MÜBAK 2024 Garners Young Researchers’ Interest
The Student Congress on Engineering Sciences and Studies (MÜBAK), an effort to encourage students of engineering disciplines to participate in the ecosystems of research and entrepreneurship, took place at Atılım University School of Engineering on May 16-17, 2024.
Supported under the TÜBİTAK program 2223-B, namely the Domestic Scientific Event Organization Grant program, the MÜBAK 2024 saw 29 sessions, and a total of 108 declarations.
Inaugurated with speeches by Prof. Dr. Yılser Devrim, Dean of AU School of Engineering, and our president Prof. Dr. Serkan Eryılmaz; the first day of the event continued with a presentation on “The Search for Life and Intelligence in the Universe” by Dr. Umut Yıldız, an esteemed Turkish astrophysicist. On the second day of the event, Prof. Dr. Fahrettin Öztürk, Chairperson of the Board of Executives of TUSAŞ Motor Sanayii A.Ş. and Vice President of TUSAŞ, gave a speech titled “The History of Aviation and R&D”, as the guest speaker.
We thank our young researchers for having added to our scientific background, and everyone else having made the congress possible.