Corporate Data Center Management
Atilim University's Data Center hosts the data and information bases regarding all active and graduated students and staff as well as the corporate data of all academic and administrative units at the University along with the log files of daily network access transactions. Back-up and recovery operations of this data infrastructure are also performed in the Data Center.
The Data Center contains more than 50 individual hardware server systems which are multiplied to even greater numbers of actually serving systems by using virtualization techniques.
The Data Center's inner temperature and humidity levels are regulated by redundancy-backed-up air conditioning systems, raised floors, grated floor panels and continuous air-ventilation systems. Gas-spraying fire extinguishing systems are employed in case of a fire emergency. The Data Center has a dedicated UPS and power generation system, to be switched on, in case of power outages. Fingerprint scanning systems guarantee the prevention of unauthorized physical access of the Data Center.