Atılım University Quality Assurance System





With the Atılım University perspective, the University is regarded as a system, composed of subsystems/ components, and influenced by both external and internal dynamics/ developments/ views; a perspective that is also taken into account in process management. The relevant quality assurance system has been designed to ensure the security of this system structure.

The fundamental inputs of the Atılım University quality assurance system, as described above, are defined as “Stakeholder feedback,” “Change in ecosystem dynamics,” “Mission/ Vision-based change,” and “Data and performance indicators related to education and research outputs.” The need for improvement in the current program/ practice, and the requirement for the development of a new program/ practice may arise, depending on stakeholder feedback, changes in ecosystem dynamics, or mission/ vision-based changes. With the data obtained from these sources, the area for improvement/ development is determined, and sub-processes are executed. Sub-processes include processes managed by the university units and/ or committees designated by the President. Upon the completion of the relevant sub-processes, an updated or new program/ practice emerges. The effectiveness and efficiency of the updated or new program/ practice are measured again through the fundamental inputs, ensuring that the system functions as intended.

The Atılım University Quality Assurance System has unique sub-processes and practices:

Process management by the President

Improvement/ development based on student feedback

School performance evaluation system

The President in School Program

Research-oriented education mechanisms