Ankara, 90-Year-Old Capital of the Republic of Turkey

People must fulfil certain conditions in order to grow mature. A nation, where paintings are not done, sculptures are not made and the requirements of science are not met, can never achieve progress.

Mustafa Kemal Atatürk”


An art exhibition titled ‘Ankara, 90-Year-Old Capital of the Republic of Turkey’ which was organized by Atılım University, Faculty of Fine Arts, Design and Architecture, Department of Graphic Design and which is composed of works of art of the members of the United Painters and Sculptors Association (UPSA) opened.

The inauguration speech of the exhibition which opened on October 30, 2013 in the foyer located in the Faculty of Fine Arts, Design and Architecture was made by Asst. Prof. Himmet Gümrah (PhD), Head of Department of the Department of Graphic Design. In his speech, Gümrah extended his thanks to the United Painters and Sculptors Association (UPSA) which was founded in 1970 and which is the second largest artists organization in terms of the number of its members.

Following Mr. Gümrah’s speech, Prof. Abdurrahim Özgenoğlu (PhD), President also made a short speech. A cocktail also accompanied the exhibition. The exhibition in question will be open until November 15, 2013.