Atılım University and Kuzey Boru A.Ş. Join Forces, Hold “Kuzeyboru Spaghetti Bridge Contest”
The “Kuzeyboru Spaghetti Bridge Contest” took place between April 18-19, 2024, by Atılım University School of Engineering, Department of Civil Engineering, in collaboration with Kuzeyboru A.Ş. A massive opportunity for our students to practice team-work and working in an interdisciplinary manner, the contest saw 12 projects by project groups of students from the departments of Architecture, Medicine, Software Engineering, Computer Engineering, Aerospace Engineering, and Mechanical Engineering, in addition to those from the Department of Civil Engineering.
President Prof. Dr. Serkan Eryılmaz, Dean Prof. Dr. Yılser Devrim, Kuzey Boru A.Ş. Officials, and Judges of the contest visited the event to see the spaghetti bridges by our students.
The bridges of the competing teams were tested for endurance, after an evaluation on their “aesthetic uniqueness” by judges Prof. Dr. Tolga Akış, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Meriç Yılmaz, Asst. Prof. Dr. Halil Cenan Mertol, Asst. Prof. Dr. Ebru Akış and Asst. Prof. Dr. Saman Aminbakhsh.
The award ceremony took place with the contributions by President Prof. Dr. Serkan Eryılmaz; after the inauguration speeches by Dean of School of Engineering Prof. Dr. Yılser Devrim, as well as Yüksel Karaca from Kuzeyboru A.Ş.
Winning Teams:
· First place: “Winners” (Egemen Erdil, Barış Ozan Bal, Berenay Tolga Alkan)
· Second place: “1 Çiçek 4 Böcek” (Zeynep Sude Daşçi, Soner Parlak, Baran Özpolat, Hüseyin Arda Özdemir, Erdem Şahin)
· Third place: “Betta” (Ramazan Erten, Yaren Köroğlu, Ekin Bejan Baykara, Emir Kutluhan Arslan, Gözde Naz Aksoy)
We wish the contestants luck in their future endeavors, and thank Kuzeyboru A.Ş. For their support, as well as everyone else for their efforts; extending our regards.