Chairperson’s Message

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Elif GÜNEŞ
Interior Architecture and Environmental Design is an area of profession that design creative and unique interiors with high quality of life, by apprising and interpreting its user group’s comfort and aesthetic perception in the context of physical, psychological, ergonomic and sociological properties, economic conditions and cultural values. In this context, interior architecture is an interdisciplinary scientific field that entwined with other disciplines such as architecture, psychology, sociology, ergonomic and economy and integrated with art. The education program of our department is constituted according to provide this interdisciplinary integrity of these fields, to satisfy requirements which you will need, in order to be successful during your professional and academic life after graduation, to contribute you to take part in international platforms.
We are so excited to convey and share interior architecture profession with creative and unique studies, which are created in the light of usage, comfort and aesthetic values, with you during education process. We hope to share this excitement and assign a meaning to interiors with you.