AU Contributes to the CAIDP Report on Artificial Intelligence and Democratic Values
Research Assistant Yiğitcan Çankaya of Atılım University, School of Law, Department Major of Labor and Social Security Law has been accepted into the Spring 2024 research group to study the legal policies on artificial intelligence, at the Center for AI and Digital Policy (CAIDP) based in Washington.
Set to work alongside many researchers specializing in the field of artificial intelligence; Yiğitcan Çankaya is to perform a comparative research and analysis on the policies and the law on artificial intelligence, and contribute to the CAIDP Report on Artificial Intelligence and Democratic Values, as well as other periodical studies of the center. As the most effective artificial intelligence research center in the US, CAIDP prepares reports that are used by a multitude of countries, such as the US and the UK; and many international organizations such as the European Union, and the Council of Europe; shaping the law on artificial intelligence.
The research group that involves our very own RA Yiğitcan Çankaya among the 220 group researchers from about 90 countries is to achieve its research objectives via weekly meetings and duties, within the scope of the interdisciplinary clinic to last until April, 2024.
We congratulate our young academician, and wish him luck in his future endeavors.