- School of Arts & Sciences
- School of Fine Arts, Design and Architecture
- School of Law
- School of Business
- School of Engineering
- Computer Engineering
- Information Systems Engineering
- Electrical-Electronics Engineering
- Industrial Engineering
- Energy Systems Engineering
- Physics Group
- Aerospace Engineering
- Manufacturing Engineering
- Civil Engineering
- Chemical Engineering
- Mechanical Engineering
- Mechatronics Engineering
- Metallurgical and Materials Engineering
- Automotive Engineering
- Software Engineering
- School of Health Sciences
- School of Medicine
- Vocational School
- Vocational School of Health Services
- School of Civil Aviation (4-Year)
- School of Foreign Languages
- Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences
- Department of Computer Engineering
- Department of Information Systems Engineering
- Department of Electrical & Electronics Engineering
- Department of Industrial Engineering
- Department of Physics
- Department of Manufacturing Engineering
- Department of Civil Engineering
- Department of Chemistry
- Department of Chemical Engineering
- Department of Mechanical Engineering
- Department of Mathematics
- Department of Mechatronics Engineering
- Department of Metallurgical and Materials Engineering
- Department of Architecture
- Department of Modeling and Design of Engineering Systems
- Department of Software Engineering
- Graduate School of Health Sciences
- Graduate School of Social Sciences
- Department of Public Relations and Advertising
- Department of Interior Architecture and Environmental Design
- Department of Economics
- Department of English Language and Literature
- Department of Business
- Department of Public Law
- Department of Public Administration and Political Science
- Department of Clinical Psychology
- Department of Public Finance
- Department of Translation and Interpretation
- Department of Private Law
- Department of Tourism and Hotel Management
- Department of International Relations
- Department of International Trade and Logistics
- Directorates
- Directorate of ARGEDA Technology Transfer Office
- Directorate of Information and Communication Technologies
- Directorate of Human Resources
- Directorate of Corporate Communication and Promotion
- Library
- Directorate of Financial Affairs and Budget
- Directorate of Student Affairs
- Directorate of Social Affairs and Sports
- Directorate of International Relations
- Directorates/Management Offices
- Directorates/Coordination Offices
- Offices
- Support Unit for People with Special Needs
- Directorates
- Student Affairs
- Campus Life
- University Candidates
To educate professional engineers and investigators who are capable of analytical thinking, keeping abreast of technological change and integrating it into the workplace, participating in national and international research projects, and who are well-informed about contemporary ethical standards in the field.
To be a pioneering department that implements the most up-to-date graduate curriculum in the field of civil engineering, conducts projects in coordination with various research centers, and is effective in laboratory and field studies.