price/performance values.
Features of Atılım PAD 04 to be used in Preparatory School as of September 2017
- Octacore Processor
- Android operating system
- 64GB external memory and 128GB MicroSD
- USB Flash disc support
- 10.1” high resolution screen
- 10-point touchscreen sensitivity
- Supported rear cover for an ergonomic stand
- All courses are uploaded and it is ready to be used as an e-book.
- Touch-pen, earphone and minimum 8-hour battery life with additional power supply.
- WIFI and GSM data connections through BT and GPS.
- You may make a call
- Software required for e-book